New Billionaire Part 2. American Aquarian Gut Check: King Charles Unwittingly Decrees a Farewell to Kings; So, #47 POTUS 2B Obliges w 28th Amendment and $15 Trillion USD Knock Out Punch to Imperialism, 247 Yrs Overdue

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! 🇺🇸US DAVE ’24 POTUS Strategy, YouTube’s Cosmic Emperor an Ordinary Average Guy, DECLARES: 247 Years After the USA Defeated Tyranny, We the People’s Consenting Governed Authority will NOT COWER TO DIGITAL TYRANTS God Save the King! LOL Rather, God Save the Face of the King and to Heck with Digital Tyrants! … Continue reading New Billionaire Part 2. American Aquarian Gut Check: King Charles Unwittingly Decrees a Farewell to Kings; So, #47 POTUS 2B Obliges w 28th Amendment and $15 Trillion USD Knock Out Punch to Imperialism, 247 Yrs Overdue