New Billionaire Part 2. American Aquarian Gut Check: King Charles Unwittingly Decrees a Farewell to Kings; So, #47 POTUS 2B Obliges w 28th Amendment and $15 Trillion USD Knock Out Punch to Imperialism, 247 Yrs Overdue

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! 🇺🇸US DAVE ’24 POTUS Strategy, YouTube’s Cosmic Emperor an Ordinary Average Guy, DECLARES: 247 Years After the USA Defeated Tyranny, We the People’s Consenting Governed Authority will NOT COWER TO DIGITAL TYRANTS

God Save the King! LOL Rather, God Save the Face of the King and to Heck with Digital Tyrants!

King’s speech: Charles delivers first King’s speech in 70 years to Parliament. YouTube. (2023, November 7). Retrieved November 10, 2023

Digitally Fixated Monarchs Take Heed! A Focus On Free Market Development is not just Humanitarian; The USA has Proven Public Trust Provides 247 Years of Economic Superiority

Which of the Kings Ministers paired UK’s ITIL with USA’s SOX Act to create a Billionaire Nobility? Which USA Grand colluding, revolving door masterminds are colluding to perfect systemic fraud?

Systemic fraud and all the financial terrorism that goes with it such as hype, school shootings and racing to pass trillion dollar spending bills, CANNOT HIDE the RAPIDLY DETERIORATED US and GLOBAL MARKETS or IMMENSE WEALTH GAP POINTING DIRECTLY AT CRIMINALS. Gee Zeus, figure it out: Great Reset Digital Tyrants along with their Corporate Board Cronies are funneling billions from legitimate governments globally and CALLING IT TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT

With Unmatched Training, Treacherous Individuals Aspiring to Hold Office with the purpose of Dereliction of Duty to Nation are Indoctrinated and follow strategy born of Secret Societies. Thusly ENTITLED, these REVOLVING DOOR FREELOADERS Ask Nothing Other than What Their Country Can Do for Them. Our taxes Pay for Top Secret Intelligence Leaders and WHAT, THEY GO TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY FOR HIRE??? TO DO WHAT? UNDERMINE THE PUBLIC TRUST? NO? EXPLAIN THIS:

“Masterminds” Of The Elites. Intelligence You Paid Taxes For To Protect You, Now For Hire. 
Image Courtesy Unknown. (2019, January 28). Our executive team: Arcanum. Arcanum Global. 
Retrieved May 26, 2022, from Screenshot Image Retrieved November 12, 2023 from

The Intended Bio Page From Arcanum Global Was Digitally Manipulated to Display Only “Our Leadership Team” and So Replaced with the Above Image provided by Arcanum Global Website

Our executive team: Arcanum. Arcanum Global. (2019, January 28).  Accessed November 11, 2023
Click on Arcanum Global Leadership Team to See Corporate Intelligence FOR HIRE

Arcanum Global Captures the Cosmic Emperor’s 2023 ALL EYES ON US GLOBAL IDIOT Award for BEST Criminal Self Exposure

Stumbling over a dollar to pick up a dime, Digital Tyrants become wasters of self and humanity, adept at sliding in a backward direction. Believing it is easier to steal from existing markets, or simply parting up centuries old value chains and selling them off, than it is to allow the citizens to create legitimate, self generating free markets, the Elitist Traitors under the guise of honorable service paid for by the USA and UK, become the strategists who direct, then script writers who cover up the worlds most gruesome acts of terror, pillage and genocide.

Accumulating the Skills to Perfect Killing and Fraud, International Grand Colluders have Reached the Stardom of Al Capone. Historically, Regimes who Maraud together Receive Public Acclaim!

Dave Campbell short: Mussolini & trump share rage; the Upside Down Path; turn your frown upside down. YouTube. (2021, March 1).  Retrieved November 11, 2023

Tricked by Elite Families who own Banks, Bone Head Tyrant Thugs are Financed and Groomed to Drive Economies to Marshal Law for the Same Purpose as Always, Stealing from the Citizens

Learning the talk of societal marauders who prefer to murder, kill and steal rather than to raise up humanity or to honor society, these evil clowns love to use the word PATRIOTS, but would not risk their lives to save their own children. They are the OBVIOUS and yet to be identified frauds begetting systems fraud at the expense of We the People.

Imperialism’s Clowns Abuse Public Trust by Hyping Outbreak, War, and Climate Change to Rapidly Push Billion and Trillion Dollar Spending Bills at the Expense of the US and Global Economies. Outcomes of Commercial and Governmental Damages from COVID 19 Further Insult Longstanding Ethical Best Practices and Common Laws and Actually EXPOSE Trillions in LAUNDERED Dirty Money AND Systems Fraud, Pointing DIRECTLY at a Rising Billionaire Nobility. Our Money Went to Enemies, and the Drunken Clowns Just Keep Getting Bolder and Talking Louder and With No Respect for our Children they Beg for a Punch in the Nose

Uncle Buck punches the clown. YouTube. (2020, April 7). Retrieved November 10, 2023

John Candy is looking more like King Solomon Every Damn Day in America

A fool’s lips enter into contention, And his mouth calleth for strokes. A fool’s mouth is his destruction, And his lips are the snare of his soul.

King James Version Holy Bible Proverbs 18 vs 6,,7

The Failure of Church, Academia, Government and Commerce is a Mark of the Beast: Its Discernment from Past Damage, its the Common Law. Criminals Never Seem to Understand

Whether ELITIST THUGS work their way up from humble beginnings or take blood oaths to serve organizations other than to freely and honorably serve their nation, It only occurs to them late in the game, perhaps the day before they get caught, that they have been played by a strategy as old as crime families. They vowed to keep their crimes secret as though their misguided society was actually in service to God and so for a secret handshake, a ring and a wink from an ugly old man, they became another simpleton following ancient criminals as pawns in society’s oldest Game of Thrones. How tragic to say at the end of life, what a dumb ass, what a stupid criminal I’ve been. Rich? No, not at all. Rather, wretched, poor, blind and naked.

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.

19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.

King James Version Holy Bible Isaiah Chapter 14 vs 12-19

An Aquarian Iteration of the Anti Christ and Common Law

How is it that Tarot Readers seem to be the only people on the earth that know what not to do is the common law? The Antichrist, or any name or entity etched on a cave wall or learned from a stone tablet or ancient literature used to avoid damage goes into the formation of common law. God put a Mark on Cain, and it is called SENTIENCE.

Using Knowledge of Law and Market Intelligence to Break the Law: through Crafting a CLOSED LOOP Management Called ITIL and SOX Act HYPED as Reporting and IT Systems “BEST PRACTICES” IMPOSE CRIMINAL INPUTS, IMPACTS AND OUTCOMES on USA’s Trusted Government and Commercial Systems to Blend Dirty Money with People’s Honest Earnings.


As soon as the wicked leaders know laws, they apply law, warp process and deregulate markets to steal from the public trust. That is why societies crumble, and that is why societies that recognize the power of developing ethical laws that bolster public trust succeed. Jesus taught about reiteration of laws due to the nature of man continually breaking the established laws:

43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

King James Version Holy Bible Gospel of Matthew Chapter 12 vs 43-45

As most of JC’s teaching, it cuts both ways, its PARADOXICAL, leaving the people to pursue wisdom, expressing themselves with ethical language and processes and thus becoming capable of SELF GOVERNED AND RESULTING IN CONSENTING TO GOVERNMENT THAT IS TRUSTWORTHY.

PUBLIC TRUST thusly becomes the number one mission of all human activity COMMERCIAL, GOVERNMENTAL and ACADEMIC and so, the vision of humanity becomes REGENERATIVE REALITY.

Can We Blame Oligarchs When Our Professional Communities Overwhelmingly Aspire to the title of Billionaire? When People Get a Taste of Wealth and Privilege, Most today DO NOT see this as Honorable Leadership, but instead as a Vehicle to get MORE so are SUSCEPTIBLE TO ENEMY BRIBES. Our Moral Character as a Society in the USA needs an UPGRADE. Enter Aquarian Age.

GMC Claims Professional Grade but Advertises Failure. FORD Says ALL IN, and yet also Enjoys Public Funding through Subsidies. Time to fly the BS Flag, AMERICA!

Arrogant and self deluded, these We Are Professional Grade calibre idiots let go of the steering wheel of society long before hands free luxury pick up truck ads conditioned their behavior. They hold esteemed positions and get nods from those that “get it” (insider advantages) to pervert entire families and destroy billions in public trust and ethical gross domestic product. Yeah we got it alright! The whole world is looking DIRECTLY at Government and Commercial Leaders with DISDAIN. Y’all need some help.

Loss of Touch with Joy in Life, Pretenders, Perfect Health, Uplifting Orators, yet Rotten to the Core

They evil clowns do not realize they sacrificed the honor of a life lived in authenticity in order to pick up a shiny dime’s worth of what they think to be an easy “return on their investments”. Putrified and rotten meat, walking about smiling with consciences well past feeling, craving only what they cannot obtain. Miserable and in hell even while they carry out incredibly heady small talk at the yacht club.

Criminal Billionaires are Discernible Due to Rapid Wealth, these once Common Americans, now Cowards and Traitors, Enjoyed Traditional Titles such as Pastor, Vicar, CEO and the Professor of Law Emeritus, and Don’t Forget Supreme Court Justice. Take Dirty Money, Go Ahead, We See You

A lifetime spent looking over their shoulder could have been a lifetime of growing immensely more profitable ethically managed industries, businesses and ethical systems. Total idiots. Thinking a yacht is a symbol of respect, they float on the delusion of a false honor, only a phone call away from a rival’s threat to take away their yacht. On and on it goes, year after year and here we are closing in on 2024 and still not one ethical president since Teddy Roosevelt to say enough is enough?

Megachurch Televangelism Paired with Lockdown Financial Terrorism and Great Reset Hyperbole

This imbecilic looting of the public trust has gone from secrecy to outright brazen and boastful. When the UK’s ITIL paired with a not so secret society’s senator’s son SOX Act began to create overnight million and eftsoons billionaires, suddenly the idea of living in a free country just went out the window.

Adept at Fashion and Trained in the Art of War, Philip Gains Insight From King Edward 1 of England

Braveheart (1995) – I have declared Phillip My High Counselor 🗡️🏰. YouTube. (2018, August 23). Retrieved November 10, 2023

Jesus! Gee Zeus, Figure it Out! Dirty Money Will Cost YOU and SOCIETY EXPONENTIAL DAMAGE

“Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:” 

Jesus Christ King James Version Holy Bible Revelation Ch. 3 vs 17

Financial Terrorism is the Billionaire Nobility’s Business Model: a Digital Tyrant’s Modus Operandi

Which USA Grand colluding OATH BREAKING, Revolving Door Masterminds of Intelligence bent the systems and laws to the benefit of their fraudulent Shareholder Value YACHT CLUB CLOWN BUDDIES? We the People are about to find out. COVID? A War on Ukraine? School Shootings and now Bowling Ally Shootings where the gunmen never get due process?

High Crime that Damages the GDP is No Longer Profitable. Imbecilic Billionaires are Pushing a Nervous Congress to Pass Fraudulent AI Legislation to Protect their Ill Gotten SYSTEMIC Gains, but it won’t work. What, Were the Digital Tyrants Thinking the Entire World was Conditioned by Person of Interest? The Problem with Criminal Intelligence? Arrogance blinds Reality, Crime Doesn’t Pay

Person of interest – behind the Machine. YouTube. (2012, July 14). Retrieved November 10, 2023

From Plausible Deniability to Machine Blaming? Passing SAFE Legislation is an Attempt by Elite Criminals to add another Layer of Protection from Grand Collusion Culpability

The hyperbole, systemic fraud and all the financial terrorism that goes with IT CANNOT HIDE an IMMENSE WEALTH GAP POINTING DIRECTLY AT GRAND COLLUDING CRIMINALS; DIGITAL TYRANTS Funneling Billions from Legitimate Governments Globally and HAVING THE GALL TO CALL IT TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT is a Game of Thrones Headed into the Year of the Dragon.

To the Rescue! An Unlikely Write In Candidate Can Indeed Win the 2024 Election Here’s Why

The Reason Behind Building the Aquarian Sage University, one of the “we just need this” projects is that the regenerative power of language, law and their source has not be internalized in the hearts of humanity as of yet. The foundation of the knowledge of God is also is requisite of self and consenting governed free society and in every nation and culture, the common language is astrology. A world wide campaign to build the Aquarian Sage University is at the awareness stage, and interest is growing.

🇺🇸DAVE ’24 a Write In Candidate Hopeful for US President, 2024

How did We the People come to Discover US Elites Colluding with the UK to Craft Systemic Tyranny?

Just as teachers are patient with prodigies who develop evidence that is not yet common and pastors are patient with parishioners who argue, “the Bible says so”, so we must be patient with humanity and with ourselves as we become aware of this cosmic pattern of reality that now, obviously, has always been humanity’s duty to express. In our present identity, Aquarians, the people begin to acknowledge society is up to us. We need to design build our regenerative reality using ethical best practices.

“And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” 

King James Version Holy Bible Gospel of Mark Chapter 1 vs 15

Do Our Governments Space Programs Provide a Front for Looting the Gross Domestic Product? Will the bills passed for COVID, Ukraine and Carbon Emissions be found to have been Criminal Business Models to Exploit Sovereign Citizens?

The End of the World Refers to the End of the Divine Right of Kings and the Internalization of the Divine; SELF GOVERNANCE PAIRED WITH CONSENTING GOVERNANCE. In the USA We the People Developed a Constitution Authorizing Consent of the Governed thus Internalizing the Power of the Divine Within the Citizens.

Common Law is the Regenerative Power of the Antichrist (realizing that damage is not to be willfully repeated) as Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In other words, once you learn what not to do, PASS IT ON TO YOUR CHILDREN. The Words Humanity and Passion appear in all Languages and are Longstanding Expressions of Public Trust. Until Now, Criminal Leaders have Abused Language and Law to Steer Markets so Elevating Themselves as Divinely Appointed. Further proving their dominion by ill gotten wealth. That Era Has Ended. Aquarian Doctrines Yet to be Iterated, Press All of US toward the Global Outcomes of Human Nurture

Glaring mistakes of present leaders include failure to come up with a better plan than a Great Reset to manage an entire planet not used to being ruled by hype, fraud and misinformation. Distrust has resulted and we are at a point of needing to revitalize all governments with ethical best practices that revitalize public trust. We have identified ITIL and SOX Act as systemic fraud that has created a fraudulent shareholder value economy.

The time to begin an ethical resurgence of the free market economy is today.

The strategy I have laid out, will save face of the money families but will not let them off the hook for reestablishing the governments and communities that have been badly damaged.

As for proof of my ability and intelligence to solve these issues peacefully and ethically, you have all the commercial, governance and academic proof needed in my blogs to make your decision as to how your skills and abilities can be applied to this movement or not. I suggest we get on with the very favorable $15trillion USD work to own projects now.


DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

Aquarian Age is now our Common Identity Restore the Cultures and Governments with a Consenting Governed Model Supported by the CONSTITUTION OF THE USA. The 28th Amendment paired with the Regeneration Model discovery, cannot be unseen by 8 billion people EXTREMELY PASSIONATE TO ENJOY THE FREEDOMS known very easily to be withheld from them by STUPID IMBECILES who lost control of PERFECTLY SOUND GOVERNMENTS and DESTROYED THEIR FREE MARKETS.

Let me help you help yourselves. Get busy and pass the word. Don’t be offended, you do not have a better solution, because there is not one to be found


About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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