Show Me a Quarter and I’ll Show You Excalibur: We the People’s Emergent Freedom has always been our Consenting Governed Authority. Public Trust’s Two Sided Coin Enables a Gross Domestic Product Economy, this Commonwealth Funds the Double Edged Sword of Liberty and Justice Protecting our Freedoms: Show Me Shareholder Value Economy and I’ll Show you Tyrants, Iconic Liars Peddling EV Hyped Propaganda and a Burgeoning Billionaire Nobility Selling Off Our USA Gross Domestic Product and Escalating Civic Unrest on the Way to Marshal Law.

King Arthur’s Excalibur Metaphor had Long been Retold; Jesus’ Version was, “Show Me A Coin” Moses version was “God put a Mark on Cain”. The Dave Campbell version stamps a 28th Amendment to the US Constitution ; The Authoritative Branch, Declaring We the People are Consenting Governed Citizens Equal to Citizens serving the Executive, Legislative … Continue reading Show Me a Quarter and I’ll Show You Excalibur: We the People’s Emergent Freedom has always been our Consenting Governed Authority. Public Trust’s Two Sided Coin Enables a Gross Domestic Product Economy, this Commonwealth Funds the Double Edged Sword of Liberty and Justice Protecting our Freedoms: Show Me Shareholder Value Economy and I’ll Show you Tyrants, Iconic Liars Peddling EV Hyped Propaganda and a Burgeoning Billionaire Nobility Selling Off Our USA Gross Domestic Product and Escalating Civic Unrest on the Way to Marshal Law.