Show Me a Quarter and I’ll Show You Excalibur: We the People’s Emergent Freedom has always been our Consenting Governed Authority. Public Trust’s Two Sided Coin Enables a Gross Domestic Product Economy, this Commonwealth Funds the Double Edged Sword of Liberty and Justice Protecting our Freedoms: Show Me Shareholder Value Economy and I’ll Show you Tyrants, Iconic Liars Peddling EV Hyped Propaganda and a Burgeoning Billionaire Nobility Selling Off Our USA Gross Domestic Product and Escalating Civic Unrest on the Way to Marshal Law.

King Arthur’s Excalibur Metaphor had Long been Retold; Jesus’ Version was, “Show Me A Coin”

Moses version was “God put a Mark on Cain”. The Dave Campbell version stamps a 28th Amendment to the US Constitution ; The Authoritative Branch, Declaring We the People are Consenting Governed Citizens Equal to Citizens serving the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government.

Image Retrieved August 15, 2023 from

USA’s Tyrants Hard At IT: Usurping the Power of We the People’s Gross Domestic Product Economy

Our Coins Stamped IN GOD WE TRUST and E PLURIBUS UNUM (out of many, one) remind us of the bloodshed in the American Revolutionary War and our ongoing 246 year fight for liberty. Today freedom is systemically attacked by colluding US financial terrorists dealing in oligarch promoted EV blood money.

Our Turn to Pull the Sword from the Stone: We the People Become The Authoritative Branch

Charles Hunman Draws the Sword from the Stone in King Arthur The Legend of the Sword
YouTube clip retrieved on January 11, 2023 from

We the People, Baby!

Dave Campbell Originator of 28th Amendment to add the Authoritative Branch of US Government

Elevating Human Valuation To King of kings is the Highest Priority of Common Law, the Lord of lords

When God put a mark on Cain, God was still being formed in human expression to represent highest Authority. Arguing God exists or not, it is human expression that provides both individual and societal access to resources. Truths gain authority through validation, as does language, law and valuation.

Sovereign Governments Uphold Just Weights and Measures; Corrupt Leaders Devalue Public Trust

Lawful leadership is available through well known ethical best practices that yield GDP and public trust. Criminal leaders craft bills that serve private interests and collude with international criminals who secure resources unlawfully; evidence is a growing billionaire demographic, domestic terrorism and disunity.

Here is How to Exercise Our Freedom to Unite and Create Ethical Projects Now:

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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