The Global Aquarian Age Movement: Summary of Overall Purpose, Scope and Scale. Here’s why You Get Invested in Dave Campbell’s Leadership

To Build an Aquarian University is a Given. It will Succeed by Free Market Demand and Flourish because it is Established through Astrological Common References. Stargazing, not Pushing the Agenda of Tyrants, forms Cosmic Law and Provides Humanity a Dependable Source of Emerging Truths: Astrology, Not Tyranny Hyped as Great Reset, Drives Commerce, Government and …

The Olympic Flame and Lady Liberty’s Torch Light the Path to Regaining Ethical Free Markets

Paris 2024 Olympians showcase We the People’s burning desire to prepare ourselves for and compete in the Global free markets.   In the context of meeting free market demands, individuals strive to meet their personal best by identifying skill sets and gaining expertise as they find opportunities to serve the free market in their respective communities. Without …