Best Christmas Ever: 8 Billion Aquarians Receive Human Nurture as Global Common Law

You Just Opened Dave Campbell’s Gift of Public Trust, Ethical Gross Domestic Product and a Strategy to Defeat Imperialism (Digital Tyranny) in 2024 Let’s Keep Talking – About a 28th Amendment to Uphold We the People’s Constitutionally Protected Consenting Governed Authority, Freedom of Speech, Public Trust and Ethical GDP We the People, the Truest Authority …

December 12, 2023 Opened the 12/12 Portal Of Regenerative Reality, IN Walks Humanity

A Simple and Profound and Intentional Discovery Turns 8 Billion People into Aquarians. Humanity Enters the Biblical Jesus’ Time of the End (Death of Imperialism) and a Transformation to Aquarian Humanitarianism through Peaceful, Profitable and Global Common Law Begins Introduced in Recurring Patterns, the Trinity is a Symbolic Expression of Regenerative Common Law Image Accessed …