Value Regeneration? Then Apply Regeneration Model

Photo By David Campbell

Before his passing, I emailed the Regeneration Model to the late Stephen Hawking shortly after watching The Theory of Everything. I loved that movie. I praised him for his contributions.

Here’s what I sent:

From the graphics above, can you detect the recurring relationship in our most utilized expressions?

David Campbell, Founder Regeneration Model

I sent him my “discovery” of emerging truth, or what I have coined, Regeneration Model.

Everybody Has Opinions, Sure, But Society Tends To Teach Truths

The search of the theory of everything actually begins with a step back, and wait for it… a firm grasp on our state of being. In my view, we human beings rely on expressions to “prove” what we find to be “true” and that basically means, what works for us repeatedly over time and against our access of some resource we value.

Alpha – Numeric Expressions

It is that expression of our “truth” we then illustrate with confidence to the world. Just like our most cherished truths in every academic discipline, each of us represent our “truth” in some known set of symbols. Sure, that’s just my opinion, but also true of the Periodic Table of the Elements.

Yes, Alphabets, Tables, Process Models, There Are Many! Dave, Just Tell Us What You’re Talking About, Please!

From the moment we are born, we learn to value the soft and filling sensation of being fed from mothers breasts. When gripped with hunger, we are cranky, we are loud, we shake and our belly hurts. Hunger, thirst and desire. Ahhh then satisfaction. We all understand that peace and quiet comes from human nurture.

The Four Part Process, A Divine Axiom or Key To Everlasting Life?

The crying baby uses the same default setting, desire, as does the scholar in any field who uses desire to recognize, assimilate and express knowledge. We should keep crying all our lives. We should, each of us, strive to express that innate knowing that is evident to just us alone.

True Leaders of Society Increase Life. Kleptocrats Increase Death.

Here is where we strike a balance between independence and interdependence, between the individual and the organization; the citizen and society. Here in one graphic, we see the balance of individual and organizational knowledge processing systematically, naturally, and truthfully toward the balanced access to resources. Lets use the United States Governmental Model to Illustrate.

Regeneration Model Yields Regenerative Reality Graphic by David Campbell

In every organization, both individual and organizational objectives (desires) must balance with the four-part Regeneration Model. Inputs that must also balance out between the individual and the organization, must create the impacts necessary for the organization to be regenerative as an organization. In the same regard, outcomes of the organization and individuals must balance with societal outcomes.

Photo By David Campbell

Balance Yields Regeneration

Clearly, one of the main benefits of Regeneration Model will be seen as elevation of human value within the organization and society. But at the same token, individual knowledge can be leveraged to the damage of organizational goals if not in line with organizational goals. Concurrently, the organizational outcomes must not be detrimental to society.

Knowledge Applied in Three Main Categories

Three Categories Of Knowledge Application – David Campbell

For this study, knowledge can be easily seen as applicable in three key categories based on human nurture. We apply knowledge commercially to attain our daily needs. We use knowledge as governance to create our policies and administer our regulatory functions. We treasure knowledge in academia, honoring our most precious and proven expressions as guidons for equality and justice.

Regeneration Model Establishes Human Value in Terms of Knowledge Value

It is clear that knowledge comes from human beings as a result of our ability to ascertain “truth” in relation to acquiring resources. This as evidenced in the first graphic and is now common knowledge to all who can read if you will kindly bookmark and share this article. This premise marks the impetus for creation of law designed toward regenerative outcomes rather than punitive outcomes. This does not suggest we abandon our present laws, but it does establish the impetus for seeing law as emerging, just as we see the human race, as emerging. We must determine the outcomes of law, and establish best practices that uphold to the law of regeneration. If we honor knowledge, then we honor human nurture as primary to commerce, governance and academia.

Emerging Truth

So, truth emerges just as people do, and this calls for lawmaking that is regenerative. Knowledge thus applied, system development will turn toward regenerative and away from abusive inputs and impacts. So Regeneration Model works to validate regenerative profitability.

The Primary Global Law

The Primary Global Law will become human nurture because truth emerges only as humans apply knowledge toward accessing resources. Resources are limited, whereas knowledge is unlimited as knowledge is created by the human experience of expressing what proves to work or not to work over time. Human nurture preserves this process of emerging human knowledge and calls for leaders and lawmaking to uphold a peaceful, free, and just society.

Conclusion: Now You Hold The Answer To All Things

Regeneration model establishes knowledge application as a primary construct toward regenerative outcomes, over that of any other factor, such as wealth, power, or individual or organizational dynamics. With knowledge as the key resource, and regeneration model as our principal law, balance can be struck across all disciplines more rapidly. All individuals, organizations and nations can agree that human nurture is required for knowledge development. Knowledge is the most valuable resource and comes from people. Hence, Pilate’s question is now ours to ponder.

Pilate Asked, “What is Truth?”

Well, now you know. Truth emerges over time. Truth is what works. Truth is what doesn’t work. Truth is regenerative. Truth comes from people, and is now easier than ever to uphold, defend and ascertain.

A Note of Kindness and Support from His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

Dave Campbell Shorts Video By David Campbell

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Learn More At Dave Campbell Shorts: Knowledge Leadership

No Time to Read it? Listen to this blog. Dave Campbell Reads this blog article on Regeneration Model Click YouTube Video Link Below to Listen

3 thoughts on “Value Regeneration? Then Apply Regeneration Model

  1. We the People deserve a better system than what we have now. We deserve better than electing a candidate that’s better at bullshiting than the other. People ask me why I don’t pick either side of the Kleptocracts? Asking me what Political side I’m on is like asking me what STD would I prefer to contract. NEITHER.. Tomas Jefferson warned us about having basically just a “2”party system. It’s a party that We the people don’t get invited to but have to clean up after.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Eliminating kleptocracy involves first identifying those who practice kleptocracy as public enemy # 1 and systematically and lawfully removing criminal influence in our commercial and governance systems. You may be interested in CASH Initiative, which is a consenting governed strategy, driving commercial and law writing projects nationwide. I agree with you that neither side of kleptocracy should be a position; eliminating kleptocracy is clearly the responsibility of the consenting governed. Through ethical project development, reinforcing the working aspects of our governance and commercial systems is a strategy that can leverage power of the consenting governed and with the lawful systems in place to effect needed ethical improvements. Through the CASH Initiative a strong third of fourth party could be introduced and gain strength as well.

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