Part 3. Business Case for the Aquarian Sage University (ASU) A Strategic Aquarian Global Engine (SAGE) Project

Federal Reserve’s Thug Problem: We the People, Pastors, Priests, and Presidents Idolize Al Capone Consequently the “I’m gonna be rich no matter how” criminal mindset has morphed into Transnational Kleptocracy and is destroying Public Trust. Smart Feds must leverage Aquarian Age as a way to cash in on revitalizing the gross domestic product through ethical …

Part 2. Business Case for the Aquarian Sage University (ASU) A Strategic Aquarian Global Engine (SAGE) Project

The Plan to Design/Build ASU Begins with Awareness: Assessing the Global Need to Restore Ethical Best Practices impacting Regenerative Outcomes for both Public Trust and Gross domestic Product. The Market for Building Public Trust is Wide Open: Regeneration Model provides an Accelerated Delivery System for Global Common Law and so a Forthcoming Induction of Aquarian …

Part 1. Business Case for the Aquarian Sage University (ASU) A Strategic Aquarian Global Engine (SAGE) Project

Here’s an Opportunity for both Aquarians and the US Federal Reserve written in the Stars! “Why Now“, you Ask? Well, Aquarian Doctrines have everything from “Let Freedom ring” to “Chick Ching” …the Fed will do everything we can to achieve our maximum employment and price stability goals… Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell March 22, 2023 …

Rings of Truth Part 3: Saturn Returns to Crown Aquarians with the Super Powers of Eternal Judgment and Design / Build Authority

Emancipation Proclamation Stands as a Titan against Tyrants; Aquarian Authority Provides Ethical Projects Ensuring Ongoing Freedom and Promises a Speedy End to Transnational Kleptocracy Crowned by freedom’s ring, a Titan’s scepter entitled Ethical Journalism Inks common law: the life giving Read Letters Edition, written on the heart, comprised of blood, sweat and tears; Emerging Truths …

Rings of Truth Part 2: Saturn Returns to Crown Aquarians with the Super Powers of Eternal Judgment and Design / Build Authority

Sage Project: 1 Organize Global Leaders 2 Create Regenerative Projects 3 End Systemic Theft US Taxes Spent On Terror Prevention or Spent Staging Financial Terrorism to Hide National Theft? Old criminal money lenders use clever strategy to create the need for spending bills. From Bush’s War on Terror after 9-11 attacks to Trump’s 3 Trillion …

Rings of Truth Part 1: Saturn Returns to Crown Aquarians with the Super Powers of Eternal Judgment and Design / Build Authority

The Antichrist End Time Narrative gets an Aquarian Age Makeover and Regeneration Model Proof of Concept: Aquarian Age Doctrines are Modeled on Cosmic Authority, Not Great Reset Hype Truly truly I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am. Jesus Christ – book of John’s Gospel Chapter 8 verse 58 Since July 4, 1776 Our …