New Billionaire? Wow, So Smart Huh? You Can Say Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing? Yes? Will You Have Anything to say about Anti Christ, Aquarius and Dave Campbell becoming the 47th US President? Part 1

Digital Tyranny’s Influx of Imbecilic Billionaires stand Accountable for the Devaluation of Humanity, the Usurping of United States of America Governmental Authority and the Debasing of Common Reference to the Detriment of National Security. The Success of the Digital Tyrant’s Great Reset Strategy has Sparked the Rise of a Dark Horse; an unlikely US Champion; …

Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 3

Oath Takers becoming Oath Breakers. Culpability for Systemic Fraud Comes Full Circle in the USA Right out of the CIA playbook, enemy leaders take advantage of historical precedent. Arrogance yields criminal negligence and ultimately corruptible leaders find themselves turning a blind eye to acts of terror on their countrymen to distract attention away from systemic …