Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 2

The Great Reset is Digital Tyranny: a Great Devaluation of Humanity and Systemic Looting of the Gross Domestic Product

William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk with Jeff Bezos Spoofed as the Puck Trelane, A Not So Artificially Intelligent Stargazer, Who Could Mimic Form, but Lacked Truth Screen Shot and Meme created March 8, 2023 from IMGFLIP.COM courtesy 1967 Star Trek The Squire of Gothos

NASA, a Long Time Source of American Inspiration, has been Hijacked by a Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy. We can easily identify ITIL, a Closed Loop Management Model as the Systemic Source; Accelerating Disconnect Between the American Dream and our Consenting Governed Authority

Image Retrieved July 9, 2023 from

An Insidious Management Model Called ITIL Serves the Shareholder Value Economy, not the GDP Economy

Because ITIL’s continuous improvement searches for what is aberrant, defined as any function that is unprofitable to any of the corporate IT system networks, management and financial decisions become preferential to IT; thus, over time, eliminating positions and departments in favor of IT systems upgrade.

Hey, Stupid Question, “Was ITIL Designed along with the SOX Act by a Transnational Kleptocracy?”

Now hyped by a Great Reset and Green Economy, multinational boards are investing in IT stocks, and fueling their mergers and acquisitions with tax payer funds through government bills hyped as infrastructure upgrades.

Digital Tyranny Gets Uglier from George Clooney’s Up in the Air to Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning

Photo Credit DALE ROBINETTE George Clooney and Anna Kendrick in Up in the Air 2009 Image Retrieved on Aug 4, 2023 from Farber, S. (2022, December 4). “up in the air”: Film review. The Hollywood Reporter.

Because Investment Apps Develop Faster than Laws do, Insider Trading has Overtaken Baseball as America’s National Pastime

Customer need, a key misappropriated term that now justifies ITIL’s business model, has replaced the way managers interpret the customer need of the GDP. Terms like value driven and best practices used to imply ethics and competition, fostering innovation and investment in the citizenry, so designed to serve an ever growing public trust. In contrast, GDP and public trust in the ITIL economy is severely compromised and service to citizens who support the government and business is in jeopardy.

Clearly “business” in the “new normal” is being systemically perfected to steal from unsuspecting citizens and to enlarge wealth of the Billionaire Nobles.

Graphic by David Campbell depicts the Criminal Green, EV, ITIL Shareholder Value Economy

The impact of ITIL on Customer Need is Assessed Not in Terms of the General Public Being the Customer, but instead, the ITIL Management System is the Costumer, Exposing a Criminal Closed Loop

Not only does ITIL prove to be an economic security issue, but a national security issue as it is widely recognized that the American People are no longer considered as supporting any Space Race, although we remain majority contributors to it. Instead, it is the Super Elites, who are hyped as being seen as technically superior human beings, and so distinguished as worthy to catch a ride to space.

Tom, Take a Good Look at the Public Trust and the Source of Wealth that pays for Elitists’ Space Flights

Top gun local diner scene: Top gun: Maverick. YouTube. (2022, September 23).

Today, We the People have Three Major Issues with the Space Race; Each Regarding Grand Collusion

1. The Space Race offers no discernible benefit for developing public trust: USA Leadership is under oath to uphold liberty, but systemic corruption offers the USA instead a Bait and Switch, favoring elites; so taxation without representation.

2. The Space Race insults the ethically sourced GDP, in that the Space Race now apparently only serves aspiring billionaires, NOT ASPIRING US CITIZENS NOR CURRENT US CITIZENS. A growing contempt, a sentiment of great fury is a self inflicted reality the Super Elites now have to deal with.

3. The Devaluation of our US Identity by Disassociation: a masterminded, systemic and hyperbolic loss of identifying as a United We Stand Nation. The model of billionaires in space has emboldened an individualistic and criminal bent to become a billionaire or be nothing at all.

Does Saying “AI” Make you smarter? How do Super Elites Hope to Blend in with Reality at the USA Diner?

Hyping artificial intelligence as a means to identify with a superior class of citizens is proving out to be really stupid policy. Leaders who sold out to hyperbole and traded their oath for valueless digital currency are now watching the USA being purchased by enemy oligarchs.


Americans are catching on to the fraud. Idiots who have hyped the benefits of AI to obtain billions in public funding through taxes, are now being identified and EXPOSED.

Leaders who promote Freedom and Justice, PUBLIC TRUST AND ETHICAL GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT are all the rage going into the 2024 election.

Great Reset, EV, ITIL and Green Economy Exposed as Transnational Money Laundering

Super Elites arrogantly feeding off stolen GDP believed themselves to be clever saviors of humanity. Even with the temporary help of Technology Icons or a Terminator, their next generation brain chipped hype and smartest guy thinking has fallen short.

Global Joke Award 2023 Goes to the Transnational Kleptocracy, the Digital Tyrants: Societal Derelicts

In an attempt to promote themselves to nobility, criminal intelligence “masterminds” and their yet to be identified grand colluding leaders, have actually exposed themselves to the ENTIRE WORLD as utter and complete societal derelicts who are vulnerable, and await the decision of the true SUPER POWER, the peaceful and ethical, just and free CONSENTING GOVERNED.

If you have read any of my articles you know that the relationship between corporations and the US Government has been compromised in a manner designed to favor societal elites. The systemic reporting design of the SOX Act began what is now ITIL management’s CLOSED LOOP free for all on the GDP.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

2 thoughts on “Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 2

  1. On July 20, 1969 I was 15 years old about to enter my sophomore year of high school. My dad, “Bud” Ellis had been a pilot in the Army Air Corps during WWII. He continued his fascination with flying all his life by owning several single engine aircraft. Early on the morning of July 20, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. My dad woke me up to witness the fuzzy black and white images on our 19” Philco TV. He was excited and proud to be a witness to the culmination of the “space race” that had benn started by the late President, John F. Kennedy a few years earlier. Proud of the American technology that had put Neil Armstrong on the moon and allowed him to take that one small step that represented a quantum leap in American achievement and a culmination of American ingenuity. It was a moment of national pride as well. Having achieved that monumental goal, NASA became almost obsolete and went begging for funding and battled ridiculous conspiracy theories claiming that the Lunar landing had never taken place. Fast forward 54 years. I am 69 years old. My father has been deceased for many years. I talk with my children about the accomplishments of the Apollo missions and they are disinterested, as is our society as a whole. And now the space program is funded (and supported) by billionaire dilettantes who care only about self gratification. Like the recent ill-fated expedition to explore the Titanic which ended in a tragic implosion, seats on billionaire Jeff Bezos rockets are available to only those wealthy enough to afford a ticket to ride… gone is the sense of pride in the accomplishments of diligent and dedicated scientists and engineers. Gone is the sense of united purpose. Those feelings have been replaced by the feeling of nothingness. Only the rich and powerful can play with those toys now and the rest of us are left to wonder how in the hell did that happen?

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