Why You Believed In God No Matter What you may Think you Believe, from the Minute You Began to Express Yourself and How Yet to be Discovered US Criminal Leaders who were Afforded Public Trust Default to Aquarian Doctrine Prior to Exposure as Public Enemies Why? Agreed on References Yield Society, God is the First …
Month: May 2023
Aquarian Forces Create Our Desirable and Foreseeable Regenerative Reality Part 5
Honoring the God of Forces The Global Wake Up Call to Self Governance and Consenting Governed Citizenship. The End of the Oppression of Man, and the Beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Aquire US; A Miraculous Man, A Merry Man. Emerging Truths, Human Nurture and the Government of A Christ Aeon Morning Star Image Retrieved …
Aquarian Forces Create Our Desirable and Foreseeable Regenerative Reality Part 4
The Antichrist and the Christ Within. The Paradox of Self and Consensual Governance as Common Law Goes Global. How in One Hour (Our) We the People Rally around a 28th Amendment and a Global Aquarian Age Leader, the Hopeful US President Next, Dave Campbell End Time Narratives and the Race for Quantum Entanglement: Who has …
Aquarian Forces Create Our Desirable and Foreseeable Regenerative Reality Part 3
Developing the Force of Will Within Human Beings to Enjoy Freedom from Tyranny: What Came First, the Story or the Teller? Ultimately a Story Tellers Purpose is Regeneration of Both Trust Busting Demonstrated the Civic Misuse of Trust vs the Retaliatory Super Power of Public Trust Theodore Roosevelt Erupted as a Force for Public Trust, …