It’s Public Trust, Stupid! USA’s GDP Economy is Regenerative; SOX, ITIL and EV Shareholder Value Economy is Proving to be LAUNDERED NOT GREEN, SO NOT SUSTAINABLE

If IT is Not about People, Nor Planet, it’s Ultimately Not Profitable, and Illegal So, Dave, You’re saying “If IT is Not about People, Nor Planet, it’s Not Profitable” ? The Naive and/or Criminal Investor gets AHA moment Yep. ITIL is Not about People, Nor is it about the Planet, so Ultimately, it’s NOT LEGAL …

Archetypical Foresight: I Have a Dream is the Power to Direct Our Future Heirs and to Honor the God of Forces; Those Who Foresee Said Ye are Gods and they also Say the Force is In You.

Daniel 11:38 KJV: But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, … Daniel; a Dreamer and the Interpreter of Dreams King James Version Holy Bible Honoring the Forces Gives Vision to the Blind; Knowing What Forces Becomes the Ability to Foresee Darkness …

Today, God is a Scientist. So, Today, Public Leadership Is No Longer a Divine Right. Today the People of the USA and the World Embrace Self Governance.

Leaders Borrow Authority from Cosmic and Natural Observation; First by Metaphor, then by Science Who made man’s mouth? Did not I? Now go! God shouts at Moses for refusing to be his spokesman Exodus 4 vs 11 & 12 KJV (paraphrase mine) To Separate Fire from a Burning Bush Requires Metaphor; Like Parables call for …

Show Me a Quarter and I’ll Show You Excalibur: We the People’s Emergent Freedom has always been our Consenting Governed Authority. Public Trust’s Two Sided Coin Enables a Gross Domestic Product Economy, this Commonwealth Funds the Double Edged Sword of Liberty and Justice Protecting our Freedoms: Show Me Shareholder Value Economy and I’ll Show you Tyrants, Iconic Liars Peddling EV Hyped Propaganda and a Burgeoning Billionaire Nobility Selling Off Our USA Gross Domestic Product and Escalating Civic Unrest on the Way to Marshal Law.

King Arthur’s Excalibur Metaphor had Long been Retold; Jesus’ Version was, “Show Me A Coin” Moses version was “God put a Mark on Cain”. The Dave Campbell version stamps a 28th Amendment to the US Constitution ; The Authoritative Branch, Declaring We the People are Consenting Governed Citizens Equal to Citizens serving the Executive, Legislative …

When Just Weights Aren’t Just Measures: Mother Gaia’s Divine Masculine’s Feet Touch the Ground and Ol’ Boy do the Sparks Fly

United States of America J-6 Judgment Call Blasts Trump; Tower Moment for Global Kleptocracy Say 6x Fast: Thick Skulled Senators Secretly Stage School Shootings to Distract Citizens For 246 years US public trust shielded criminal leaders with a gross domestic product economy. Corrupt media leverages public trust to steer free markets and economies. In 2020, …