Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 3

Oath Takers becoming Oath Breakers. Culpability for Systemic Fraud Comes Full Circle in the USA

Right out of the CIA playbook, enemy leaders take advantage of historical precedent. Arrogance yields criminal negligence and ultimately corruptible leaders find themselves turning a blind eye to acts of terror on their countrymen to distract attention away from systemic fraud.

Super Duped? When Iconic Actors Assist Criminal Intelligence UNWITTINGLY? Gee I hope so, I loved Matt in The Martian, ya Know?

Hey Little Bud! Are You Lost Too? Spangler, T. (2022, September 1). Matt Damon mocked anew for “fortune favors the brave” crypto ad as virtual currency values crash. Variety. https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/matt-damon-mocked-cryptocurrency-crash-1235294923/ Image Retrieved September 23, 2023

Long Before the USA Stamped In God we Trust on our Currency, Society Developed Ethical References into Common Laws enabling Public Trust. In Contrast, AI Legislation is Attempting to Establish Invalid Legal References. Why? To Accelerate Systemic Fraud with No Discernible Accountability

As so called information technology investment surges, this closed loop business model utilized by US Super Elites intensifies a strategic devaluation of the public trust. A perfect example of tactical conditioning that devalues public trust is the hands off driving ads used to soft sell the public on violating their own personal safety by trusting in autonomous technology.

Ford Lincoln Mercury’s Brazen use of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Triggers offers a False Sense of Comfort and Security to the Public and is Deconstructing the oldest references to common law and Driver safety since the Model A; “both hands on the wheel”

Moment of Serenity or Conditioned to Neglect Safety?

Lincoln navigator: Serena Williams and navigator present: Build your legacy: Lincoln. YouTube. (2018, March 6). https://youtu.be/hKW1cUEIiFI?si=L4FXByX9WVk6Gr9j

The Wealth Being Created by Criminal Shareholder Value through IT, AI and EV Subsidies is Invested in Hypnotizing Consenting Governed Citizens into a Life Threatening Disregard of Regulations and Safety

By creating icons of digital elitism that hide their revolving door nepotism, brazen and mentally challenged criminal market leadership has postured themselves to be above the law. By leveraging legitimate sports and movie icons and creating rapid shareholder wealth, the criminal closed loop business model steers the markets without hands using hyped, unproven products.

Too Big to fail became too Profitable to Question

Profits for shareholders were coming in so fast, lobbies moved lawmakers to “improve” tech for the safety of drivers and for the health of the planet, and so the hyped products proved the narratives out justifying subsidies that further stole investment away from the legitimate customer needs driven free market.

Super Elites Criminal Business Models Work, Until they Do Not

Elites thus basking in illegal profits got to snub their green noses creating yet another fraudulent narrative that only the elite minds could successfully address climate issue and proved it by fraudulent digital accounting. Creating the investment, stealing investments, and paying icons to support narratives that were clearly not founded on science, but instead on grand collusion, all of that is traceable.

The Yet to be Identified: Brazen Elites Who Still Feel Nobody Sees What They Did

What is clear so far is the general public has been robbed of investment opportunity, public safety and tax subsidies by major US IT Corporations. How this sense of entitlement has clouded leadership judgment to the point of criminal activity is looking more like digital numeric fixation; being hypnotized by inflated values that feed the illusion of success of closed loop models like ITIL.

All the While, those of us invested in the Public Trust and remain Faithful to our Consenting Governed Citizenship and rely on Regulations and National Security, are losing market value through this increased Criminal shift in fraudulent shareholder value market investment

Pregnant women taking their hands off the wheel not only mocks the intellect of everyday citizens, it demonstrates the brazen propaganda against common sense. The mocking also reveals Ford is using a criminal business scheme to rake in billions in tax payer subsidies they know will not last, thus demonstrating Ford’s upper management has turned away from ethical business conduct towards criminal business models that not only harm their brand, but ultimately will kill customers.

Soft Propaganda Mocks Common Sense by Hiding Imminent Damage behind an Eminence Front

Letting go with Lincoln Bluecruise (Serena Williams): Lincoln. YouTube. (2023a, September 14). https://youtu.be/k7VHXh5Exb0?feature=shared Retrieved October 14, 2023

The New Normal Business Model for US Political Tyrants and Aspiring Patriotic Billionaire Nobility

So in about 20 years, the USA has adapted criminal business operations over ethical best practices. Buying up and selling our US corporations to oligarchs and moguls and mobs, weaponizing our interdependent exchange systems, and boldly passing trillion dollar emergency spending bills.

The US Government is Quickly becoming the Servant of Digital Tyrants instead of We the People

The rub is, movies like the Martian depict a true sense of understanding regarding the shepherding of natural resources, but the reality is, the USA has become adept at manipulating public sentiment and funds to drive subsidies to the fraudulent shareholder value economy. We are being ripped off by Digital Tyrants.

Unlike Wolves, GOP and DNC Financial Terrorists Hunt in Broad Daylight, Arrogant and Oblivious to the Cross-hairs of Public Opinion

Insulated by arrogance from the unrestrained successes of systemic looting afforded by the SOX Act, ITIL and COVID, the Wolves of Wall Street believe themselves to be above the law. But the USA did not grow to be a Super Power from following Imperialism. The USA now needs to recognize the outcome of digital tyranny has divided the people, and continues to prey on the weak and defenseless.

Financial Terrorism is Fast Becoming the Chosen Business Model for US Super Elites

Viking Oracle Deck – Odin’s wolves card. YouTube. (2023a, March 2). https://youtu.be/yCObF_K0lWw?feature=shared Retrieved October 12, 2023

Wolves have been dividing our nation for the past 30 years. With SOX, and ITIL, the wolves quickly hid financial terrorism and sold the USA the laundered spoils packaged as financial freedom through illegal investing

Thanks to mobile apps and prosperity doctrines, the faithful followers of Jesus became focused on building a legacy instead of supporting a people. In a matter of 20 years, domestic tyranny became a thing and since 2016, love the neighbor got drowned out by Donald Trumps market steering tweets.

Shareholder Value Investors are Siphoning the Lifeblood out of Consenting Governed America’s Gross Domestic Product Economy

The small independent business owners, and farmers are the source of community pride and identity that strengthens our consenting governed economy. This development of rural America into vibrant economy by freedom is afforded to We the People by Constitutionally appointed consenting governed citizenship.

Where the US Constitution serves as the Ethical Citizen’s North Star for living free in the USA, for Criminal Elites and their Millionaire Minions, their North Star is EZ Money by Criminal Online APs

Digital Tyranny is rapidly driving the USA backwards by the lure of easy money through online apps. To be a member of this elite nobility, the entry fee is a mobile phone, an E Trade AP and a Fan Duel Password. With tax subsidies paying for promotion of vice, fattening of greedy corporations and destruction of America’s free markets, its clearly time for ethical intervention.

Digital Tyrants Free Money Technology, Corporate Subsidy, Human Trafficking and Gambling with US Tax Dollars also Involves Propaganda and School Shootings and is NOT REGENERATIVE and is NO WAY TO MANAGE or MODEL THE USA’s Economy

Devaluation of the Consenting Governed Identity includes Psychological Operations

US Citizens are rapidly buying into our own devaluation. A triumph of criminal masterminds, CRM Data Mining has become the Closed Loop Death of once thriving Free Market and Gross Domestic Product Economy. Feeding on the past is no way to regenerate the economy, so to inflate the illusion, Transnational Kleptocracy is digging into subsidies to force technology production and using our data and our taxes to steer markets creating a no win situation for Free Market expansion. Relying instead on War Economy, lazy criminals in commerce and government have become US Digital Tyrants.

Programming the People to Buy Into Digital Technology Is Creating Non Regenerative Behaviors. Ever Been Triggered by a Tongue Lashing? Digital Tyrants Try to Take Away Our Words SOLY ASMR Reveals the Ultimate Power of the Human Tongue! Expressing Desire

YouTube. (2023, March 11). Mouth sounds, licking | #shorts #asmr #асмр #shortsasmr #asmrsounds #asmrshorts. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u-ntXvP-YYI?feature=share Retrieved September 13, 2023

Think IT Through: SOLY Proves the Power of Human Lust CRUSHES the Digital Tyranny’s Fraudulent Use of Human Expression

Ukrainian, SOLY’s power of expression is one upping the digital tyrants. She re-purposed technology to gain obeisance from tyrants with the technology designed to steal her freedom of speech. Tyrants may abuse technology to acquire wealth at our expense, but SOLY reminds us of the superior power of a human tongue to illicit the ultimate expression of human justice: DESIRE. The irony of SOLY ASMR to me is very clear, no amount of the abuse of technology can thwart the most powerful human ethic: DESIRE.

Are you offended that the IT Bubble fraudulently creating billionaires is also driving up crime, terror and loss of jobs? Do you complain about the youth and their lack of work ethic or morals when you yourself invest in IT fraud?

“Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

Ephesians Chapter 3 vs 21 King James Bible

Missing Persons asked What Are Words For? Answer: Regenerating Human Expression through COMMON LAW. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION MATTERS MOST

Missing persons – words. YouTube. (2017, May 8). https://youtu.be/BX86s8fHgkI Retrieved September 13, 2023

Summary: Getting from Hunting Down Antichrists to Avoiding Antichrists by Using Words to Prevent Antichrist is called COMMON LAW

Toward the end of Bone Tomahawk, the most Gruesome Scene I remember was two naked woman, filthy, restrained, and pregnant lying on a slab of hewed stone. Instead of eyes, short sticks had been stuffed in the eye sockets and having no tongues, they could only moan.

Bone Tomahawk Perfectly Captures How Digital Tyrants Value Humanity

Digital Tyrants See Human Beings as Property Toddfeely. (2017, February 26). Bone Tomahawk (2015). Screams Can Come True. https://screamscancometrue.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/bone-tomahawk-2015/ Image Retrieved October 14, 2023

The cave dwelling troglodytes who lived high up in the mountain symbolized the abuse of power and the ignorance that accompanies leaders who are smug with their positions by wealth or appointment, but feed off the local population like cannibals, while posturing as benevolent and worthy elitists.

To assess the movie as racist is missing the mark. This movie is a brilliant representation of criminal elitists and the destruction of modern society by returning to a brutality mindset of imperialism. Its also a clever use of stones and sticks in the depiction of the greatest tool we humans possess, and the first tool the elites want to control, our power to speak. Placing sticks in the woman’s eyes represented branches of government with bad creeds or laws, used to blind the eyes of the people, making them subservient to the whims of the leaders.

SEAL TEAM by Paramount is an Exceptional Series, Masterfully Demonstrating the Honor and Courage of Elite Operators of the US Navy and Yet, Sadly Demonstrates the Reality that Strategic Operations with Criminal Intelligence Performed Against Consenting Governed Citizens has Become a Preferred Business Model in Modern Times

SEAL team: Official Trailer: Paramount+. YouTube. (2022, August 19). https://youtu.be/3k9o6y-wjMg?si=qfw0Ll83L_Q8xVK- Retrieved September 14, 2023

How Does the Global Public Know about Transnational Kleptocracy, Grand Collusion and Money Laundering?

Along with other recent series I’ve enjoyed like Jack Ryan and the Contractor, SEAL TEAM is an amazing and appropriate use of story telling that openly displays both the legitimate and illegitimate use of intelligence and operations.

What is clear is that criminal business model for stealing is now overtaking the legitimate gross domestic product economy and so damaging public trust on an unprecedented and also unsustainable level, The good news? I have a peaceful and profitable solution for the USA and for the world.

🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023 
About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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