Archetypical Foresight: I Have a Dream is the Power to Direct Our Future Heirs and to Honor the God of Forces; Those Who Foresee Said Ye are Gods and they also Say the Force is In You.

Daniel 11:38 KJV: But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, …

Daniel; a Dreamer and the Interpreter of Dreams King James Version Holy Bible

Honoring the Forces Gives Vision to the Blind; Knowing What Forces Becomes the Ability to Foresee

Donnie Yin Plays Chirrut Îmwe in Star Wars Rogue One: Here He Risks His Life to Send a Life Saving Message Lucasfilm, 2016
YouTube clip Retrieved on January 16, 2023 from

Darkness Covers the Face of the Deep as Both Evening and Mourning Inspire Bold Leadership

Interlaced within the tapestry of great stories lies the unrealized value of metaphor, that when discovered and contemplated, has the power to enrich one’s ability to shape emerging truths that stand the test of time. Right words mirror the loyalty of steadfast friends who have proven courageous during adversity.

Samson’s Long Hair His Superpower; the Interpretation? Heirs Grow Old By Practicing Ethical Law

Blind Sampson Divides Two Great Pillars Bringing Heaven Down to Earth
Image Retrieved on January 16, 2023 from

One Pillar Regarding Leadership of Our Society is: Everything but Truth is Known to Damage Society

Progressive development of archetype: Nimrod’s tower of Babel, Jacob’s angelic ladder to heaven and Samsons vengeance upon 3,000 abusive societal elites on a roof supported by two pillars. Samson’s heir is the story of his death; an archetype of the power of antichrist used to shape societal law.

A Monkey King Conquers Evil with Passion for Heirs While His Rival Masters Evil for Self Preservation

Jet Li is The Monkey King vs. The Jade Emperor played by Deshun Wang in The Forbidden Kingdom. Lionsgate, 2008
YouTube clip Retrieved January 16, 2023 from

A Thread Takes on its own Life. The Monkey King’s Heir, Like Sampson; Exponential impact of Truth

A good natured King wilily wielding a wooden staff defeats a sinister ruler brandishing steal weaponry. As three points of reference provide mastery in accessing known resources it is desire to regenerate that outwits any mastery for self aggrandizement. So; human nurture must become the primary global law.

Absalom’s Family Tree Ended a Monument, Not an Heir. Metaphor: Wood Devours More than Sword

The Trees Help King David: Absalom Hangs From His Seven Locks of Hair During a War he Waged Against King David
Image Retrieved January 16th, 2023 from

Absalom’s Strategy Posited What Would Absalom Do as He Conspired Against David at the City Gate

What would Absalom do? What David would NOT do. David did not authorize the death of Absalom. Joab, finding Absalom suspended by a tree’s branch, thrust three darts into his chest. Hanged man. Number of orientation and thus access. Absalom’s heir is an Antichrist archetype; What NOT to do.

In Black Adam the Bald Guy Didn’t Make the Law, But He Damn Sure is the Law!

Dwayne Johnson is the Anti-Hero, Black Adam. Warner Brothers Pictures October 21, 2022
YouTube clip retrieved on January 16, 2023 from

Black Adam is DC Comics version of a vengeful Antichrist archetype: the personification of forgotten law unleashed on criminal leadership. A missile made with a precious mineral sourced by abused children is the only weapon known to do Black Adam any harm: society clearly relies on regenerative common law.

Jesus Christ’s Doppelgänger, The Antichrist? In 2023, We Come to Know “Him” as Common Law

Catholic Art Depicting Jesus Christ and the Restrained Spirit of the Antichrist
Image Retrieved January 16, 2023 from

The Force be with You: Adapted from Taoism? Yin and Yang, Christ Within becomes Christ with Yin?

The Antichrist is now interpreted and understood as common law. What else but the avoiding of damage when accessing resources, is the objective of the law? Our consenting governed citizenry is based on public trust and gross domestic product. Look in the mirror; you see both good and evil restrained by law.

Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Apostle Paul opens up Pandora’s box by risking the Prince of Life to also be seen as the Prince of the Power of the Heir

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Words and Actions Serve to Establish Human Value and Civil Rights Law

Both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Words and Actions Serve as a Regeneration Model for Establishing Human Value and Civil Rights Image Retrieved January 16, 2023 from

Origins of Emerging Truth: Loving Arms of Help, Dreams of Champions Coming true in DAVE ’24

I saw Him first on TV through the slats of my crib as our help, Mrs. May, ironed my Dad’s shirts. The comforting aroma of her skin, and her humming as she rocked me to sleep, created a deep bond that is strengthening to this day. Her love, His dream and my heart say: Listen, for I have interpreted the dream.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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