Strategic Aquarians Global Engine (SAGE) Project

Realize – Conceptualize – Actualize: Welcome To Your First SAGE Global Brainstorm Sesh

Astrology Disc
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How SAGE Accelerates Aquarian Age: You Create Projects Replacing Crime With Ethics

In recent years, phrases like 3 trillion dollar relief bill, Covid 19, lock downs, new normal and great reset have become common, right along with school shootings, wealth gap and share holder billionaires.

The Aquarian Age is born of cosmic ethics – asteroids do not lie. SAGE is you bringing the power of self governed individuals in society – ethics through the lens of astrology and tarot – building laws and policies that will help to convict grand colluding criminals and prosper the people.

Dave Campbell, Originator SAGE Project

What’s Great Reset Kleptocracy? How Do Criminal Leaders Steal From The Consenting Governed?

Yet to be identified key leaders in the USA and international commerce, governance and academia have violated public trust and fallen under the greedy spell of kleptocracy. Kleptocracy is a global network of criminal leadership that practices grand collusion. Dirty money made in the flesh trade, drug trade and funds misappropriated from trillion dollar relief bills is laundered into the legitimate trading systems of nations.

Seven Of Swords – Universal Waite Tarot Card
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Thanks To Grand Colluding Leadership In the USA, Your Paycheck Is Now Mixed With Blood Money

Kleptocracy has tainted your once legitimate 401K, investments and the $100 bill in your wallet with the laundered blood money of oligarchs and mobsters. In the USA, yet to be identified leaders have participated in both crafting and passing legislation that directly benefit criminals, while damaging US markets and global citizens.

The Emperor Depicted As Corruption
The emperor tarot card A4 Print. Etsy. (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2022, from 

You Can Accelerate Restoration of Ethical Best Practices Through Crafting Global Law & Policy

Moral and ethical failure of our leadership calls for an immediate repair and restoration of our commercial, governance and academic systems; once prized as the worlds standard for creating free markets and free citizens need your help now to restore. Through collaboration and program development, SAGE will offer a roadmap and the project development tools to get this done on a massive global scale.

The Star Goddess Of Hope Mythological Tarot Art
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Brief History Of Criminal Intelligence: New Normal Resulted From Social Conditioning Craft

We did not arrive at our current so called new normal chaos by chance. New normal is a social conditioning phrase that was scripted by the same financial terrorists who plot school shootings. In my view, these current acts of domestic terror are part of an overarching criminal mastermind plan, designed years in advance and most notably initiated by anecdotal “legacy leaders” such as Jack Welch, who introduced “efficiency” and “shareholder value” that spawned gradual sell off of the US value chain. Reducing the opportunity for citizens to gain prosperity or rise from poverty, the shareholder value economy is supported by lobbyists, and steered by top government and commercial board members creating a kind of billionaire nobility boom in the US.

Introducing The SAGE Project: Cosmic Truths Supported By Ethical Principals Of Astrology & Tarot

Strategic Aquarians Global Engine Project organizes ethical projects that are created and managed by leaders in the Tarot & Astrology community. SAGE calls on spiritual leaders from all disciplines relating to commerce, governance and academia to assemble and craft commercial projects, create new legislation, or develop related projects through SAGE’s ethical project development platforms. This project concept calls for the development of global hierarchy to work toward assimilation of a cannon composed of principals and doctrines based both on historically accepted and emerging truths, following the four-stage model which balances authority, power, responsibility and accountability with the dynamics of individual and organization desires. The desired inputs and outcomes produce impacts that uphold human nurture in Regeneration Model.

Stargazers Predate Language and Law Making – Astrology Is The First Globally Accepted Discipline

Before any alphabet was completed, or any law was written, etchings and symbols were agreed on as true between people to establish earliest communication and thus primitive society began with human expression. Emerging truths yield access to resources or what was disproven as true is ultimately rejected. Accepted truths are heralded today, prized in every discipline and utilized to build up society. Holiness or making people whole, seems to have been a property woven into the languages and traditionally respected by society as heaven sent.

Arch Angels Feared by People Give Holy Direction; So Do the Arc’s and Angles from the Alphabet

The arcs and angles of letters of our 52 character English alphabet combined with our numerical system wields great power; accelerating all facets of society. When wielded by officials, some would argue the shapes themselves to have the power of Arch Angels. To argue there is no such thing as the power of an arch angel in a sentence cannot be proven to a man heading to prison, having just received a sentencing from a judge. Homeless families of the dead running from army tanks in Kiev, Ukraine will also agree that the authority and power of criminal officials written edicts and declarations are very real.

Temperance Biddy Tarot Card
Image Downloaded On June 8, 2022 From

Regeneration Model Looking For An Accreditation To Honor David Campbell’s Discovery

The SAGE Project will also solicit for the accreditation of Regeneration Model.

No; this is not a new religion. You’re not being solicited for donations nor sent out in pairs asking, “Sir, have you been saged?” Although somebody in Project SAGE may develop a YouTube channel teaching tai chi to seniors, introduce ethical accounting bills to legislators, or teach billionaires how to ethically scale businesses that nurture people, rather than destroy them.

Dave Campbell SAGE Project Originator

Vision & Mission Statement

Project SAGE is as an open invitation for those who understand spiritual practices such as
tarot and astrology, channeling and mediumship to express their understanding by lending
Insight and crafting solutions to the tasks of ethical project development, law and policy writing.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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