Amazing Grace is the new Saving Face: tHe hOur YoU firsX beDeviled deMarks the Global Political Exodus to Common Law, to be Penned by an Aquarian Race, We the People, Baby!

Why You Believed In God No Matter What you may Think you Believe, from the Minute You Began to Express Yourself and How Yet to be Discovered US Criminal Leaders who were Afforded Public Trust Default to Aquarian Doctrine Prior to Exposure as Public Enemies

Why? Agreed on References Yield Society, God is the First Agreed on Reference in All Nations. All Language, Law, Commerce, Governance and Academia Emerges from Proven Reference

Hey Wise Guy: Who Discusses Religion, Politics and Money? Criminal Intelligence Leaders with Super Elites

Three Stooges Image Retrieved May 7, 2023 from

This Staged Stooges Who Done It Photo Depicts the “new normal” in US Commercial, Governance and Academic Leadership Sentiment. Exhibiting Neither Awareness in Self Governance nor Excellence in the Performance of Duties due to Lack of Understanding of the Consenting Governed Model of the United States, the Stooges Pointing Reference Reveals Systemic Breakdown; indicating yet to be identified Grand Colluding Members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of US Government. It’s Fixable, Can Do, We Got This. We the People Remain Peacefully United

Can comedy or comics help establish which of our upstanding US patriots abandoned our long standing precepts by cutting up and selling off the greatest economy in history to enemies in exchange for increasingly valueless, hyped digital bank account numbers, inflated by laundered blood money and systemic fraud?

Turns Out, the Necrosword of Thor vs Gorr the Galactic God Slayer is a Metaphor for the Power of Ink to Move Destructive Weapons Like Financial Terror, Market Steering and Ballistic Missiles too

Above: Comic Graphic Depicting the Evil Spirit of Criminal Intelligence Flowing from Thought, Into Ink, and turning into Weaponry Thor 4: Who is gorr the god butcher? Christian Bale’s character explained. Animated Times. (2020, December 15). 

The Aquarian AHA Moment for Criminal Leaders is the Reality they Must Now Account for Transnational Systemic Thefts that have Pillaged all Nations Leaving the Global Elites Vulnerable

The relationship between law and human beings must continue to prove a regenerative match; so crafting law as if it were also the children of men, common law OUR lifeblood, becomes less a matter of faith and more a matter of not finding oneself derelict of obvious societal responsibility

David Campbell author of Regeneration Model and founder of Aquarian Sage University project concept

Gods, Goads, Pricks, Yads and Swords: Where God Directs Societal References Proven True ex: Gross Domestic Product, AI Forces Digital Tyranny, Proving False, ex: Shareholder Value Economy

So Dave, you’re telling me God is just a reference, a starting point? Well; think a minute. When you are the story teller, what do you begin with? A point of reference. Long before any society had the luxury of alpha numerical references to establish sound speech and just weights and measures, the story of society begins with the same single point of reference in every culture: God. Call it whatever you want, that’s the starting point of society. Agreement: point, nod, grunt, done.

Of Course, Sir, and Yes Ma’am, Sure, You Already Knew That, Right?

You did not have to win a court decision to tell you what you already knew, so why is commerce, governance and academia suddenly abandoning proven agreements and using the courts to process decisions where ethical best practices should have been more than sufficient, at the expense of the public? Ah but you also know the answer to that don’t you, all you smart folks!

Blind Singer Andrea Bocelli Performs Amazing Grace for Churches full of Members Hyped on Responsible Financial Investing and Leaving a Legacy so Ensuring they won’t be Left Behind. Blind Leading the Blind to the Wolves of Wall Street? Be Assured: The Crooked, Walking Half Assed Prosperity Doctrines of the Get Rich Quick in the Name of God, are About to Get Back to Walking the Straight and Narrow Path. The United States long Arm of the Law is the Right Behind You, the Frauds Forgot to Mention. What was it Jesus Christ told y’all? Turn the other cheek? Aquarian Doctrines will be Straightening Much of the Lack of Anatomical Understanding and figuring these Crooked Paths Out; it takes the other cheek to walk a straight line. Fleecing the Sheep? C’mon Man!

Andrea Bocelli: Amazing Grace | The Journey Times Square …
March 24, 2023 Retrieved May 19, 2023

The Not Normal Market Steering Trend of Trading Commercial Ethical Best Practice for the More Profitable Court Decision

So, why are we waiting for the courts to decide our fate as Americans? Because there are super elites racing to upstage the ethical valuation of agreed upon longstanding ethical points of reference contributed by believers in God of all countries, in all nations. The Super Elites are racing to establish a system using all the tactical operations necessary to unbalance our GDP, and shake the Public Trust in our executive, legislative and judicial systems.

Abandoning the model of a nation under God, essentially meaning the respect of neighbor shaped in the values accepted as references of agreed upon societal truths, these super elite imbeciles are racing to reshape and reprogram the poor and simple to hold Artificial Intelligence, an emerging technology that is programmed by and serves the super elites, as if it were capable of godlike leadership.

Digital Tyrants are Not So Secretly Waging War on our World: Insurrection in the USA, Attack on Ukrainians, Children Dying, Mining for Cobalt in the Congo? It This Your “new normal” America?

Trailer Image of Junaid Syed’s War of the Worlds: the Attack 2023 Image retrieved May 20 from×319.jpg

We the People is a Consenting Governed Authority: Common Law makes you Your Brother’s Keeper. Digital Tyrants are Rapidly Perfecting a Closed Loop to Feed off the GDP and Destroy the Public Trust

So the future issues with so called advance technology leadership is what now, an unquestionable glitch? See it? Zero accountability is the end game of thieves and murderers, not leaders. In contrast, Brave and Free people will rally peacefully supporting ethical common law to flex OUR authority as consenting governed Americans.

Love the neighbor as the self upheld by ethical leadership requires leaders who value other people as loved ones, not as servants or slaves. Now, that’s 80’s music to my ears, how about yours?

It’s time to promote freedom to build ethical Gross Domestic Product through Public Trust on a Global Scale. How? Scroll back to the top and read my 28th Amendment draft. We the People, baby!

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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