Aquarian Forces Create Our Desirable and Foreseeable Regenerative Reality Part 3

Developing the Force of Will Within Human Beings to Enjoy Freedom from Tyranny: What Came First, the Story or the Teller? Ultimately a Story Tellers Purpose is Regeneration of Both

Trust Busting Demonstrated the Civic Misuse of Trust vs the Retaliatory Super Power of Public Trust

Theodore Roosevelt Erupted as a Force for Public Trust, Modeling a Strenuous and Honest Political Life Image Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

The Farce of the Self Made Man: Leveraging Public Trust, the “Smartest Guys” Graft has Matriculated to Systemic Sedition via the SOX Act, ITIL and now a free for all money grab cloaked in a Green Economy. With our taxes and with the help of Closed Loop management and “Financial Instruments” US Tax Base and Investments are, perhaps unwittingly to many, perpetuating the sell off of the US Value Chain, the result of 246 years of our hard won Public Trust;

Our Gross Domestic Product Economy, the Super Power that is Built on Public Trust is being sold off for pennies on the dollar. The Fools Push to Rename Our Stolen GDP “The Worlds First Green Super Power

Dave Campbell Makes a Case for Ethical Leadership Ellis, C. (2021). Funcle Speaks: Super Power POTUS vs Kleptocrat TRUMP. USA. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from 

Iconic Green Super Power Leaders abandon well known and trustworthy practices for temporary schemes sold to the public on the hype of digital riches. “New normal” is not at all new, but old financial games being played on the unwitting public; a dangerous game dividing our nation through false promises and civic discord.

With every bad investment in the digital shareholder value economy, Public Trust and GDP is further undermined. There is one ethical, peaceful and expedient way out of this mess, my roadmap is published for US and global review.

David Campbell, Founder of the Michigan Knowledge Exchange and US President Hopeful, 2024

Gestation of Regenerative Story Telling Erupts in Birthing of Parables Capable of Strong Common Law Development. In Contrast Iconic Digital Hyperbole Hatched from Criminal Intelligence Erupts in Outcomes of Growing Wealth Gap, Destruction of Value Chains and the Devaluation of Public Trust

Bible’s Story Tellers From Adam to Moses to Jesus’ Revelation to John Shaped the United States of America and the Common Law Upon which the Public Trust is Established and Upon Which our Leaders Swear Oath to Serve and to Tell the Whole Truth

And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Isaac and Rebekah’s twin sons Esau and Jacob Fight in the womb Genesis 25: 22, 23 KJV

Elder Serving the Younger Paradox: Jacob’s First Born Hand Grabs Esau’s Firstborn Heel

Jacob Learns the Meaning of “… the Violent take it by Force” after Wrestling all Night with an Angel, He Meets his Enraged Brother He Fears, the very Man from Whom He Stole a Birthright and Blessing Image Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

Why are Baldness and Deceitfulness Paired with Youth, while Hairiness and Earnestness are Paired with the Elder?

To introduce the dynamic of regenerative law via consenting governance and the authority of the individuals to craft law: Story tellers told of two brothers, Jacob and Esau, that could very easily be seen to represent the internal struggles realized by any person in our state of being; wrestling with individual and societal matters.

These forces demarcate will and compromise, truths and outcomes, an ever present opposition forming the understanding upon which we peacefully construct our common laws and administer our systemic services through peaceful and profitable policies that afford our consenting governed citizens the pursuit of happiness. Opposing forces that although continually create tensions and arguments, still, provide the roadmap to the super power of a consenting governed authority, led by We the People.

A first born’s hand in the affairs of the first born’s heel, steals birthrights and blessings. Remember Dino the Dinosaur from Part 1? Look down at your feet; there’s your better half; you know, the half that needs nobody to tell it what to do when its time to run, sleep, eat, or to breed? The law we learn vs the desires of a prewired body we Inhabit is our state of being human, a regenerative reality.

… Am I my brother’s keeper?

Pre-Mark Cain read by Post-Marked Cain KJV Genesis 4:9 (How are you Able to Read? To Write?)

Hindi’s Ashvini Kumara Provide the Story Telling Super Power of Self and Consensual Governance

Hindi’s Version of Love thy Neighbor as Thyself seems to Adjoin with Physician, Heal Thyself

Image Retrieved April 30, 2023 from

When Christians Argue the Trinity is the Only True God, they are being True to a Sense of Sovereignty as any Foundational Faith Teaches. When we learn the Metaphors were Stories Spun from Stargazers long Before our Respective Religions Formed, Arguments Soften into the Greatest Commandment: Love thy Neighbor as Thyself

What Goes Around Comes Around: Jacob Pulls off another Hairy Handed Plan to Stay Alive

Limping towards a vengeful brother on a bad hip opened up the eyes of deceiver, Jacob, and teaches all of us to honor the God of Forces of the Hand that Commands the arcs and angles of the Elder. Get it? Who is the Story Teller and What is the Story? Both, together, weave the law and the society, the success or failures of individuals whose lives depend on their leaders and adults coming to agreement on ethical commerce, governance and academia.

So, Do You Still Believe You Are A Self Made Man? If So, Your Attitude is Merely a Temporary and Arrogant Interruption to Eons of Regenerative Processes, and Frankly, a Joke

Hairy people birth hungry people and smooth people birth children who never see sunlight, nor hunger or thirst: law; and yet, together the command of invisible codex directing yet emanating against countless atoms AGREE to form one and the same being. Tell me, did you write the code for DNA? Was the code that produces flesh and bone and remembers and conceives law, invisible long before you could read it?

Aquarian Doctrines will expound on metaphor, enabling inescapable personal to societal dynamics that will accelerate human understanding. War no more will be reality, as human valuation is ascertained to equate to everlasting life. Any leaders found denying the nurture of their citizens, or devaluing another human being to increase their own gain, such as Transnational Kleptocrats, will soon be known as barbaric.

Dave Campbell, Regeneration Model Inc.

Aquarian Age brings everyone, rich or poor, smooth or hairy, to regenerative reality:

Turns Out, Yep, I am my Brother’s Keeper, and What’s More? Now He’s a Book Keeper! Time to Introduce Four Tier Accounting

Enemies Who Eventually Recognize they were Duped into Conflict by Superior Evil Intellect (Criminal Intelligence Operatives) become Friends

Star Trek’s The Day of the Dove. Kang, Kirk and Spock, Mock the Entity of Hatred with Laughter as it Loses Power to Profit from the Warfare it Provoked Image Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

Coming up in Part 4: The Antichrist and the Christ Within. The Paradox of Self and Consensual Governance as Common Law Goes Global. How in One Hour (Our) We the People Rally around a 28th Amendment and a Global Aquarian Age Leader, the US President Next, Dave Campbell

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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