Best Christmas Ever: 8 Billion Aquarians Receive Human Nurture as Global Common Law

You Just Opened Dave Campbell’s Gift of Public Trust, Ethical Gross Domestic Product and a Strategy to Defeat Imperialism (Digital Tyranny) in 2024

Let’s Keep Talking – About a 28th Amendment to Uphold We the People’s Constitutionally Protected Consenting Governed Authority, Freedom of Speech, Public Trust and Ethical GDP

Keep talking – pink floyd. YouTube. (2013, August 27).

We the People, the Truest Authority by Declaration of the US Constitution, a Consenting Governed is Finally Waking Up to Tyranny’s 247 Year War on Freedom and Liberty: Systemic Financial Terrorism

A rapidly diminishing US middle class is plunging into varying states of poverty by design. Among the elitists hype against all of us who don’t invest in financial fraud with them as those “left behind” there are whispers of divine deliverance: A commoner from Michigan named David Campbell has gestated a four tiered strategic platform that cannot be dismissed by elitists nor outmaneuvered by corrupted lawyers.

Iconic Hype and Dirty Subsidies Silenced by 8 Billion Fearless Aquarians taking Personal Authority for Consenting Governed Citizenship and Ethical Leadership as Promised by the US Constitution, and Underscored by Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment Draft:

In Contrast to Dave Campbell’s Ethical Worker Owner Strategy for Unity and Prosperity, the Criminal Billionaire Business Model has been Looting and Destroying the Legitimate USA and Global Gross Domestic Product Economy. Here is the Exposed Crime in a Nutshell:

Oligarch Blood Money + US Sox Act + UK’s ITIL + Silicone Valley’s Criminal Icon Hyperbole form Grand Collusion’s Perfect Storm resulting in systemic thefts from USA Consenting Governed We the People. Dirty Bills, Dirty Subsidies and Dirty Warfare.

Billionaire’s Reveal No Common Sense because AI Shares no Common References, Upon Which Society and Economic Security Stands

Intelligent Criminals Hustle through Revolving Doors to Reveal Complete Contempt for US Public Trust

“The best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses, they will not save you if you are hated by the people.”

Niccolo Machiavelli

War on Terror was the Brainchild of Financial Terrorists: Corrupt International Governments Obtain Wealth through Longstanding Violent Crimes Against People; to Attain Marshal Law is the End Game

๐ŸŽฅ vice (2018): Full Movie Trailer: Full HD: 1080p. YouTube. (2019, February 16).

To Live Free is to Eliminate Imperialism; Global Sentiment Stands United Against Tyrants

Wow! To leverage the unrivaled power of 8 billion people under a common identity as one people? History, and ultimately numbers, favor people who long for relief from tyranny, so, the Aquarian Age identification makes for both an instantaneous and viable global movement and that by default.

The Age of Aquarius is Upon Us. All Nations and Kingdoms Now Recognize Language and Law as Originating from a Common Belief in Astrology; the Observation of the Cosmos and Natural World Yields Common References, So Yield Useful Language; Ethical Laws and Do Not Support Criminally Biased Artificial Intelligence in Commerce and Government Systems

Just now taking in its first breaths and elated by a common identity through Aquarius, the word of mouth is spreading fast; Aquarians stand 8 billion strong against imperialist transnational elite criminals that have infested and destroyed public trust, abused public funds to hire terrorists to shoot up our cities and kill our children, all done to distract us from identifying their crimes.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

Benjamin Franklin

The Most Noble Leaders Promote the Proper Use of Firearms

Banding together under a Spiritual and Freely Expressed Aquarian Identity, led by Dave Campbell’s unmatched leadership vision and mission statement of Regenerative Reality and Public Trust, the world is determined to protect and restore the value of Humanity through the Aquarian precept of human nurture.

Terrified by US Tyrant Dick Cheney, a Texas Coward Grovels to His Shooter

Whittington/Cheney. YouTube. (2016, July 21).

Identifiable Cowardly Tyrants, Using Criminal Intelligence, Wage Financial Terror Worldwide

To Live Free is to Eliminate Tyranny by Reestablishing Ethical Commerce, Governance and Academia

Leveraging the Age of Aquarius, Americans realize that assembling 8 billion people under a common identity as one people longing for relief from tyranny, makes for an instantaneous and viable global movement. Banding together under a new Global Common Law called Regenerative Reality the common people are set on restoring the value of Humanity through the core precept of human nurture.

Aquarian Age Modeled by Canadian Rock Band

Rush – New World man (visualizer). YouTube. (2023, April 20).

One of Many Very Cool Multi Billion Dollar Worker Owned Projects for We the People in 2024



DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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