December 12, 2023 Opened the 12/12 Portal Of Regenerative Reality, IN Walks Humanity

A Simple and Profound and Intentional Discovery Turns 8 Billion People into Aquarians. Humanity Enters the Biblical Jesus’ Time of the End (Death of Imperialism) and a Transformation to Aquarian Humanitarianism through Peaceful, Profitable and Global Common Law Begins

Introduced in Recurring Patterns, the Trinity is a Symbolic Expression of Regenerative Common Law

Image Accessed December 12, 2023 from Creation. Answers in Genesis. (n.d.). 

Honest Translation: IN Six Days of Creation, a Day is a Yad; an Evening and Morning? Lesson Learned

11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Book of Romans Chapter 13 vs 11-13 King James Version Holy Bible

The English Language Is a Blend of Patterns and Codices, Perpetuating a Paradoxical Ideology

It seemed fitting that on the 12/12 portal, I receive a download from the 5d, that wakes me up to an even deeper understanding that the King James Bible was not only literal, but alien in that it continually references the heavens as the authority for developing common reference.

Archangels IN Symbols Cast Spells in Written Word. Arcs and Angles: Powerful Trustworthy Common References Vital to Society form Our Laws. Can you Spell the Words Cups and Swords? How About Actions Represented by Wands and Pentacles?

I’ve seen the Arch Angels since I could read, But not until recent years did I equate the English Alpha Numeric System to heavenly authority and power. Each arc and angle of the alphanumerical system represents some ancient and agreed upon common reference of annunciation, together forming words and sounds, and also representing values forming amounts agreeable for establishing free trade.

You believe in AI Investments? You are Duped and Heading for Monumental Loss

Does anyone have any idea who establishes the value bias of algorithms and who it benefits? I do. Criminals. Only a criminal banker or board member would want to establish a private valuation and offer it to an extremely disrespected and even stupid public who can be easily hyped by iconic technology frauds, touting the expectations of AI but way short on evidence. Do you know anyone stupid enough to drive the hype of a Tesla truck or invest based on hype of an Elon Musk chip installed into a human brain?

Monumental American Stupidity. Arrogant Self Actualized Elites and Wanna Be Elites, Actually Believe in Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. These Icons of Technology are Replacing Arch Angels (alphanumerics) with AI (Algorithms) and You had No Idea Until Now, so Here is What is Up

By forcing the Closed Loop of ITIL using the false premise of the Sox Act as Reporting, The Elitists have devised systemic theft so efficient and so well hidden they believed they had ascended above the We the People of God. They falsely surmised the Power of Heaven is no longer accessed by prayers and ministered by the Archangels. They are now self exposed and blatantly culpable before the world.

Satellites Surveillance Gathers Intelligence to Destroy vs Archangels Power to Liberate People

Instead the power of satellites is accessed by investments and ministered by algorithms. God has been replaced by iconic criminal leaders to whom you cannot pray, you can only invest in their closed loop. You do that and you are effectively killing off God, suffocating your neighbors and your selling off our precious United States of America to Criminal Executives who Collude with Foreign Oligarchs. How is your portfolio feeling now?

Because You Dismiss Religion, You Deny Astrology and Yet You had no idea You Could Not Even Speak or Trade Without the Historical Humanitarian Precedents set by Astrology and World Religion. You Ignorantly Worship a Valueless Digital Readout and All the While Transnational Criminals are Plotting with Criminal Intelligence Operatives to Destroy US High School Students by Increasing So Called “School Shootings” attempting to Distract the Public from Systemic Fraud. No? How do you Explain the Shootings? You do it without Investigation; You Nod and Say At Least they Killed the Shooter! FOOL. The Shooter would Verify a Criminal Intelligence Ring Designed to Steer Markets much Like Trump’s Tweets Destroyed Free Market GDP and Bolstered the Illegitimate Shareholder Value Economy

Closed Loop ITIL Markets that are actually Feeding off US Taxpayer Subsidies, robbing us of the free market, which is the reward of our consenting governed authority and perpetuates by Public Trust. Only Criminals and Dunces are becoming billionaires by selling off the USA value chain.

Back to Established References. AI’s Secretive Algorithms are NOT REFERENCE ABLE. No common point of reference in a CLOSED LOOP ITIL AI Driven Commercial Market. We Are Being Robbed

How bout a rocket ride? Does it make you giddy to see Space X launching more Invasive satellites that further steal from our privacy and help hide corporate fraud through untraceable transactions? Yet these iconic antics are driving favorable investment sentiment, while behind the scenes it is criminal bankers feeding off the legitimate USA gross domestic product. Elitist criminals are selling off the our 247 year old hard work and ethical value chains and saying they are making money on IT and AI and EV and it is an iconic lie. Criminal Elitists in the USA, colluding government and commercial and academic leaders yet to be identified, went from milking the system to outright making a Smithfield Pork High Efficiency Slaughter Houses of the Public Trust, the Gross Domestic Product, and the children we hoped to raise in God’s Image.

What’s IN an IN? Plenty, and A Father, Son and Holy Ghost Two?

The Trinity is introduced to near ad nauseam in the first verse of the Bible. Take for example, IN.

Letters I and N together are drawn with four lines. 1 straight line to make the I and three lines to make the N, hence 1 and three. Next notice the word the. T is the 20th letter of the alphabet and h the 8th together the number of 28. Add the e and 28 + 5 = 31, so three and one mirrored the 13 31.

Does the Creation Story Spark Interest in Asking Questions? No? So Because You are Not Smart Enough to Ask Questions, Bankers are Entitled to Steal from You? I’m here to Protect and Lead You

What is the verse introducing? Could it be Astrology as God? Ophiuchus a writer; the snake separating his legs the ever emerging lineage of human laws written in ink? Eliminating the what not of darkness by symbol and shape, the of power of an ink horn coming from the human hand? Why not? So, I’m a blasphemer because I understand METAPHORS and ALLEGORIES? Are you embarrassed, pastor, priest and senator, or OLIGARCH, because you represent humans who cannot think for yourselves? Who told you to say blasphemer? Who told you the Kingdom of God is in YOUR HANDS? Up to US?

And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.

Habakkuk 3 vs 4 King James Version Holy Bible

Are You Upset with Me, Because You Could Not Define Emerging Truth Expressed as King James Borrowed it from Legends Passed Down over History of Humanity through Cultures and Religions?

Astrology, in my personal assessment, is the foundation of all language and law in EVERY CULTURE. The stargazers went from etchings to grunts and signals they ultimately turned into common reference. Did you arrive on Earth with perfect speech? Of course NOT. Neither did HUMANITY. We are slow learners, but ever emerging more capable.

Let ’em have it Dave! I believe I will, here goes!

Astrology wheel associated with Regenerative Reality, ready? Authority the Cardinal Signs, Power the Fixed and Responsibility the Mutable? What about Accountability? For that matter who determines Authority, Power, Responsibility or Accountability as all Four Signs, Earth, Air, Water and Fire form Equally the Legs of the Table of our Regenerative Reality? Why was Authority left out of the US Constitution? Was it Left out Intentionally, the Elitists Knowing the Truth that the Whole of Humanity had the Ultimate Authority to bear Rule over themselves, thus Hiding it? Or was Authority simply missed or found too difficult to explain? Now it is clear and Acceptable.

Graphic by David Campbell: Regeneration Model Yields Emerging Truths and Nurturing Outcomes

Authority an Ever Evolving Duality, a Paradox of Opposing Forces. 12 Houses of unique Responsibility, 6 of which are comprised of Three seemingly Opposed Dimensions of Reality, but then also struggling to Account (reconcile) with an Emerging Everlasting Fourth, crossing into another less familiar quadrant while trying to come to a centralized comfort in which to find agreement and application. So Ongoing Perception, EMERGING TRUTH; and yet all the while what they (we) know and is Referenced as TRUTH dominates the Application of Knowledge, creating a rub, but also opportunity in application of Knowledge, as I have surmised breaks down into three main categories: COMMERCE, GOVERNANCE and ACADEMIA.

So, yet to be expressed as prophetic to become innovation, is only yet to be found true over the test of time and finally accepted as truth. And so what if the Fourth Kingdom as Daniel wrote about and Revelation refers to as being of the seven, (and He is the eighth, of the seven) turned out to be OUR, or WE heated by exchange in acquiring resources, vacillating from the inequality of Imperialism caused mainly by ignorance and greed, represented keenly in tarot decks as individual in society dynamics, finally entering into Aquarian Age understanding, become balance in the 8? Equated by sight and insight; the point of Projection and Reception at any Point in the Wheel? And what if it were to become two testaments, or both perceptions seen as ever emerging understanding 7 to 8 and/or 8 to 7? So that common law was, like our biological children, became of book of life that perpetuated the well known laws, as well as the well known processes that produce peace and mercy in the pursuit of free and prosperous society? Human nurture for every individual?

Thus completing the Accountability as Ever Emerging to an Agreeable Whole? Holy? Ghost? 3/4 Known, 1/4 to be Determined, Forever, Begin. Different Points of View, Different Experiences, Territories Abundance or Scarce in the variety of human needs, thus REQUIRING PROVEN common reference for free markets to exchange. The Race for AI Legislation with UNREFERENCED Algorithms is a play to add a layer of confusion, where no precedent for determining the inevitable unfairness and outright failure of closed loop, grand colluding markets, essentially the shareholder value ITIL, AI and EV market is creating a Criminal Nobility, Billionaires emerging from the theft of legitimate Gross Domestic Product.

So, an opposing criminal non regenerative reality we see as a Quantum Threat, consisting of a Transnational Kleptocracy Authority, an Artificial Intelligence Power, a Dirty Money Profit Responsibility and I’m too Rich to Care Accountability that is Destroying the USA and Global Economy. Truly a NON REGENERATIVE REALITY. Exposing this fraud, we IDENTIFY AND DUMP THE FOUNDATIONAL YET LAWLESS IMBECILE CALLED IMPERIALISM, and WE Return to the BRILLIANCE of Astrology in Aquarian Age. REITERATING THE FOUNDATION OF SOCIETY WITH ETHICAL BEST PRACTICES NOT BORN OF ITIL, a closed loop best practice for criminal outcomes, BUT INSTEAD an OPEN, REGENERATIVE MODEL, BORN OF EVERLASTING HUMAN DESIRE.

Put a spin on this, and you end up with a Double Helix, the Seed of Reality that ACTUALLY BUILDS SOCIETY and INDIVIDUALS, TRUTHS and HUMAN NURTURE. Jacobs Ladder to the Heavenly Kingdom, ultimately providing Heaven on Earth. The promise of the Age of Aquarius.

Dave Campbell, Author of Regeneration Model and Founder of the Aquarian Sage University Project

Was We the People just a sentiment to Persuade the People to Work for the Commercial and Government Elites? Or should Consenting Governed Authority become an Actual and Effectual Branch of the Government that Defends the People against Government and Commercial Collusion?

The lines separating the houses of the Astrology Wheel act as perfect boundaries to separate and explain the characteristics of each house and its decan for the purpose illustrating balancing out the paradox of reality to the human state of being, even when all these characteristics comprise a working whole. Leaving off Authority as We the People in our Systemic government has led to 3d point of view of each branch, as if the branches worked only to fuel the government.

Yet the Astrology Wheel clearly depicts the separations of the houses and decans to be necessary for providing a just and temperate whole, meant to nurture the human being, the source of the Astrology Wheel. Note how Astrology Charts Provide for and Point to a Central Figure, The Lawmaker, Ophiuchus: Humanity Ever Emerging. 3 Decans in Each House, 4 Quadrants, 12 Houses. The three (earth) in one (heavenly) wheel.

Three in One or Three Fourths Desiring Unity with a One Fourth, Creating Balanced Regenerative Reality?

Magi greeted Jesus. You too, every Christmas, we all receive our three person presence: spirit, soul and body, or is it four? Do our symmetrical sides, left and right, count as two in Aquarian Age, or a united body? Who is we if not the fourth: the regenerative process of expression? A discernment of good and evil, alive and dead, false and true?

Aquarian Age is when self righteous humanity stops craning its ugly head over the left shoulder to snarl insults at its own left behind.

Dave Campbell, me the author

Head Ache Yet? No? Great Now on to the Beginning

How many n’s do you find in IN? 1. Beginning? You find 3. So now we have yet another sample from which to notice that patterns are being established in the writing. No? Of which of these symbols, I and N would you ascribe the concept of divide and unite? Hunger and fulness? Wonder and lethargy? See the paradox beginning? Oh Ho!

Let’s Go a bit Deeper: Consider that being Awoken Could Mean Aware of Reliable Unseen Structures

If reality is what it is, then it is a state of being. Being = Reality as expressed in common reference. We agree on something, explanations are no longer needed. How does the new come to be so? Magic? Yes until science comes along, most things are ascribed as having magical characteristics, the unexplained. We call a genie a djinn. To be a gin is to start a learning curve. To begin is creating common reference through action that is already defined and also recognizing what is not yet so a point of origin.

We don’t Need to Read Cain’s Mind to Know He Wanted Able Dead, We Already Read the Story

AI offers the stock markets today rehashed data regurgitated by design of criminals and packaged through non referenced algorithms, a perfect new way to hide dirty money.

God Created the Heaven and the Earth? Or Did Clever Men Create a Regenerative Codex?

Can a hungry dog eat a creed? A Heaven is One big cosmos, and an Earth is three pronounced backwards. Do we feed the sheep by holding up baskets of fish and bread, or breaking the heavens into parts and dispersing the knowledge of the heavenly host to the organized world?

Want to Awake to Expressing Realities Yet Unexplored? Become a Djinn, or get a Degree in Theology

To understand reality, we become a magician: the djinn. So let’s see how the King James Version uses word play and anagrams to introduce yet another fundamental construct of reality: perception.

Born A Djinn? A Magician? Or is Being Born Again an Awakening to a Written Law of Christ?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Gospel of John Chapter 3 vs 3 King James Version Holy Bible

Be Ginning. One gin is obvious, the other is hiding, not in a mirror image but in Anagram

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Gospel of Luke Chapter 23 v 43 King James Version Holy Bible

So a paradox of Djinn. The duality of seeing both sides from the Middle. A Third Eye? The Ability to See the Big Picture of Emerging Truths and Doctrinal Teaching

Humanity now begins to become self governed in a consenting governed society of the Aquarian Age. You grow up, at any age, and you also become a child, simply by self reflection and admitting you obviously never got this before now. So don’t harden your heart or close your eyes. Open up to Regenerative Reality and get ready to revive the USA and the world.

Let me help you help yourselves. Get busy and pass the word. Don’t be offended, you do not have a better solution, because there is not one to be found.


FYI, I was raised Christian and became a Catholic in 2004. I was called by God to study why people talk the way they do and believe so strongly and argue so fiercely relating to commerce, government and academia including religions and I found answers, so I share the answers. We don’t harm others anymore in Aquarian Age, we construct human nurture into global common law.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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