Aquarian Forces Create Our Desirable and Foreseeable Regenerative Reality Part 2

Invisible People Matter: Erupting Forces in Society Represent Outcomes of Long Time Silent People: Evil People Who Seek to Steal from the Gross Domestic Product and Good People Who Honor the Public Trust; but Who is Who, and Could We the People Unwittingly be BOTH?

Evidence of Hidden Force: Anak Krakatau, Indonesia Image Retrieved April 28, 2023 from

Evidence of Erupting Case Law: Elihu Seeks to Justify Job When Job Fails to Silence Accusers

I sayd, I will answere also my part, I also will shew mine opinion. For I am full of matter, the spirit within me constraineth me. Behold, my belly is as wine, which hath no vent, it is ready to burst like new bottles. I will speake, that I may be refreshed: I will open my lippes, and answere.

The Rarely Mentioned Fourth and Silent Friend Finally Erupts: Elihu Boldly Introduces the Concept of Intermediation, Justifying God, Liberating Job, and Embarrassing Job’s Three Self Righteous-Friends 1611 KJV Job 32, 17-20

Evidence of Criminal Force: The Transnational Kleptocrat Icon VLADIMIR PUTIN, Kills Ukrainians Acting as an Oligarch Thug, Cloaks a Longstanding not so Secret Game Global Elites Play against the Ukrainian, Russian and US Public Trust:

Step 1. Let the Economy Grow Freely Under the Sovereign Government

Step 2. Launch Criminal Intelligence Operations to Steer Markets and Inflame Civic Tensions

Step 3. Invade as if an Act of War

Global Elites Violent Sourcing of Ukranian GDP and Natural Resources through Grand Collusion, Criminal Intelligence, Finance and War Russia Pounds Ukrainian Positions with TOS-1 ‘Solntsepyok … 

Step 4. Continue Media Cover up Using Clever Propaganda. Engage Tactical Civic Terror Devised by Corporate Criminal Intelligence and Carried out by Corrupt Civic Law Enforcement and Mercenaries

Step 5. Launder Ill Gotten Gains through Legitimate International Systems also Established on Public Trust through Declarations of National Emergencies, Ultimately Leading to Marshal Law

Evidence of Erupting US Leadership Conspiracy? Does Spewing Fiery Tweets to Steer US Free Markets Prove Iconic Collusion with Transnational Kleptocrats who Play Divide and Conquer with US Public Trust to Gain Gross Domestic Product, only Protected by Common Law?

Look! A Hot Air Balloon Economy! Free Money! How Much Will It Cost US to Perfect the Systemic Heisting of the the US Gross Domestic Product?×796.jpg

Illegal Shareholder Value Economy Graphic by Dave Campbell

Outcomes of Erupting Transnational Kleptocracy Includes Domestic Terrorism

HUGE illegal gains, inflate the ballooning billionaire Shareholder Value Economy. Is the old Plutocratic model for insulating crimes against the Public Trust really bringing a Digital Tyranny to the USA? You no longer need the Courts to Decide, the answer is on the street and Academic:

Through creation of a SOX Act, Closed Loop and ITIL managed Grand Collusion, a Billionaire Nobility becoming rich enough to buy court decisions and corrupt the public servants is developing. Obtaining hard evidence of a Transnational Kleptocracy coup is now academic. Proof? Do you need more proof than a growing wealth gap?

Random eruptions of university shootings, or did an alum cut a bad deal with an oligarch? Follow the money

Coming up in Part 3: Developing the Force of Will Within Human Beings to Erupt Into Bold and Ethical Actions, How to Free the USA and the World from Digital Tyranny and What Came First, the Story or the Teller? Historically, how has the Force of Well Documented Evil Acts Facilitated the Responsible Force of Desire for Freedom from Tyranny?

Aquarian Knowledge Leaders Develop Common Law and Ethical Processes to Prevent Future Crime

Theodore Roosevelt Erupted as a Force for Public Trust, Modeling a Strenuous and Honest Political Life Image Retrieved April 29, 2023 from

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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