Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 1

Unraveling the Mystery of Space Time Begins with Agreed on References, like Bloody Shoes. I was a Bloodshot Eye Witness to the Challenger Explosion in Bloody Boots: Here is What I Saw then and See Now, and What I have done and Plan to do to Prevent more Catastrophic Failures During my Watch

Christa McAuliffe (D) Space Shuttle Challeger Screenshot taken June 21, 2023 from CBC/Radio Canada. (2016, January 29). Going to space is still a very risky business: Bob McDonald | CBC News. CBCnews.

If You’re Not Used to my Writing, I go Deep:

Here I’m establishing my eye witness account as a sworn in, oath taking government servant with years of consistently high performance which is well documented through awards, letters of achievement and recommendations.

I’m a former US Navy Deep Sea Diver, 1st Class; Mixed gas breathing and supervisor qualified to a depth of 300 ft. Equipped with surface supported MK-12 or SuperLite 17B diving helmets and weighted with lead bars, we rode to depth on a diving bell. The only job in the US Navy besides SEALS where positional authority outranked the officers.

So life, not rank or privilege, was the over arching principal for US Navy Divers. We held one another’s lives in our hands. We were capable, proud and admired. Don’t believe me? Here is what my executive officer from the USS Edenton ATS-1 had to say about me:

Here’s What I Can Share About Me, Yes, I’m a Deep Thinker, But You Need that Now, So Put Me Toe to Toe with Musk, Gates or Bezos, and when we talk about Regenerative Reality and Public Trust, watch them go BLANK. Put ANY Republican or Democratic Presidential Candidate against my Platform and Strategy, and they will Get SMALL

I prove my time and space reality adds value to the Gross Domestic Product. Where I desire to build the value chain, I see we have wealthy employers, powerful senators, and criminal intelligence operatives colluding to siphon off the GDP economy through the purchase and sale of our value chain, the source of our contributions and the power behind our consenting governed AUTHORITY.

Truth Travel is the OUTCOME; Our Current Reality Depicts the Result of Our Self and Consenting Governed Authority. We the People are Experiencing the Measure of our Commitment to Protect, Provide and Enjoy Freedoms, in Relation to how we Manage Commerce, Governance and Academia

Our buy in AUTHORITY as We the People is in the consenting governed agreement we call the US Constitution. Here is my answer to Restore USA Authority IMMEDIATELY with Your Help.

The 28th Amendment – Working Draft

A Fourth Branch of Government, The Authoritative Branch, We The People, is to be established as the first branch of government, preceding the executive branch and completing a four part model of governance that calls for the identification of consenting governed citizens to include all citizens of the United States Of America, not excluding those citizens of the United States serving in the executive, legislative or judicial branches. 

Four Branches Of United States Government – Conceptual Model For Self-Governed Citizens

  1. Authoritative Branch We The People
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Legislative Branch
  4. Judicial Branch


To strike permanent, clear and immutable understanding that the identity of the United States citizen is a consenting governed identity consisting of four branches of government whereby the hallmark of our freedom from tyranny centers on the self evidence that all people are created equal, and the freedoms we enjoy are not to be diminished by oppressive abusers of the rule of law.

No citizen of the United States of America shall be considered inferior to any other citizen regardless of any demographic or implied positional authority.  Thus reaffirming the rights and privileges afforded the US Citizen are not undermined by the wealth or resources of any citizen over another. 

Do You Apply Ethical Best Practices to Grow the USA, or Do You Craft Hyperbole to Steal from the USA? How do you Discern which Economy You are Currently Growing?

I am NOT LIKE grand colluding leaders, who are perfecting systemic theft of GDP in the name of a Space Race, or a Green Super Power Economy, or a BS Artificial Intelligence Super Computer that they say will replace us. Nope, I’m here for the PEOPLE. The Super Elite’s hyperbole is used to impact public sentiment, which in turn facilitates a flow of investment to those in the know, into a nearly perfected long term and long masterminded closed loop that benefits enemies through growing an illegal shareholder value economy.

Greedy Leadership is Buying Into a Noose, a CLOSED LOOP Economy with a Limited Lifespan

The result of the closed loop is essentially a free flowing rip off of our USD and GDP economy – our American Dream, folks.

The yet to be discovered kleptocracy, are stealing from the USA and feeding a FRAUDULENT shareholder value economy, which is creating a billionaire nobility off the backs of We the People. Some of us who have no idea, are listening to hyperbole, investing in what appears to be rapidly growing stock, but is essentially the systemic looting of our forefathers and mothers hard work. We are buying into our own failure, creating oppression, and all the rising crime to go with it. We are turning a blind eye to historical oligarch and monarch precedent, a strategy Oligarchs have used to collapse nations that is far older than Great Britain.

Designed Failure. Super Elites Plan to Take Material Assets and Land, and Devalue the Current Digital Readouts that Appear as “Billions” by switching the Currency System. This is the Truth Travel we are witnessing in Real Time

To their discredit, the oligarch or monarch scam historically fails, destroying the value of the currently rising millionaire and billionaire’s digital readouts, which become worthless in a destroyed GDP economy.


The Super Elite Systemic Scam of the USA is going to STOP and YOU and going to help me.

Those Who “Made it”. The Duped “Businessmen” Who Contributed to the Enemy Plan

Can you imagine fully grown educated men, after having developed wonderful corporations, in their later years, completely daft of world history, selling their profitable legacy off and trading it on a digital readout that is not worth the mobile phone it is displayed on? Thousands of such “successful” “gated community” idiots have succeeded in giving away their legacy to oligarchs as they brag to their counter-parts about the half-billion they got for their company.

Meanwhile yacht loads of Oligarch’s children are buying up our sports teams, our iron mines and our resources with actual USD. Gutted. FOOLS. High five your what, your mirror? You completely failed the United States of America all for a digital numeric fixation.

I am completely ashamed to have to report this mess. And I cannot believe I have to do it. A fascination with a mobile phone, the promises of Super AI intelligence and a digital numeric fixation took out the greatest democracy the world had yet to know? ENOUGH. I have a way to fix this NOW.

We the People are my Priority: Building the Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product is my Profitable and Ethical Platform for becoming the Next President of the United States of America

Like Odin’s or Elijah’s ravens, I give more thorough Thought and Memory to Life and Processes than most, and I realize that when bad outcomes happen, the reason is traceable. When people get hurt or killed, the same way over and over, as in the pattern of school shootings, it is NO accident.

What fascinates me most about Space and Time, is the Deeper we look into the past, and especially Deep Space and our Nation’s most historical periods of time, when we apply the truths learned, the Younger and Stronger we can become as individuals and the more secure as a Nation.

If you can stay and finish all three parts of this article, I believe you will also follow me on the road back to ethical leadership which produces Public Trust, which in turn yields Gross Domestic Product, and ultimately the honorable title of Global Super Power.

You will be able to see the False Green Super Power and the Destructive Patterns of Old Enemies we are presently enduring due to yet to be identified cowards both Republicans AND Democrats, who have bowed down to the promises of wealth, and are following the detrimental path of abandoning ethical best practices.

Once in court, a settlement or decision process takes place to be decided by Justices who may also be on the take as well; so abandonment of commercial ethical best processes that are supported by laws and instead rushing to the courts for a criminal favored outcome is rapidly becoming another “new normal”.

I swore on oath to serve you and I will not lie down. My Name is David Campbell, and if you pass the word, I can hope to be your US President Next in 2024.

Dave Campbell Founder Community Action Secures Homeland Initiative

If my Deep Dive Assessment of our current US and Global Crisis with Digital Tyrants and Corrupt Senior Leadership and the prior Letter of Recommendation do not Suffice to Assure you of my Character to Direct Global Affairs towards Profitable and Regenerative Outcomes, I Offer my Commanding Officer’s Letter to the Basic Underwater Demolition and SEAL Command. If that still doesn’t cut it for you, then read on, Explore my design build project concepts. Here is what my Commanding Officer had to say about me:

Gaining Credibility with Everyday Americans, Denying the Enticement of Dirty Money

PH3 DV Campbell, David – USN Deep Sea Diver 1987 Med Cruise
USS Edenton ATS-1 Homeport NAB Little Creek, Virginia

My Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, Involves an Ethics Makeover

Weighing the risks through acceptable policy requires ethical leadership and consenting governed buy in, which is best established through awareness of transnational enemies and domestic enemies and by ethical best practices that foster public trust and GDP, while denying enemy or criminal objectives.

Consider Conspiracy Theory Strictly to Illustrate the Power of Narrative Regarding Sentiment: Example

As sure as you and I are still breathing, financial hyperbole played a role in any decision to destroy the Challenger, ensuring the challenger crew never had a fighting chance to breathe. So instead of a teacher’s dream of outfitting every school with real time space updates, the kids got a horror story.

Because of greed and market steering, The People’s Challenger and Crew, after many years of government funding of NASA which energized and gave purpose to the Gross Domestic Product, The Challenger Crew, Idolized American Heroes, was destroyed in favor of hiding graft of those yet to be identified; those colluding government and commercial and academic leaders who were then perfecting the plundering of the tax base through our space and other government programs. These enemies, now emboldened by continual success, today, with the help of the SOX Act and select icons of the IT Industry and with EV, ITIL and other scripted hyperbole that plays on national sentiment are pitting Americans against each other, and are setting historical precedent for systemic domestic financial terror.



More sophisticated terror indeed, but essentially in substance, the same old crimes of the fallen monarchy. You can almost here this projected conversation, that spun the outcome of the technical and managerial failure during one of their secret meetings regarding the Challenger’s fate;

Wow this Challenger Program really charged up the people and got the economy going hey fellas? How ’bouts INSTEAD OF DOING WHAT IS OUR PLEDGE TO THE PEOPLE TO DO, let’s kill the Challenger Crew, and divide up the money! Now, how do we hide our crime and make it appear to be an accident, AND set the precedent for an eventual shut down of NASA led research, to make NASA a money laundering operation where our buddies can enjoy even less government regulation and oversight as we steal from the public, and make it look like we are still putting forward the NASA SPACE Programs?

Grand Colluding Senators, Corporation Owners and International Kleptocracy: Conjecture of Potentially Accurate Conspiracy Theory Begs the Question, To What Degree is This Scenario Accurate?

So Lets Take a Listen to a Credible Historical Viewpoint vs the Intentional Conspiracy Theory Above

NPR. (n.d.). The Challenger Disaster Anniversary. NPR.


And so we find instead that the explosion was an accident based on an internal schism, a lack of respect of management toward the warning issued by the technical departments report on faulty o-rings is the named cause. Not domestic or foreign enemies, not greed?

Grand Collusion Goes Systemic, Turning the US Government Into a Full Scale Grafting Operation Serving the Shareholder Value Economy, at the Expense of the Public Trust and GDP?

Continue to listen carefully to the above NPR report, because you are going to find a strong case for UNMANNED FLIGHTS, and the reference to RUSSIA’s space program superiority, as well as the dynamics of public sentiment and that of corporate push for the NASA Space Programs. These are the predominant statements made in this National Public Radio Narrative. Any wonder why NASA’s Artemis is still on the launch pad and Space X is helping the shareholder value economy to churn out 1,700 new millionaires a day? Did you make the connection with Oligarchs doing what Oligarchs historically do with VULNERABLE, GREEDY LEADERS with their lavish parties and their stolen art after hours?

Somewhere Between Conspiracy Theory, Financial Hyperbole and Humanitarianism; Truth Travels

After my first 5 years in the Navy, I served as an endoscopic surgical instrument salesman, scrubbing into cases scheduled by discerning head nurses, approving physicians and purchasing departments where any one sale would take up to 6 months for approval. Without pay, that is a whole lot of passion to serve the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan.

What I Saw and the Abuses I Experienced as the Closed Loop Tightened

The O.R. nurses liked me; I suppose they felt I was a refreshing change when I asked what they required from me, instead of being pressed into large orders they had little control over. Much of the selling was dominated by big brands like Johnson and Johnson, whose dashing, 6-ft plus tall Harvard grads with deep voices and deeper expense accounts catered technical training and also golfed with the surgeons and board members.

Big Surprise: I found that Product Evaluation and Purchasing, although appearing unbiased, is Designed Instead to Cloak the Bias and Deliver Personal Advantage to Board Members. HUH, Driving Up Health Care Cost?

I was something different altogether from the J&J surgical reps; shorter, yes, but altogether focused on the needs of the patient, not on the chief resident’s personal stock portfolio.

There I was, a Former US Navy Diver Answering Questions about Abdominal Trocar and Cannula Puncture Placement During a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Besides the scissors, graspers and spoons, I also took on a new type of wound closure device trialing at 11 Michigan hospitals and several more clinics, one of which was run by a particularly well known orthopedic surgeon in East Lansing who was pleased by the results and provided me a statement of his observation:

Actual Document Signed by Herbert Ross, D.O. Indicating his Favor Regarding a Superior Product I had introduced. Photo by David Campbell uploaded June 2, 2023

Why an Innovation Receives Praise, but Fails to Reach Markets? Despite the Professional Support of Forward Thinking Physicians, there are also Biased Board Members and Executive Management that Play a Role, So Start Ups Suffer and the Public Trust Weakens as the Health Care Industry also falls to Greedy Leadership

COMING UP IN PART 2 Dave Continues Revealing the Reality of Fraud, and His Solution for the USA

From Challenger to Artemis Has NASA Been Fueling a Bloody Shoes Space Race?

These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes
Cardi B Bodak Yellow Image Retrieved June 21, 2023 from

Spirit of America Alive and Well, We All Got Work to Do

To Me, Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar Cephus Represents the Spirit of America Today, a Nearly Impossible Climb Up to the Top in a Systemically Corrupt America, where the Rich are Getting Filthy Rich and We the People Need a Lift from a Tough Camel. I’m Dave Campbell, and I’m On it.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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