Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 3

ITIL, SOX Act and GDP Establish 3 Points of Reference Explaining Systemic Collusion. A 4th Point of Reference is the SAFE AI Legislation: Where the CIA’s Plausible Deniability attains God Said Status

Zero Accountability for Grand Collusion; Digital Tyrant Explains Outcome for SAFE AI Legislation?

YouTube. (2023, June 21). Sen. Schumer Launches safe innovation framework for AI. YouTube.

Dumb Senators Matter

Going toe to toe with Senator Schumer over US Artificial Intelligence Policy was not on my bucket list. After seeing his pathetic acronym SAFE, and reading his stabs in the dark as to what defines AI technology, I now must adhere to the strategy of Miyamoto Musashi, 1645; I must now cut the SAFE legislation proposal into pieces to expose it as more strategic hyperbole being proposed to hide systemic grand collusion.

Introduction of David Campbell’s Regeneration Model by Authority of the US Consenting Governed

I will now show my superior strategy to the world. Regeneration Model is based on truths, not on bewilderment or delusion as is the SAFE proposal. You the reader, and the Senator, and all the world can now cut the SAFE proposal and the AI nonsense into ribbons using one APRA graphic:

Authority Power Responsibility and Accountability APRA; How All Things Work

Regeneration Model Yields Regenerative Reality Graphic by David Campbell

See Why Regeneration Model, Emerging Truth and Knowledge Application Model provide Superior and Truthful Outcomes, Leading to Human Nurture, Economic and National Security, and Policy Design

Points of Reference Define the Basis of All Human Expression. AI has been Defined as Having no Such Point of Reference, Other than a Source of Generating Massive IT Investment in the Name of Potential

The acronym SAFE actually follows the programming model for acquiring results from a machine. As follows:

Security as the first step indicates a verification on the security or integrity of the program.

Accountability as the second step a verification to pre-programmed objective.

Foundation as the third step a report on the data in relation to its capacity to indicate growth or damage.

Explain as the fourth step an algorithmic solution is offered by the program.

Hence, all four steps are programmable. At no time will a machine offer any capacity to problem solve on its own. What machines can do, and it is truly amazing, is compute and then humans assess the data.

Trillion Dollar Spending Bills Rushed to Address Urgent Matters is a Brazen Criminal Assault on GDP

A US Senator suggesting AI is to be utilized in any form to determine the health, financial or security outcome of any Consenting Governed Citizen is Not Authorized under the US Constitution. Further, to suggest that an AI bill of Rights be rushed through Congress can surely lead any thinking person to only one conclusion: Fraud.

At no time will a computer be known to think on its own, most simply defended by the fact a machine cannot hunger or thirst and cannot desire and so has no will to create. It can only respond to the will of its programmers as machines are known to function.

Any “wonder” beheld as to a computer making up its own language, that only it apparently understands, is a program in the process of perfection by a programmer. Aha moments regarding a computers apparent “creations” are simply an access to something already having been stored and retrieved. To form puzzles out of data and calling it a computer’s own language is akin to clubhouse winks, nods and finger signals between deviant adolescents of the neighborhood gang. All such encrypted coding is designed to carry secrets and avoid accountability to the public eye.

After Reaching 247 Years of Freedom and Having Been the Forerunner in Super Power, Imbecilic Leaders Succumb to Digital Readouts and Oligarch Blood Money, Devising Theft From USA GDP

Any data coming from a machine is based on past information and lacks access to the superior cleverness of 8 billion human beings. Any language to support expenditure to AI where human beings lack basic support reveals a total dereliction of national leadership. People willing to invest in machines that forego a far greater return on the dollar invested in human beings, can be quickly proven to be criminal.

Grand Collusion Acquires by Systemic Fraud AND ALSO by Crafting Bills to Justify Investment of US Taxpayers Money such as Recent Infrastructure Bill

So logic indicates that suggesting AI SAFE legislation be passed and an AI Bill of Rights be hurried through congress, fits perfectly with the strategy of Digital Tyrants to hide laundered money by what ever the AI said happened to financial data.

Without Known Points of Reference, Court Decisions would be as Contrived as Expecting Justice to Miraculously Spring Forth from AI

Arguments so confusing, so ridiculous, sounding much like hype, could be made and decided by courts without satisfactory points of reference to validate points of agreement upon which to argue. Such court cases are unprecedented and could only yield unfavorable outcomes because any such case to defend a known “black box” invested in by the USA, would crumble the US Government.

Hey Wise Guy: Who Discusses Religion, Politics and Money? Criminal Intelligence Leaders with Super Elites

Three Stooges Image Retrieved May 7, 2023 from

This Staged Stooges Who Done It Photo Depicts the “new normal” in US Commercial, Governance and Academic Leadership Sentiment. Exhibiting Neither Awareness in Self Governance nor Excellence in the Performance of Duties due to Lack of Understanding of the Consenting Governed Model of the United States, the Stooges Pointing Reference Reveals Systemic Breakdown; indicating yet to be identified Grand Colluding Members of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of US Government. It’s Fixable, Can Do, We Got This. We the People Remain Peacefully United

Clearly, AI Legislation and any forthcoming AI Bill of Rights can be shown as a Scam Promoting Shareholder Value Economy at the Expense of We the People and the Gross Domestic Product

Such nonsense is part and partial to enemy propaganda because there is no agreed reference in which to build public trust or gross domestic product. All ITIL Language is designed to train corporation managers to look first to the IT systems which we have proven without a reasonable doubt, are designed to enhance the Shareholder Value Economy and Deplete the Gross Domestic Product Economy.

The Hyperbole of AI and the Feedback Loop is Providing the Shareholder Value Criminal Leadership with Defective Intelligence

The most basic take away from this issue for me, is how the use of hyperbole to attain outcomes is also generating the defective feedback upon which criminal leadership is basing decisions. An unchecked feeding frenzy on the GDP is driving an insatiable free for all during a period where law has simply not caught up to the abuse of commerce and government.

Congress is Also Fueling the Hype by Stating AI will help Prevent Misinformation Instead of Offering a Lawful Roadmap for Restoring the Public Trust; the Silence Regarding Hyperbole Increases its Impact

What the criminals are banking on is more hype, more confusion, and years of backed up court cases, ultimately hiding behind AI legislation, that if challenged, would appear to make a challenger seem not with it. So high school peer pressure is also a factor, that, and growing 401K’s of government workers now ashamed to blow the whistle, all this factoring together is driving a global false perception of value.


The Walk of Shame is Coming for Greedy US Leaders Who Do not Understand History

With every step in the fraudulent system, the value that is being shown as gain, is actually a value that is representing greater loss. When such a digital numeric fixation sets into greedy leadership, enemies such as oligarchs or moguls of foreign nations quickly come in to buy up assets, using the valueless currencies, they obtain the deed and title to the ultimate value: land, utilities, minerals and people.

The Last Argument is David Campbell’s Proposed Use of Technology

I shared a bit about my own history in part 1, and know you will be interested to understand how I came about to realize criminals have crept into our commerce, government and academia.

When You Shrug and Say, “Works for Me” on Questionable Board or Management or Work Related Decisions, Did You Consider ETHICS IS FAR MORE PROFITABLE THAN CUTTING CORNERS For a GOOD REASON? Ethics is WHAT BUILT and MAINTAINS THE ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN and SYSTEM OF JUSTICE

Did you get tingly when the digital readout of your stocks went up, or did you question how it went up so fast? Did you associate the one to one relationship of human loss and suffering to the citizens your stock investment cheated? Did you account for the dead children in the Congo who dig Cobalt with their bare hands? Did you question the war in Ukraine, and associate that so called war with Transnational Kleptocracy? You will now, because the yet to be identified CRIMINAL LEADERS that waged that war are now focused on the USA.

As for my understanding regarding this phenomenon of easy money over responsible citizenship, suffice to say when you strive to do what is honest and show the value is exponentially regenerative throughout the value chain through honest dealing AND the profitability is higher using ethical means, AND YET managers grow offended more and more with every passing year, well, it became very clear to me that crime is replacing ethical best practices in the USA. A grotesque arrogance, a narrowing of the eyes, even a spirit of contempt for humanity looms over the criminal minded and the unethical super rich.

That greedy spirit is a trend that is going to HALT on my watch; through awareness of design build business creation. The CASH Initiative, my ethics driven campaign to RESTORE PUBLIC TRUST AND GDP is also my platform for unprecedented US Presidential leadership.

Ask Rohit Verma of Crawford and Company about David Campbell’s Coalescence

Rohit can explain how David Campbell, employee 52000 provided Crawford with the means of developing a technology and best practice model capable of building the value chain, and increasing the reputation of the insurance industry. I intend to use this model to build an insurance industry to serve the people on the CASH Initiative website.

Abbreviations, Acronyms

AI Artificial Intelligence. APRA Authority Power Responsibility and Accountability. CIA Central Intelligence Agency. GDP Gross Domestic Product. ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library. SAFE Security, Accountability, Foundations and Explain. SOX Sarbanes Oxley Act.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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