From Sentience to English, from English to Kleptocracy and from Kleptocracy to the New Jerusalem Space Station: Welcome to the Age of Aquarius and the Doctrine of Regeneration Model

From Sentience to English: Global Etymology of Emerging Truths Modeled from Cosmic Expression

The innocent expressions of stargazers on cave walls formed stories that eventually became symbols. Where early humans agreed to plant society, symbols emerged into alphabets for the purpose of sharing truths. Today, artificial intelligence serves “intelligence masterminds” in systematic and systemic theft.

Neil Diamond’s Stargazer Expresses Good Will; Kleptocracy Expresses Destruction of Public Trust

Neil Diamond Performing Stargazer
Retrieved on December 5 2022 From

From English to Kleptocracy: Common English Alpha-Numerics Feeds a Deadly Digital Fixation

US citizens aspiring to billionaire nobility status are driving an unhealthy digital numeric fixation facilitated by grand collusion. Criminal masterminds crafted a fraudulent shareholder value economy that holds little actual value but instead feeds on selling off the Gross Domestic Product GDP Economy.

Global Citizens Duped – Leaders Practice Grand Collusion, Steer Markets and Launder Blood Money

Undiscerning investors are accelerating the destruction of the US and Global GDP based economy. Catering to murdering oligarchs and elite corporation owner’s kleptocracy agenda, unwitting investors are actually increasing the crime rate, accelerating terrorism and devastating public trust.

Fraudulent US SHV Bubble Economy Elevates Elite Nobility To Usurp USA Citizen Authority
Graphic By David Campbell Retrieved December 6, 2022

From Kleptocracy to Space Station: Global Head Wound Ethically Regenerated in One Hour

Kleptocracy is the fatal head wound to a regenerate Aquarian. Christ’s death and resurrection through familiar metaphors of astrology and tarot afford christ as regenerative knowledge and his bride a space station for Gaia to access deep space. Global leaders one hour becomes our submission to common law.

Aquarian Age Leadership Restores Public Trust, Gross Domestic Product so Averts Global Crisis

Convincing the consenting governed the USA has been duped will take three main keys: 1. Social elites must see proof that selling off GDP is personally damaging. 2. Commercial, governance and academic leaders must agree to restore GDP and public trust. 3. Ethical projects must be initiated by citizens.

Nice Blog Article, Dave, What Now?

Well, I just interpreted ancient Scripture, proved my value to global leadership, and provided a graphic that can create global awareness, agreed? Dig deeper into this blog. Discover Regeneration Model the doctrinal construct for global common law, and Sage Project will provide the how. Pass the word.

Fun Global Intro To Dave Campbell’s Ethical Project Development Concepts and Blogs

Chris Ellis Unchained Video Featuring Dave Campbell

Find Dave’s Blogs

About the Author – What, you need more convincing? … and, you voted for WHO? LOL

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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