Holy Lightning Balls, Batman! Two US Presidential Hopefuls Running on Truth? Believe it! KENNEDY 2024 and 🇺🇸DAVE ’24

US Presidential Hopeful Dave Campbell Interprets Daniel 2 and Suggests the 2 Ethics Champs Act as a Tag Team to Defend the US Constitution Against Digital Tyranny

Crushing IT with Honesty: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Demonstrates Unshakable Resolve to Defend Freedom

NBCUniversal News Group. (2023, July 20). RFK Jr. helps House Republicans troll Democrats on censorship. NBCNews.com. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-helps-house-republicans-troll-democrats-censorship-rcna95296

Weaponization; Latest Term from USA Grand Collusion Occlusion Guide, a Domestic Terrorist Playbook

When Ms. Wasselman Schultz D Fl., attempted to force her scripted allegations designed only to destroy his platform and defame his character, RFK snapped back:


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

If You’re Surprised to See US Presidential Hopeful 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Honoring US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Don’t be; RFK Jr. is Worthy of Praise

To mention myself in the same category as RFK Jr. may be deemed as audacious, so let’s settle on American instead. I’m American and took the oath to serve in the US Navy, to defend against enemies foreign and domestic.

Who is Really Telling the Truth and What if Political Theater is Really a Thing?

We see it in so many movies over the years; accusations leveled against honorable people end up exposing public servants whose hands are in the cookie jar. So my part in this movie is to say; When leaders of commerce and government resort to textbook domestic terror tactics, the tactical objectives and attempted cover ups are financially motivated.

If IT Looks Like Grand Collusion and IT Smells like Grand Collusion…

Oh it’s grand collusion, and what’s worse the entire world now understands that. But what is up with the tone and arrogance on display from these leaders: so brazen and open? What are we to make of that fierce attack rhetoric they openly display that clearly sets the tone of disunity? Well, if you’ve read my blogs before, you already know what I believe is happening. The pressure is mounting and so the yet to be identified criminals are feeling the heat.

A Growing Devaluation Sentiment US Leaders Reveals an Historical Arrogance Used to Justify Slavery

Trump’s Ressentiment Propaganda, Musk’s Artificial Intelligence Hyperbole and Schwarzenneger’s Green Economy: Icons of the Transnational Kleptocracy. All Paid for by US Tax Dollars

Trump’s propaganda presents a break, in that he has not only removed professionals from their role mediating the conduct of the lower classes for elites, but he has mobilized it as a force against them. His lower- and middle-class supporters may not materially benefit from Trump’s form of propaganda, but they get psychological benefits, in that they get to vent their ressentiment on the professional class and see them too become the targets of propagandistic control. Ultimately, the conflict between working-class whites, those without college degrees, and professionals earns little for its participants and occludes the role that elites play in class dynamics in the United States. 

Trump, propaganda, and the politics of Ressentiment – JSTOR. (n.d.). https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5325/jspecphil.32.1.0179

As in the Time of Daniel, Kings Today Fight to Grow their Wealth and Power. Its Only in the Past 247 Years the USA Broke off Tyranny so Proving the Superior Authority of a Consenting Governed People

The coup we presently face is a Digital Tyrant, morphed out of the elite class of several nations, aligned in not so secret brotherhoods and steeped in years of oversight and intelligence. This Pseudo King the Transnational Kleptocracy, nick named the Digital Tyrant, in a few short weeks, will look exactly like the emperor with no clothes on; the whole world capturing this event with their mobile phones.

Wake Up Everybody

Harold Melvin and the blue notes – wake up everybody (November, 1975). YouTube. (2013, May 4). Retrieved June 22, 2023 from https://youtu.be/RTlzhlnLhbQ

While Super Elites Race to Create Policy that Hides their Collusion, Two US Presidential Candidates Will be Leading the USA back to Peace, Prosperity and Freedom! A Renewed Spirit of America! We the People, Baby!

“The Chaldeans answered before the king, and said, There is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king’s matter: therefore there is no king, lord, nor ruler, that asked such things at any magician, or astrologer, or Chaldean.”

Daniel 2 v 10 King James Version Holy Bible

First Two-Way Verification System: King Turns up the Heat, Demands the Dream AND its Interpretation

Daniel showed the King his ability to tell the dream by creating reference points of known history. References that led to both recorded knowledge and the ethical systemic societal references that allowed the kingdom to thrive. As the paradox of reality is built on ethical references, it is also the fate of nations who deny access or who abuse the established references to destroy themselves.

By his superior understanding of history and prophecy, Daniel at once saw the vision that attracts all kingdoms built on man’s use of knowledge as the result of ethical systemic processes yielding a powerful society. The stone cut without hands is INTELLIGENCE patterned after stargazers accumulated and recorded methodological expressions of cosmic observation, which is the basis of all language and law. So, intelligence ultimately destroys the foundation either by violent overthrow or through systemic regeneration. Daniel met the verification demands of the King, and so proved worthy of bearing rule over the smartest guys in the room who sought to damage him. The INTELLIGENCE LEADERS.

Good Guys Win Because when they do not, Freedom CANNOT

Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan season 4 – official trailer: Prime video. YouTube. (2023, May 31). https://youtu.be/KnaSV9H4vZo Retrieved July 23, 2023

How Daniel and Dave Campbell Meet the King’s Two-Way Verification of Ethical Systemic Intelligence

The same INTELLIGENCE LEADERS, who claimed the King’s request was impossible, and who were accused of by the King for buying time to concoct an explanation, are the USA’s yet to be identified CORRUPT INTELLIGENCE LEADERS of the present; rushing to destroy the foundations of the USA because they have NO INTELLIGENCE as to how to regenerate and restore the USA systemically.

That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

Daniel 2 vs 18 King James Version Holy Bible

Digital Tyrants have brought back the tactics of tyranny which destroy every nation: collusion through spending bills and market steering. While they promise to provide national and financial security, the OUTCOMES of criminal INTELLIGENCE CLEARLY explain the increasing wealth gap, so depicting ongoing abuse of Public Trust.

Honesty is the Stone or Rock, the Wisdom of Heaven, which is REGENERATIVE REALITY: USA’s Hope

The Fourth Kingdom is represented in the destroyed and resurrected statue, or paradoxical state, one that is regenerative by common law and dependent upon self and consensual governance. We see the allegorical statue now decimated in metaphor by process, and yet becoming a mountain through the dust of the knowledge of damaging intelligence, and yet having reassembled metaphorically into a mountain of honesty, covering the entire earth.

But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living, but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.

Daniel 2 vs 30 King James Version Holy Bible

Thus explaining an internalization of wisdom in the people, each person, to take the AUTHORITY of self and consenting governance as has been attained in the USA by our founding fathers 247 years ago. We the People, not tyrants, not criminal intelligence, but a consenting governed AUTHORITY, WE THE PEOPLE, rule the USA with ethical and intelligent systems that support PUBLIC TRUST and GDP, the OUTCOMES of a divinely inspired human leadership capable of regenerating human society.

Two US Presidential Candidates Looking for Truth

Screenshot Retrieved July 21, 2023 from Cable News Network. (2023, July 20). Video: RFK jr. says he’s not “anti-vax.” CNN fact checks that claim | CNN politics. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/07/20/robert-f-kennedy-jr-anti-vax-fact-check-dale-nc-vpx.cnn

Like Daniel, Dave Campbell uses Wisdom to Determine the Crimes, and the Points of References that Make it Crystal Clear the Crimes are Causing Damage to the USA. We can also See Clearly those who are Exposing Themselves

Therefore, Daniel proved himself capable of not only leadership, but possessed the knowledge of the cosmos, that of regenerative reality.

“You Shouldn’t Have Taken the Oligarch Money” 🇺🇸DAVE ’24’s Cosmic Emperor Persona on YouTube

Campbell, D. J. (2023, June 20). Cosmic emperor👑 new stadiums coaching contracts shooting sprees & investigations funded by oligarchs. YouTube. https://youtu.be/3Q67ksGRY04

Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment: the True Authority of the USA, We the People, Baby!

You have two US Presidential Candidates who understand the serious issues of corrupt leadership, and we understand that how by uniting our efforts as a consenting governed people, we can peacefully and ethically restore the Public Trust by investing in the People. Get the word out. Thanks!

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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