When Just Weights Aren’t Just Measures: Mother Gaia’s Divine Masculine’s Feet Touch the Ground and Ol’ Boy do the Sparks Fly

United States of America J-6 Judgment Call Blasts Trump; Tower Moment for Global Kleptocracy

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Image Retrieved January 9, 2023 from

Say 6x Fast: Thick Skulled Senators Secretly Stage School Shootings to Distract Citizens

For 246 years US public trust shielded criminal leaders with a gross domestic product economy. Corrupt media leverages public trust to steer free markets and economies. In 2020, recognizing imminent public culpability the elections became a race for Marshal law and new normal propaganda; domestic terror.

Deftones Interactive Tarot Card
Image Retrieved January 9, 2023 from

A Dunce with Death: US Rhode Scholar’s Private Digital Hyped Economy Ushers in the Anti-Christ

Fat cats abuse systems and upend justice, finding it easier to steal and cut in a dunce nobility than to build and nurture a domestic economy. In the inevitable collapse tyrants divide their spoils and sentence the duped dunce(s) to prison. But hold on, ‘cuz in 2023, Anti-Christ dupes the old boy network tyrants.

Deftones Interactive Tarot Card
Image Retrieved January 9, 2023 from

Anti-Christ Marries Gaia; Global Astrology and Tarot Readers Unanticipated Match Made in Heaven

Plot twists; a thing? So inviting global sages inclined to project develop emerging aquarian age doctrine could wind up as a design/build reality. Have you heard? Anti-Christ turned out to be a metaphor for common law. Who knew? I’m inviting you here and now, to start this dialogue, you and me; write now!

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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