The Aquarian Age Ascended Masters vs the Zombie Apocalypse Descended Morons

Handwriting On the Big Screen: Elitists Showcase Deadly EV, ITIL Shareholder Value Economy

Let’s Give EV’s The Stage They Deserve
Will Ferrell Mocks GMC EV in Super Bowl Advertisement
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Entropic “Zombie Masterminds” Peddle EV Shareholder Value and Billionaire Nobility

At first, I was appalled to see Will Ferrell promoting the electrical vehicle shareholder value economy. But then I began to hear his well crafted mocking in the ad, and now I applaud him. GMC executives also realize Will Ferrell dissed the reputation of EV peddlers on Super Bowl Sunday, and laughed all the way to the bank with our taxes. Yep; our taxes create new EV billionaires so fast, even GMC mocks the scam.

Q: How Did Relaxing the First Principal of Safety Become a Selling Feature? A: Financial Terrorism; Propaganda doesn’t say, “Give Us Control of Your Personal Safety” it says, “Jesus take the Wheel”

To Upwardly Mobile Citizens Denying Personal Safety as Basic as Controlling an Automobile is a Sign of Tech Savvy?
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The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Lord Jesus Christ

So, Why Do Most Businesspeople, Pastors, Politicians and Thugs Still Want to Dress Like Al Capone?

Helman, C. (2021, February 8). The manipulative, little known billionaire who nearly ruined the country’s richest Black Person. Forbes. Retrieved February 23, 2023, from 

Digital Numeric Fixation; a Modern Day Leprosy? How Kleptocracy is Rotting the Public Trust

Modeled by the well groomed; averting ethical best practices to focus on shareholder value has created an ITIL entropy driven profit centric loop. Where quarterly statements must show profits or corporate units are no longer justified, the customer service and market need driven economy is being sold off.

Imagine the USA’s Gross Domestic Product economy as a pregnant woman in the early to mid stages of rot, from September 11, 2001 to today. Now imagine the criminal elite enjoying her stench as they pluck off and sell her parts. They don’t see rot, they cannot smell it, they hear no warning of a failed state. In fact the faster she rots, the easier to pluck off her parts for sale. For internationally networked US thugs, there is no joy of feeding a family or anticipation of a birth. There is no investment in people or serving the markets, there is only easy money. This aptly describes the USA’s shared value economy elites and Russian oligarchs, their old bedfellows.

Dave Campbell Founder of Regeneration Model Inc. Sage Project Looks to Restore Global Leadership with Ethical Projects

SAGE Projects Will Lead The World With Love

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Love is a consistent passion to give, not a meek persistent hope to receive

Lord Krishna

Entropic “Zombie Masterminds” Accelerate EV Shareholder Value and Billionaire Nobility with Terror

To increase the speed of selling off the GDP, propaganda “masterminds” continue to pump millions into destabilizing the public trust through financial terror such as school shootings, pandemic misinformation, incentivizing false accounting and of course getting rich quick so you don’t get left behind.

Heuristic “Holy Rectors” yield Ethical Gross Domestic Product and Public Trust by Ethical Innovation

What criminals are forgetting, is the honor of creating and nurturing business and society is the essence of living. Where thieving may seem profitable to a thief it is actually devastating to the economy their life depends upon from which to steal. Systemic theft is systematically damaging our regenerative value chains and hiding through crafty bills that actually accelerate fraud, so eventually collapsing our nation. This calls for self exam of investments and also for a global leadership organization to emerge.

Aquarian Age Reality will be Facilitated by Global Design / Build: 5d to 3d Projects Impacting Commerce, Governance and Academia.

Learn More at SAGE Project and Get a Session Started. Judging is easy, dismissive and all too common. SAGE Project is open for dialogue now. Welcome and please get the dialogue started with comments.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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