Rings of Truth Part 2: Saturn Returns to Crown Aquarians with the Super Powers of Eternal Judgment and Design / Build Authority

Sage Project: 1 Organize Global Leaders 2 Create Regenerative Projects 3 End Systemic Theft

Costs of the 20-Year War on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths. Brown University. (2023, February 22). Retrieved March 6, 2023, from https://www.brown.edu/news/2021-09-01/costsofwar 

US Taxes Spent On Terror Prevention or Spent Staging Financial Terrorism to Hide National Theft?

Old criminal money lenders use clever strategy to create the need for spending bills. From Bush’s War on Terror after 9-11 attacks to Trump’s 3 Trillion Covid Relief, these clever strategies have become the new normal. New normal also includes the systemic corruption of market steering where IT and ITIL investment and expenditure drive quarterly systematic implementation and reporting.

SOX Act, IT and ITIL. Duped US Voters Support Systematic White Collar Crimes

Criminals in charge of US resources are replacing time honored ethical best practices in commerce, governance and academia, with shareholder value closed loop management that is systematically destroying the free market economy, all while creating billionaires with public funds.

Consenting Governed Citizens Do Not Realize Criminals Design and Control the Rules, Enforce Reporting and Penalize Non Compliant Performance; So How Could Leveraging Aquarian Age Ethics to Design / Build Commercial, Governance and Academic Projects Restore Public Trust?

When Everything Related To Sox Act and Sustainability Reporting Proves to be Efficient to Large and Detrimental to Small, Well…
Su, W., Zhang, L., Ge, C., & Chen, S. (2022, August 6). Association between Internal Control and Sustainability: A literature review based on the Sox Act Framework. MDPI. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/15/9706 

Grand Collusion IT Billionaires: US Criminal Elite Team with Oligarchs in an Attempt to Buy Out US Citizens Consenting Governed Authority

Well-planned criminal strategy, depicted as the High Table in John Wick movies, has corrupted the USA systemically over many years. International criminal leadership wields great power along with many yet to be identified US criminal leaders, due to investment outcomes. This is old time market steering amassed into a systemic leprosy named kleptocracy. Enemies don’t mention the downside:

Grand Collusion brings along with: Charges of Treason, Loss of Citizenship and Imprisonment

Power to leverage hundreds of CEO’s, government leaders and elite citizens no longer done with bribery, and who needs blackmail? With the rise of systemic grand collusion, trading stocks that are tainted with dirty money is far easier, especially with government pensions not so secretly tied to dirty money.

Sage Project: 1 Organize Global Leaders 2 Create Regenerative Projects 3 End Systemic Theft

Sabol, L. (2023, January 25). Countering kleptocracy: January 25, 2023. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://www.ned.org/countering-kleptocracy-january-25-2023/ 

Aquarians, We are not Here at this Time to Sigh and Say, I Can’t do Anything About this

Kleptocracy is spreading like leprosy; a digital numeric fixation grows with every dirty money stock pay out. Greed has replaced many once capable leaders desire to uphold the code of ethics and the honor of faithful service. Duped leaders, now numb to their criminal acts, are in for a shocking awakening.

Game Over: ITIL is Closed Loop, EV is Not Green and Trillion Dollar Bail Outs are Traceable Fraud

The SOX Act was passed to favor the shareholder value nobility thus creating markets that are designed to be closed loop, forcing what appears to be a genuine market opportunity based on supply and demand, but in reality IT and ITIL is a market created and steered, and proven to be systemic theft that feeds off the Public Trust economy.

The Divine Right of Kings Ruling with Shame became a Wrong of Kleptocracy that Aquarians Defame

William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk with Jeff Bezos Spoofed as the Puck Trelane, A Not So Artificially Intelligent Stargazer, Who Could Mimic Form, But Lacked Truth Screen Shot and Meme created March 8, 2023 from IMGFLIP.COM courtesy 1967 Star Trek The Squire of Gothos

Lump all the Above into one Category: Kleptocracy or Grand Collusion

Although this crime may seem new in the USA, the crime, called Transnational Kleptocracy is internationally networked. Aquarians are now tasked to see this core criminal organization through the massive influx of criminal outcomes. Outcomes sold as “new normal” are old hat in banana republics.

Green Economy Billionaires Kill Children in Mines: Aquarians Project Develop to Raise Up Society

The True Color of the Green Economy
Schizer, M. W. (2023, January 25). Clean energy’s dirty secret-human rights abuses in Cobalt Mining. Newsweek. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://www.newsweek.com/2023/02/10/clean-energys-dirty-secrethuman-rights-abuses-cobalt-mining-1775174.html 

Fingers to Write Laws, Fingers to Dig Cobalt, Fingers that Benefit from Both. The Aquarian Age is In our Hands. What Can we do with all this Cosmic Authority?

All language, religion and laws originated from the symbols and patterns of stargazers who to this day record the circuits of heavenly bodies. Disregarding all of our laws, elite criminals, while maintaining a facade of stewardship, are actually using sustainability and green reporting to steal with support of legislation.

...Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Jesus calling for self reflection. Matthew’s Gospel Chapter 3 verse 2 King James Version Holy Bible

Global Leaders of Commerce, Government and Academia Welcome Aquarian Age Common Law

Odyssey, D. (2023, March 3). Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026, explained. Nylon. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://www.nylon.com/life/saturn-in-pisces-meaning-explained 

Welcome to a SAGE Project Sesh! You are Invited to Explore this Strategic Global Aquarian Engine

These are not static blogs, but instead design/build opportunities. My life is an ever-unfolding testimony of the life path 5. The search for answers with a boldness to do what I desire. I’m here to motivate your belief in the promises of the Aquarian Age and help you channel your 5d skills into 3d actions that nurture society.

Parting Thought: Deep Diving Cormorants are Also made of Intricate Laws Etched in Their DNA. Nature Does Not Lie and Steal, Nature obeys the Laws, and is Beautiful

Great Cormorant Photo by Susan Hale Image Retrieved February 28, 2023 from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d9/a5/90/d9a5901ea46b5b217f7042e1d151ea41.jpg

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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