Quantum Reality? What Four? Exactly! And Why Aquarian Age Identifies Our Forever Emerging Reality

Its “in” to Speak of Quantum Entanglements, Quantum Jumpin’ ‘n sich… So, Here’s my take

Not a scientist. Did make a scientific case for my Regeneration Model, but as colloquially as possible so it would be understood by any demographic. Did not realize that the four part model I had discovered in the book of Hebrews would one day unfold as the river of life, the New Jerusalem or as the latest and most exciting Quantum Buzz Phrase: Regeneration Model.

…Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

Paul the Apostle book of Hebrews Chapter 6 verse 2

Would You Honestly Take the Time to Etch Something In Stone that Had Been Proven Dishonest?

Medusa’s Gaze Turns Man to Stone a Metaphor for Regenerative Reality?

Image Retrieved April 5, 2023 from https://64.media.tumblr.com/ff997687371f608b419d623419cfd2e5/742f51c43d2a45df-4a/s1280x1920/8ddee8eac34bc82d2a9f3b91fb2a8148052a11f5.jpg

Took me three whole months, and on the fourth month, I got it. A model emerged from old St. Paul’s teaching. The four phrases I recognized as a process for correctly regenerating past, present and future reality as we express and then pass it on to generations as follows: Authority, Power, Responsibility and Accountability.

When you see it, you’ll say, HOW COME I DID NOT SEE THAT? Don’t dismay, Apostle Paul beat us all to it. As was his job, he wrote the model in spiritual context, providing a mystery that has stumped theologians for hundreds of years:

Expressions of Truths Emerge as Regenerative Access to Resources; So Judgment’s Final End Becomes Eternal

Human beings assimilate and express knowledge for the purpose of regeneration. Our words that matter most keep us alive and we honor those words as our most prized truths and so utilize truths to establish public trust and gross domestic product. Building society that perseveres establishes the value of law.

TARS: It’s Not Impossible Cooper: No, It’s Necessary

Interstellar’s Black Hole Required Exploration to get Back Home

Image Retrieve April 5, 2023 from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/f9/3a/95f93aa1c5d1a50de749527af35cac1e.jpg

The Value of Oath of Office; Setting the Needs of Society Above the Greed of Elitists and Tyrants

For centuries, societies have constructed language and law, and maintain policy and processes that are true. Truths formed into laws provide buy-in for consenting governed citizens to trust their leaders. So a decline in public trust can be clearly seen in terms of outcomes reflective of untrustworthy policies.

Global Spiritual Leader Weighs In

Outcomes Yield Eternal Judgment, a Far More Reliable Indicator than Judgments of Greedy Leaders

So called “intelligence” leaders instituted plausible deniability as a means of insulating our senior officials from criminal prosecution. However, citizens of the USA no longer need the courts to prove our leaders are warping policies to favor the rich; the outcome of an expanding wealth gap has outperformed fraudulent laws.

Where there is Smoke

Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull April 2010

Image retrieved April 5, 2023 from https://i2-prod.walesonline.co.uk/incoming/article15200280.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/0_ICELAND-Volcano-1.jpg

Technology may be Praised as Defining an Alternative Reality: But Hunger and Thirst Determine Ultimate Reality

Artificial Intelligence, touted by the great reset as judgment toward a better world, is proving to be an elaborate facade for leveraging hyperbole with legal justification as governments and commercial corporations cloak its closed loop ITIL management system used to further diminish the gross domestic product; at the expense of enriching a rising digital tyrant called the transnational kleptocracy.

Technological Hyperbole Shamelessly Models a Closed Loop ITIL / Sox Shareholder Value Economy

Iconic Hyperbole: Elon Musk, Perhaps Unwittingly, Fuels the Great Reset’s Green Economy, Cashing In Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product for Blood Money Legalized by SOX act; Laundered by Shareholder Value

Image Retrieved April 5, 2023 fromhttps://laverdadnoticias.com/__export/1642731055289/sites/laverdad/img/2022/01/20/elon_musk_nears_human_testing_of_brain_chip.jpeg_423682103.jpeg

Ethics Determined by the Majority Rule and Upheld by Law, Propel Commercial, Governance and Academia and so Society Forward; Outcomes Established in Proven Truths and Time Honored Tradition

Yet, it is eternal judgment provided by public trust and determined by a consenting governed called We the People, that has for a 1/4 millennium provided the USA and proven to the world the outcomes of an honest and just society, where the people are nurtured through ethical laws, and so we prosper.

Man is Ultimately the Source of Knowledge and so the Most Valuable Resource

Tales from the field: John Henry – man vs. machine – triangle land conservancy. Triangle Land Conservancy – Improving Our Lives Through Conservation. (2016, July 14). Retrieved April 5, 2023, from https://triangleland.org/blog/tales-from-the-field-john-henry-man-vs-machine 

Aquarian Age Society Roadmap: Quantum Jumping and Quantum Entanglements that are Design/Built using Scientific Process, Energized by Public Spirit and Protected by Common Law

Regeneration Model offers the Academic Sage Project Concept. CASH Initiative Offers Commercial and Government Project Concepts. Michigan Knowledge Exchange Offers High Ticket Manufacturing Project Concepts. Leave your comments and start your project discussion session today.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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