Part 3. Business Case for the Aquarian Sage University (ASU) A Strategic Aquarian Global Engine (SAGE) Project

Federal Reserve’s Thug Problem: We the People, Pastors, Priests, and Presidents Idolize Al Capone

Consequently the “I’m gonna be rich no matter how” criminal mindset has morphed into Transnational Kleptocracy and is destroying Public Trust. Smart Feds must leverage Aquarian Age as a way to cash in on revitalizing the gross domestic product through ethical and anticipated rewards of good citizenship.

WARNING Mature Audiences Only: If you are too tender to recognize the damage caused by Transnational Kleptocracy, and/or too cowardly to speak harshly against the damage using powerful and proven truths, don’t read any further. But if you believe you have the mental capacity and the grit of character to recognize the power of emerging truth, read on.

Without Public Trust, the USA is on its way to a Banana Republic. Can We the People at least hold our Federal Reserve Accountable for that?

Dave Campbell, SAGE Project and ASU project concept originator and founder of Regeneration Model Inc.

Anti-Heroes or Iconic American Scape Goats? Al Capone’s Legend Inspires Mobsters, Pastors and Presidents to Cash In Public Safety for a Blood Soaked Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous: Bad Ape.

Show me the Coin of Anti Christ?
Take from Caesar the things that belong to Ceasar, and from God the things that belong to God
title and quote mine
Image Retrieved March 25, 2023 from

To Convict Al Capone, the Feds had to Swap the Jury out at Just prior to his trial. Monkeys like Bananas and that is why We the People are confused by Criminals. EZ Money buys Monkey Votes but Public Trust plants Banana Trees. The USA REQUIRES leadership UNAFRAID of the MOB and CAPABLE of Providing Unsurpassed ETHICAL Wealth and TERROR FREE National Security through Effective Leadership.

Al Capone’s Head Stone Image Retrieved September 29, 2021 from

Dave Campbell is Launching SAGE Project, which Leverages the Power of Emerging Global Awareness of the Aquarian Age and the Knowledge Empowered Desire for Citizens to be Free from Abusers of Public Trust with IMMEDIATE IMPACTS on TRANSNATIONAL KLEPTOCRACY

Dave Campbell also deployed a 28th Amendment concept to Secure We the People as the Authoritative Consenting Governed. With focus on Self and Consenting Governed Authority, an ethical and peaceful global project development movement promises to strengthen public trust and national security.

Tired of Fraudsters taking advantage of Our Loved Ones? Mobsters, Corrupt Politicians and Religious Leaders Take Heed: Dave Campbell has also introduced the Four-Tier Accounting Concept

Benny Hinn Televangelist of “Prosperity Doctrine”
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HEY You, Stupid! Paying for Gorilla Warfare? Criminal Mastermind Sox Act Forces the Not So Green / ITIL Closed Loop Systemic Theft Economy Paid for by US Taxes. We are Paying for Grand Colluding & Market Steering as Our Gross Domestic Product is Cashed In to be Stolen by a US Approved, Oligarch Friendly, Billionaire Economy, who US citizens Idolize because they have Money. Yeah they stole OUR Money.

Dire straits – money for nothing (official music video). YouTube. (2010, February 23).
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Jealous Hater of Stupid Criminal Billionaires or the Savior of their Children? Dave Campbell takes His Regeneration Model to the Global Market of Thought & Knowledge Leadership and Crime Bosses Don’t Like Him, but will the Academics Like Him, or will they feel Stupid too? Get over it. Learn!

All my adult life I have heard managers and workers, even owners falsely accuse me for showing them up. After 25 years or more of putting up with substandard leadership due to greed, poor world views, and utter lack of concern for citizenship or leadership duty, I am taking charge! lol There is no possible way anybody can squirm out of the responsibility that is now evident for nurturing human beings. I am offering the world global common law at its core and it’ a smash hit for any demographic. Adapt it, accredit it, publish it.

Regeneration Model Graphic by David Campbell
David Campbell Originator of the Global Common Law, Regeneration Model

The Aquarian Sage University is Your Opportunity to Embrace the Aquarian Age as an Ethical Design/Build Project with Leaders all Over the World. Lets take Aquarian Age from 5d to 3d.

Heaven On Earth Is In Our Hands. Lead.
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If you were offended by my use of the word Stupid several times in this article. It is a likely indicator that you are indeed stupid.

If you cannot see the damage of Transnational Kleptocracy in play, then yes, you are stupid. Get smart. Ethical and Peaceful restoration of Gross Domestic Product and Public Trust is the smart roadmap. Your investing in EV/ITIL/Green Shareholder Value Economy is killing the USA. Follow a lover of the People, follow a leader; Get behind me.

Are you an Honest Public Leader and Believe you have a Responsibility to uphold the United States of America and Put Down the Global Damage of Transnational Kleptocracy? If so, Here is your Ethical and Peaceful Roadmap. Lets Design/Build solutions by facilitating massive ethical project development investment. Leave a Comment. Get ahold of Me.

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Need More Understanding on Emerging Global Common Law and Project Development Concepts? Read on!

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