End Time Gospel Spells the End of the Trinity Part 2: Yearning for the Void: Necessity the Mother of Invention Solves an Ancient Trinity Metaphor, Facilitating Aquarian Age Doctrine Right On Time to Befuddle the Antichrist, Who Becomes… Regenerative Global Common Law

Textbook Terrorism: Digital Tyrants Abuse Law Enforcement and other Legitimate Systems

George Floyd Death Images Downloaded on April 19, 2023 from https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/05/floyd-chauvin.jpg?quality=75&strip=all

Secret Society or Orthodox Authority? A Rise of Killings Link to Acts of Terror By Digital Tyrants

Metaphorically, Jesus’ baptism by his cousin John the Baptist authorized the agency of Baptism to the baptized; symbolizing the right to avoid a penalty of death for acts of crime by virtue of association to the creed of faith in the Gospel, or New Testament doctrinal creed. This monumental act of civil rights leadership awarded to Jesus Christ, introduced suspending the abuses of murdering rulers through law.

The creed followers of secret societies, having illegally attained staggering wealth through abusing public trust and robbing the gross domestic product and combining forces through their own not so secret transnational bank / government conglomerations, apparently think themselves as having clipped the highest branch of the cedar, through the putting down of USA’s consenting governed citizenship, the highest creed of all, the US Constitution.

Willful killing or character assassination of citizens by the digital tyrants, through criminal intelligence corporations, is a show of authority, meant to spark fear in people that abide the creeds of US Citizenship, sovereign governments or peaceful religions.

Crimes gone unchecked, the digits of a mans hand will write a familiar message for the abusers of our common laws. In other words, the word is on the street. Like the partying king, the only people who seem to be unaware of inbound justice, are the digital tyrants.

When Death and Hell, Having Been Subdued by Common Law, Are Secretly Accessed by Intelligence to the Advantage of Elites, the Resulting Impacts become Clear As The Writing on the Wall

Like the Current Digital Tyrants in the USA and their Temporarily Arrogant Transnational Kleptocracy Alliance, Belschazzar son of Nebuchadnezzar Ignored the Common Law; Lessons Hard Won Regarding the Abuse of Public Trust and Gross Domestic Product

Image Retrieved April 19, 2023 from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/o3DTthTyMMs/UTLRxC5f1QI/AAAAAAAAAUw/E1dt47WfmGU/s1600/handwriting+on+the+wall.png

The Beguiled and Befuddled Antichrist is Who, Exactly?

My interpretation of scripture is different from most. The nihilist anticipation of the “end” of the world is negated by “world without end” in the same book. Daniel, besides giving us the most incredible stories and interpretation of the world system and development of law and society, provides a shocking yet to be realized interpretation that I am not careful to announce.

Antichrist and Christ are Interpreted by Dave Campbell as Forces of Self and Consensual Governance

Age of Aquarian peace and prosperity are very much in line with the constructs of personal and societal accountability. The interpretations of metaphor in scriptures from all religions will reveal the progression of human state of being to be dependent upon the ever emerging development of common law.

To me, this verse from the King James Bible is an invitation for all people passionate about personal freedom and consensual government to get on with crafting the Aquarian Age Doctrines for the preservation of our own Regenerative Reality:

Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent: 

Ezekiel Chapter 17:22

When I tell you that the Antichrist uses Colgate to brush his teeth, I am not lying to you. When You realize that following the common law is far more profitable than the reality of destruction when it is abused, you will know my power is formidable. To be against yourself, is the whole idea of self control. Not only are we fore our good, we are against our own evil.

Who is abusing the common law now? The word is already on the street, the criminal leaders are identifiable; I call them Digital Tyrants, they are also known as the Transnational Kleptocracy. Can you hear their knees begin to knock? I can.

…Get thee behind me Satan…

Jesus Christ the Gospel of Luke Chapter 4:8 KJV Holy Bible

Are you an Honest Public Leader and Believe you have a Responsibility to uphold the United States of America and Put Down the Global Damage of Transnational Kleptocracy? If so, Here is your Ethical and Peaceful Roadmap. Lets Design/Build solutions by facilitating massive ethical project development investment. Leave a Comment. Get ahold of Me. 

About the Author 

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Need More Understanding on Emerging Global Common Law and Project Development Concepts? Read on!

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