Part 2. Business Case for the Aquarian Sage University (ASU) A Strategic Aquarian Global Engine (SAGE) Project

The Plan to Design/Build ASU Begins with Awareness: Assessing the Global Need to Restore Ethical Best Practices impacting Regenerative Outcomes for both Public Trust and Gross domestic Product.

The Market for Building Public Trust is Wide Open: Regeneration Model provides an Accelerated Delivery System for Global Common Law and so a Forthcoming Induction of Aquarian Age Doctrine

Retrieved March 22, 2023 from

Loss of Public Trust? US Leaders, Fallen from Grace, Facilitate Wealth for Tyrants. Now What?

Any thinking person can see that the USA now consists of two separate economies, one, the fraudulent ITIL shareholder value economy which is creating new billionaires daily by systemic theft. The other, our Gross Domestic Product, is already a proven economic super power capable of upholding public trust.

What Human Expressions Gain Honor as Truths, and Which do we Know to Cause Damage?

Consider these two quotes carefully, one is charged with conviction, but somewhat anecdotal, the other at first seems quite spiritual, but in reality proves to be deeply pragmatic. So which would you build a nation on?

Give me liberty or give me death

Patrick Henry March 23, 1775 Continental Congress
Jesus, Offended by Merchandisers, Also Dined with Tax Collectors? Why?
Image Retrieved March 23, 2023 from

Get thee behind me Satan

Jesus Christ of Nazareth from the Gospel of Mark Chapter 8 verse 33 Circa AD 28

The Answer is Both. Three points on a plane offer Understanding from which to Operate. The Fourth Point is?

Regenerative reality depends upon the ongoing management of society, with the lions share of investment going toward the regeneration of human beings. Pragmatism then, not spirituality, offers us that, as the originators of our currently expressed state of being, and the originators of that which is to be discovered, there is no higher valued resource on the earth as the human being.

The Immediate Purpose for the Aquarian Sage University is Facilitation of Human Nurture and the Ethical Prevention of Transnational Kleptocracy

Natural resources although plentiful must be managed not greedily consumed. Clever masterminds have created the shareholder economy which contributes to the death of humanity and the destruction of our natural resources. Big Agriculture is killing human beings, ruining our farmlands, and proves out the failure of “big” anything. Facilitating individuals to own and operate farms reinforces public trust and gives the people a sense of pride. Free market is based on pragmatism, and from what I have found, most religious scriptures are simply metaphorical stories that can be passed down for practical society building. So team building over cultural and religions demographics gets much easier with ASU.

Jesus reconciled his apparent duality regarding money matters as the inseparable precepts of self and consenting governance: Our human state of being depends upon good circulation; a double sided coin in the palm of our hands, established value, capable of exchanging between one another. So proving ultimately yes, we are indeed our brother’s keeper. AND as the coin also represents the source of knowledge and the purpose for knowledge applied, also two sides of the same coin, what now, do we go on to kill, steal and destroy ourselves? So now you have impetus to accredit Regeneration Model, ascertain my ethical projects as valid and capable and get behind me. If you are agnostic, or atheist, simply place a quarter in your hand on one side write “I” and on the other “Thirst”. If you still want to invest in ITIL shareholder value fraud, you have proven yourself a complete imbecile, and to the world, incapable of societal leadership.

David Campbell Founder of Regeneration Model, Originator of the Aquarian Sage University Global Project

Medicine Man Nicholas Black Elk. His Son Benjamin known as the 5th Face of Mt. Rushmore

Holy Man, Nicholas Black Elk of the Oglala Lakota Circa 1937
Image Retrieved March 22, 2023 from
Nicholas Black Elk. Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center. (2022, April 28). Retrieved March 23, 2023, from 

Will Bravery Restore America? Or will Kleptocracy destroy the Americans like the Native Americans?

What do our farmlands lack more than anything today? Free roaming cattle to provide nutrients to the soil. What do our leaders and our people lack? Training in ethics and regenerative commerce, governance and academic modeling. If our systems are not regenerative, then neither is our free society.

Coming Up in Part 3: Why Anti Heroes Write the most Relatable Common Law and How Aquarians Design/Build ASU, beginning with the Accreditation of Regeneration Model.

Peaceful Aggression of an Anti-Hero; Ronny James Dio Teaches Heavy Metal Wisdom
Jesus as the Holy Diver – Ronny James Dio 2004 Interviewed By Sam Dunn for Documentary Metal: A Headbangers Journey
Ronnie James Dio – The Meaning of Religion: God & the devil 60fps. YouTube. (2020, December 3). Retrieved March 22, 2023, from 

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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