Part 1. Do Stargazers See Great Lakes Landforms Etching Emerging Truths into Aquarian Age Doctrine?

You May Not See Michigan’s Hand Reaching Up
for a Leaping Lizard, but Great Lakes
Landforms Reveal Aquarian Age Metaphor
Image Retrieved on December 16th from

Could Millennia Old Landforms Teach Wisdom as Constellations have for Generations?

If landforms were designed as intergalactic symbols, might a hand reaching for a lizard indicate the dominant species on this planet eats other creatures? As languages emerge from stargazer expressions, shouldn’t an opposed thumb hand positioned between a bird and fish be interpreted as stewardship?

Satellite Photo of Great Lakes Landforms
Image Retrieved December 17, 2022 from×534%20-%20LANDSCAPE.png

Lake Michigan a Fish? Lake Huron a Dove? Erie and Ontario Feet? Superior Faces; Dog and Child?

Ecological balance between fish and fowl require the stewardship of human hands. The introduction of the Snakehead, an invasive species of fish from Malaysia, and the US fisheries ongoing decimation of the Double Crested Cormorant, a deep diving waterfowl, reveal indifference toward our duty of stewardship.

A Young Boy Hunched Down, Arms Around
Invisible Knees, Feet Pointed
Forward, Anticipates the Sunrise
Image Retrieved December 17, 2022 from

Eager to Learn? Mouth Agape in Wonder, Pointy Ear, Squinty Eye and a Left Foot Inching Forward?

Would today’s scholars link societal decay to inadequate education? Metaphors passed through stories over time generated law for our ever-emerging society of eight billion, yet today the Bible’s 1611 KJV Yad by day* meaning of evening and mourning hide in plain sight as do the Great Lakes landforms.

* Yad by day is the author conveying the use of wordplay in the common phrase day by day. A Yad is a Torah teaching instrument used for pointing.

Wood Cut Map of Great Lakes Includes Lake Nipigon Emerging Like an Egg From Lake Superior
Image Retrieved December 18, 2022 from

What’s that? Oh My God (OMG) a Hand Making a Bird, Biting a Foot? What? How Many Hands?

To mimic the shapes of the Great Lakes landforms, knowledge of sign language is not required. Deriving meanings from hands, you could relate the dove to Noah, Revelation’s Leviathan to a Great Fish that swallowed Jonah, or Jacob’s hand grabbing Esau’s heal. Still, motion with hands create winds of change.

…Habakkuk 3:4 KJV: And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power. I interpret this verse to mean illumination of the Christ, the Son of God, the heir to the throne of heaven, the children of earth yet to be. When we take an ink horn (pen or keyboard) in our hands to mold the common law to protect our children, we are demonstrating the regenerative power of the cosmos and the incremental understanding of the void.

Dave Campbell Interpreting Habakuk’s metaphorical description of developing common law
Two Hands Obvious, How Many More Of These Lands and Lakes Can You Form With Your Hands? Placed On a Scale, Which Hand Do You Value More? Should Your Hands Reveal To You That You are The Great Lakes Walking About in Perfected Balance? Image retrieved December 18, 2022 from

Dog Shadow Gazes at Salt Flats, Dove Dives Into a Child’s Belly and Horned Hand Spins DNA Tales?

Superior’s Janus; SW facing shadowy wolf, NW facing sunlit child share a yoke of iron in the shape of an evolving hare? A right foot rests beneath a gracious palm up-right hand; the left foot, toe lighting, restrained by a left hand mimicking another face? Are landforms depicting human space/time reality?

…Matthew 11:3 KJV “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”, is a phrase of Jesus I interpret thusly: it’s my responsibility to teach and model peaceful human society through ethical project development in commerce, governance and academia, using both time honored and emerging ethical best practices for outcomes that are well known to yield regeneration of society and common law.

David Campbell interpreting Jesus Christ’s allegorical yoke of leadership

Coming Up In Part 2: 88 Constellations & the Origins of Noah, Jonah and Jesus and the Constitution Prepared the US Aquarians for the Doctrine of Self Governance within a Consenting Governed

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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