The Lord’s Prayer to Acquire Eons: Our Father (Witch Art in Heaven)… an Aquarian American Decodes Aquarius and finds Our Antichrist is the Regenerative Force behind Common Law: A mere icon, anyone who becomes Aware I can, becomes the Personified Wisdom of Paradox; A-query-un answered, yet Rather Discovered. Our Key to the Aquarian Age design/build; 5d to 3d Turn & Burn, ever Living for the Regeneration of Reality, Hour Kids and tHeir Dreams Yet to be Discovered

From Stargazers Interpretation of Cosmic Patterns, to Writing on Stones, to the Lord’s Prayer, to Decoding the Body’s Natural Language of Etching in DNA, to Creeds and Constitutions Signed into Law; all Such Codex, cosmic, natural or man-made, is Designed to Regenerate Life Giving Outcomes and thereby Develop a Public Trust based Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Economy for the same purpose: Regenerating Common Law and Children with the Capability to facilitate the Discovery of Needed Resources. Perpetuating the full meaning of Life Requires People Capable of Asking and Answering QUESTIONS and ASCERTAINING and RECORDING REFERENCES, Expressing Truths based on those EXPRESSED REFERENCES to RELIABLY Access some RESOURCE, and find the Yet to be Discovered Resources. This is the Pattern we have followed perhaps unwittingly until now. For True Consenting Governed Leaders that means Facilitating Design/Build Projects that are Ethical and Profitable, that also nurture the Greatest Resource: HUMAN BEINGS. I’m on it.

US President Hopeful Dave Campbell Reassures Citizens His Strategies Promote the Public Trust

Campbell, D. (2023, August 30). Global Dave🌐in worm lord unplugs the AI money monster a production all rights preserved. YouTube. Retrieved August 30, 2023

You Choose: Honest Strategist who Serves American Citizens OR Oath Breaking Digital Tyrants, the Modern Day Financial Terrorists, who serve Billionaire Nobles

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is proving to be a far cry from generating public trust, and also to be no such thing as a regenerative codex. Instead, AI is rapidly proving to be a hyperbolic tool used by digital tyrants who seek to destroy public trust and criminally profit from our Constitutionally protected GDP Economy.

Ancient Writing Depicts the Character of Evil vs Wise Leadership

13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.

14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

James 3:13 – 18 KJV

Artificial Intelligence Icons are Billionaires by Strategy of Criminal Intelligence Operatives, not by Truth

AI technology has revealed potential for human benefit, but instead of a benefit, has rather become a buzz word among the shareholder value tyrants to hype AI investment to the detriment of truth, ethics and human life.

AI Legislation Obfuscation

AI is now cleverly being used in the legislative process. Because AI is incapable of yielding humanly verifiable reference, the only possible use AI could have in legislation is to hide financially related criminal acts. To hide and then to add yet another layer of separation between culpability for identifiable crimes and the restorative power of applied justice.

AI Is not Human, it is Programmable Machinery, Has no Needs, so Has no Moral Conscience

AI is not dependent upon air, fresh water, needs no food, nor reproduction; so it is programmable: and if programmable, then programmable by criminals to meet criminal objectives. For example; hiding the actual payouts of US tax payer dollars in trillion dollar spending bills to corrupt government and commercial leadership.

Here is the Crime, and How the Systemic Act is Carried Out, and AI’s Proposed Role as Cover Up

Americans Have Been Duped, Our Public Trust stemming from the Moral Responsibility we obtained by Training, to Love and Honor our Neighbors and Protect one another’s Property, is Being Tested during this Tyrant Billionaire Boom. Old Friends are Forgetting America and Destroying the USA through Fraudulent Digital and Blood Money Investments Laundered Systemically Through Once Legitimate US Financial Systems

The majority of us are still reeling from the overwhelming propaganda of “new normal” changes packaged and then thrust upon us by successive criminal intelligence and operations conducted on US soil beginning most noticeably in 2016 and climaxing in 2020.

Journalism Exposes Transnational Kleptocracy

Thanks to brave journalists such as Tom Burgis, author of KLEPTOPIA: How Dirty Money Is Conquering the World, some of our loyal citizens are coming up to speed on the crime of Transnational Kleptocracy, and realize we are still strong enough to defeat it.

People are Still Being Blinded by Easy Money at the Expense of Public Trust

Unfortunately, others are so heavily invested in what they now know to be a fraudulent financial and stock system, they are embarrassed or even perhaps criminally culpable by the insidious and strategic design of systemic grand collusion. USA citizens AND leaders were simply unaware of the extent of the systemic fraud, until now. Reconciliation for the unwitting and punishment for criminals is now part of this extremely confusing equation that We the People must solve through ethical best practices to avoid ongoing damage.

Upholding the Constitution, Respecting the Consenting Governed Freedoms with Ethics

Armed with awareness and our identity as a consenting governed authority by US citizenship, We the People are eager to uphold ethical best practices, upon which, our consenting governed citizenship flourishes. We are ready to identify the crimes and prosecute the criminals based on our honesty; favorably learned from Ten Commandments originally written on two tablets of stone.

Rosetta Stone Decoded Egyptian Hieroglyphics that once Perpetuated Ancient Society; Historic Evidence of Leadership Moving Society Forward Through Established References

The Rosetta Stone and what it actually says with Ilona Regulski: Curator’s corner S7 EP6. YouTube. (2022, October 13). Retrieved August 30, 2023

Our Greatest Hope in the USA is that Leaders Repent and Recognize the Truth that Historically, No Society that Uses Force Against its People has Ever Survived the Corruption

As we learned from the AIG Scandal, not even the “smartest guys in the room” using cleverly crafted financial instruments were capable of concealing the detrimental outcomes of fraud. As a nation, we trusted the writers of the SOX Act to have addressed the fraud, but in fact, SOX Act along with ITIL management and criminal intelligence instead created a far more insidious form of systemic looting; through the act of quarterly reporting and for outfitting corporations with adequate reporting systems.

Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire. Taxation Without Representation Goes Systemic

The forcing of corporate investment on IT to meet government quarterly reporting regulations was obviously part of the plan to escalate the burgeoning US IT market and then systematically steer competitors out of other markets. Clearly, the SOX Act was designed for systemic looting. ITIL originated, you guessed it, from the UK. Old tyrants die hard, but greed of US Leaders is a growing epidemic.

Global Digital Tyranny Scandal has made We the People Culpable by Citizenship, our Taxes Now Fuel International Crime and Acts of Terror on US Soil

By creating a systemic closed loop using criminal intelligence the USA is now a major participant in a globally known transnational dirty money conglomerate who steer markets and create war. We the People, simply by using the financial and banking system, are participating in blood money laundering by default.

WTF is Going On? Impacts of Digital Tyrant Beat Down is Wearing Out the Spirit of the USA

The USA is suffering the successive loss of GDP and the stifling oppression of domestic financial terrorism. Outcomes designed to steal from the USA and other nations, strategically planned by “smart guys” or “masterminds” are now unraveling what is likely to be named the Global Digital Tyranny scandal.

Simply Stated, Corruption Cuts Off the Systemic Public Trust that Builds our systemic GDP. Scandals, Cover ups and the inevitable Devaluation of the People Follows, Then Loss of Economic Gains, Economic Crash, Then Forced Labor, Then Rebellion, Then Wars; A kind of Corporate Governance Terrorism that we are Paying for to our Detriment

Many of our “blessed” neighbors are enjoying their sudden wealth at our expense from FRAUDULENT IT STOCK. 100 years ago, a CEO was a business founder, a person of character, who built the GDP by ethically meeting needs of the public market. These founders, once seen as honorable and benevolent community leaders, have misappropriated leadership through criminal intelligence and shareholder value fraud: now criminal actors in the closed loop corporate schema: abusing academically correct titles of COO, CFO CIO, and CTO.

Crime Replaces Ethical Best Practices in Modern Closed Loop Commerce

Instead, many act as the corporate board’s hit men destroying old business and then selling them off, leaving communities devastated. The best practices that were formed to ethically meet market demands, are deemed “aberrant” in the closed loop schema, which by information technology directives feed the shareholder value nobility, stealing much needed investment away from the needs of We the People.

USA was Born 247 Years ago. We are Young, We See What is Happening and We call on Our Leaders to HALT their Grand Collusion Immediately

The Need for Upgrading Ethical Doctrines in Commerce, Governance and Academia

Let’s face it, America, religious leadership has failed. Getting out of debt or creating a legacy through investment has replaced basic teachings on ethics and servant leadership. The prize of a million or billion dollars in the estate is the goal for the up and coming righteous and blessed and God’s own chosen professionals thanks to warped prosperity doctrines. The rest of us… “left behind”?

Abandonment of Civic Responsibility for the Glory of Increasingly Valueless Digital Readouts

The hope for promised ethical reforms to take hold from the outcomes of legacy hyped prosperity coming to these new millionaires is clearly lost in exchange for tax free investments and buy and sell schemes that allow for control rather than for stewardship of growing profitable businesses.

Self Made Legacy Billionaire Super Christians are Frauds Molded by Oligarchs and Criminal Intelligence

So the service of developing industry or gainful employment as a means of building the GDP is traded for the look at me, I am a super christian who writes books and goes on speaking tours! Not equating the very fact that he or she has essentially just proved out the Digital Tyrant model, not the Kingdom of God. Pride in digital numeric readout and a pew with your name on it has replaced the good sense of developing and managing the source of wealth: We the People.

Along with the Madness of Digital Numeric Fixation, Entitlement is a Character Affliction of Elitists

As prosperity in leadership spurs greed, its bedfellow, gross devaluation of the very people who created the wealth, with all the lazy bashing entitlement rhetoric that goes with it, became the teaching of the “faithful”. The very insult of entitlement that is leveled at the poor, is actually the most apparent infection of the super elite.

The Progressive Signs of Elitist Entitlement on the Population. The Evil Outcomes of No Taxes for Me Sentiment

Financial instruments replace the hoe and tractor, insurance replaces financial institutions and finally the foundation and family trust replaces any connection to work or the need for creative industry. The closed loop of greed forces out the creativity and nurture of human enterprise. Corruption and war follow.

I Propose to Solve these Common Moral Issues by Leveraging the Global Power and Identity of Aquarian Age with the Founding of Aquarian Sage University: a Global Outreach, with Campuses in Every Continent and Affiliation with all Universities, where Human Nurture becomes Common Law

By creating a movement that identifies all People as one common blood, with Human Nurture as the Primary Common Law, under the banner of Aquarius, I will attain Global recognition as a leader for peace and prosperity, rejecting the stupidity of greed that has resulted in the loss of hundreds of years of economic value chains and the brutal murdering that accompanies historical elite citizen thefts.

The Outcomes of Imperialism, Monarchs, Oligarchies, Elitism etc. is Slavery, Terror and Systemic Theft

The historical character of elitists in any society is plagued with murder and brutal acts of terror. Why it is people are drawn to inherit such power without moral conviction, a 100% Rate of failure? The pattern indicates a recruiting strategy. As Dire Straits Sings, Money for Nothing and Chicks or Free, would certainly fit the Criminal Banking Model. How better to hide that model than by duping actors and bright young Harvard drop outs, into presenting themselves as innovators, or public champions who when bankrolled by elites, appear to have struck it big as though they were iconic change agents or benevolent commercial leaders? In the end, these icons become the fall guys for the real criminals who secretly plot against the consenting governed.

Dave Campbell Founder of Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust and Four Tier Accounting Projects

Original, Authentic and Globally Verifiable Expression

Stargazing precedes all languages, laws and super powers. Astrology is a common language to every nation. The discovery I made called Regeneration Model began taking shape in October of 1997. I have since published the Regeneration Model Website and looking for accreditation through the Astrological and Academic communities.

An Example of What a Modern Arrogant Criminal Mastermind Looks Like

Arcanum Global is one organization consisting of prior top intelligence administrators of UK and US who apparently put their tax payer earned skills out to the market to serve criminal elites as a one stop shop. Why hide grand collusion operatives when the business model is now accepted by the USA? Well, what these evil clowns are going to find out, is that We the People of the USA do not approve of grand collusion or Transnational Kleptocracy. USA represents a CONSENTING GOVERNED society, where WE THE PEOPLE, not Vladimir the Tyrant, Nor the BUSH Family, Nor the BIDEN Family, hold the AUTHORITY and POWER of the USA. The so called War in the UKRAINE is a GREAT COLLUSION, the BIGGEST MISTAKE the evil tyrant clowns have made. Arcanum Global received the GLOBAL DUNCE award in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and will continue to receive the DUNCE designation as long as they are stupid enough to hang their shingle in public.

Our executive team: Arcanum. Arcanum Global. (2019, January 28).

USA Making Our Stand

No one leader has stood against the criminals of the entire world until the USA was formed 247 years ago. Then, every citizen in the USA stood against the Tyrant. As a US Presidential candidate and Founder of the Aquarian Sage University and as the Founder of Global Bank of the Public Trust, I pledge to clean up the worlds oceans along with the crime, with worker owned and worker managed ethical design build projects.

🇺🇸DAVE ’24 Superior Strategic Intelligence defeats the Grand Collusion Digital Tyranny Model offered by Arcanum Global’s “Masterminds”

I will do this in the AUTHORITY and POWER of a consenting governed USA citizen, and the World will stand together now against the old model of tyranny. USA defeated a Tyrant then, and from now on, USA will regenerate the consenting governed model of freedom, public trust and ethical GDP in all nations. Criminals are going to be global fools, because people all over the globe have assessed the damage and loss caused by criminal Tyrants. Hell, even the tyrants know the power of the USA to attain super power status, and it is not by crime, it is through FREEDOM, FREE MARKETS, ETHICS and PUBLIC TRUST.

How to Get all People given to Ethical Work, Back to Work that Meets the Requirements of Regenerative Work? The USA Needs an Immersion Course in the Individual’s Relationship to Public Trust through Ethical and Profitable Citizenship

I’m amazed that self governance and consenting governance has apparently been replaced with promoting self image by associating with expensive items or digital readouts. People are not making the connection between independence as a function of strong interdependence, or PUBLIC TRUST, as the means of attaining wealth from meeting market demands.

Shareholder Value was Derived from the Abundance of Gross Domestic Product, the Fruit of Public Trust. When Corporations Learned that the Corporations Power to Buy and Sell for Profit Outweighed the Nurturing and Stewarding for Corporation Profit by Meeting Market Demand, the Corporate Boards Began a 30 Year Feeding Frenzy on the Fat of the American Gross Domestic Product Economy and Have not Relented

Shareholder Value become a criminal business model and ultimately became a separate closed loop economy, Meaning it serves the criminals who hide it. Shareholder value profiteering cannot meet the needs of the US public, but instead destroys the public benefit of accumulating societal wealth through grand collusion. Shareholder value feeds directly off the profits of the GDP by systemic fraud.

A 28th Amendment is the Rallying Cry for Remembering our Super Power as US Citizens

To remind the USA consenting governed citizens how powerful our Public Trust and GDP model is to create wealth, I’m introducing a 28th Amendment that places We the People in front of the other three branches of government. We must do this to remind our elected officials that their election was to protect the people from the crime of tyranny, not to facilitate tyrants.

🇺🇸DAVE ’24 offers a Way to Stop the Mobsters and Yet to be Discovered Domestic Terrorists. Leading the People Back to Unity

Rebuilding our identity as a consenting governed requires identifying the corruption but also the required strategy to restore ethical commerce and equal justice. Criminals, especially the self identified super elites, are about to get a wake up call from a sleeping giant: We the People. I’m on it. We will do this together through ethical design build projects.

The Suite of Global Project Concepts include: Musical Theme Parks, Fitness Pavilions, Journalism and Movie Industry, and much more, All WORKER OWNED, ALL MANAGED BY THE PEOPLE

🇺🇸DAVE ’24 pledges to Peacefully, Ethically and PROFITABLY Win the Hearts of the People

In contrast, criminals leaders, no matter what title they hold, represent tremendous ongoing loss to rich families and self exposure to the entire world as the imbeciles who destroy not only public trust and GDP, but also the lives of children, the hope of our future, by financial terrorism, war, genocide and fraud.

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Revelation chapter 17:12-14 KJV

The World is Ready for the Aquarian Age. 🇺🇸DAVE ’24 is here to Lead, and We the People are here to make it happen together: Peacefully, Profitably and Ethically. We the People, Baby!

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About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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