Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 2

How America beats the Horror of the Troglodytes with a Tongue Lashing & Get On to Building Gross Domestic Product with a Little Help from the Antichrist and a Massive Worker Owned, Worker Managed We the People Movement to Win Back Public Trust

Q: Ever Metaphor? A: Know, Sir, I Half Knot. Then You Will Not Get Why the Mayor Can’t Spell Troglodytes

Bone Tomahawk movie clip “Troglodytes.” YouTube. (2016, February 17). https://youtu.be/yrhLB-X9_nc
Retrieved September 14, 2023

How is it that Honorable Public Servants and Commercial Leaders Designated to Uphold Treasured Ethical Best Practices like Just Weights and Measures (the Regulatory Processes Foundational to Public Trust that Energize Our Gross Domestic Product Economy) risk their Careers to become Self Serving Criminals? Are they Duped? How do they not see they are Being Played by Old Money working with Intelligence? In every case, a similar pattern is revealed: the Iconic Idiots become the Fall Guys in yet another not so Secret Scheme

How Does a Pattern of Blatant Grand Collusion get Ignored When the Outcomes are So DAMN OBVIOUS that Hollywood Makes Blockbuster out of the Story Line? Did the USA Really Just Prove Democracy is the Answer to the World for 247 years so we could Repeat the Same Errors?

Digital Tyrants introduced ITIL from the UK and the SOX Act from the USA. The two teamed up and created a fraud shareholder value economy to produce powerful billionaires (Gee, a Nobility, how freaking Obvious!?) Its Game of Thrones in modern times, Its Brave Heart’s Edward the Longshanks, it’s BLAH BLAH BLAH, we KNOW WHAT IT IS. TYRANNY. Are we really just flocks of sheep awaiting slaughter? How do we beat these TYRANTS this go round? Start by reading the rest.

The Game to Devaluing Public Trust Focuses First on Destroying US Leadership Credibility

As these Iconic Idiots yet to be discovered, move up in their administrative careers, how is it that their focus on the source of wealth, public trust, shifts to grand collusion? Could they be hand picked by transnational kleptocracy actors who bankroll schemes? Can that be? Of Course! It’s the same story on repeat. Are key figures being targeted to commit crimes? YES. Is the purpose to destroy public trust? Now you’re getting it. Does he get paid to fail? Hmm

This Just In, Was he Duped? Is the Play from Transnational Kleptocracy Actors to Diminish Public Trust Targeting Our Model of US Consenting Governed Leadership to Make USA Appear to Be a Global Joke?

Is Menendez Being Paid to Take a Public Fall to Weaken Public Trust as Part of a Longstanding Scheme? YouTube. (2023, September 22). Live: NY attorney announces indictment of congressman Robert Menendez. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/live/PKwVGu4COfU?si=MLNtYUlhwrl__e3c Retrieved September 22, 2023

What is the Basic Weakness of the Leaders Targeted by Enemies for Collusion? Clearly its some kind of Mental Disorder; Can We call it Digital Numeric Fixation? Yes; Let’s Call it Digital Numeric Fixation

In Bone Tomahawk, its the upstanding sheriff played by Kurt Russell, who rallies the discordant but few brave men to accompany him across the desert and ascend a mountain to rescue the townspeople that had been taken captive to be eaten by the Troglodytes. To me the movie is analogous of grand colluding leadership, as noted by the Mayor who plays dumb in that he cannot spell the enemies name; an unneeded statement awkwardly implies criminal association. In a town where the industry failed and diminished in tax base and is now being overrun by criminal troglodytes, where did the Mayor get so eager to volunteer the deceased townspeople would receive a proper burial? Was he on the take?

Why Does Society Keep Supporting Criminals? Do we Really Want to End Up Behaving Like Imbeciles?

Until the story reveals the horror of cannibalism, it remains unclear who the Mayor is associated with, but it is perceptible that he somehow benefits financially from from the raids. Its an allegory set in a horror western telling the same old story of abuse of power. A man on the take from a dangerous enemy, his intelligence essentially handing over the town to be terrorized by brutal murderers. Wow.

Ask Yourself Why the Baby Boomers Continue to Blow Up Generation X, Y and Z? Every time I hear Adult Males Speak of the Generations to Come, They are Accused of Laziness, Lack of Respect, and Playing Video Games. Ever Read the Story of Herod and Baby Jesus? Pharaoh and Moses? Musk and Congo Children? The Devaluation Process from Worthy of Birthday Celebrations and Christmas Presents to Being Relegated to WORTHLESS Drives Down the Human Spirit.

Criminal Leaders Realize People are Easily Enslaved when Their Spirits are Crushed, Hence, in a Commercial workforce where managers educated in ethical best practice are being replaced by demanding sons of Mobsters Demoralization is Rampant and the Spirit of Devaluation is epidemic in the USA. Much Easier to Kill Steal and Destroy from another’s Share of Commonwealth when They are Deemed as Having No Value.

To Capture the Value of People’s Power to Create Wealth Requires Leaders to Provide Dignity for Labor, Hence, the Pact of Consensual Governed Citizenship in the USA Yielded Public Trust and the Fruit of a Gross Domestic Product Economy for 247 Years. A Middle Class is a Super Power Economic Wealth Generator. Where Ethics and Freedom Built the GDP Value Chain, Tyrants seek only to Divide and Sell it

The catch 22 of any society building is the deal made by the people with leaders regarding public trust. Ethical best practices ensure buy in and so a trustworthy regulatory system ensures a prosperous society. It takes years to create a true super power from a people with a strong sense of belief. What could go wrong? Executive, Legislative and Judicial system administrators fall into the same temptation as did every major society that has risen and fallen in the history of humanity. Greed regarding the economic surplus that belongs to the people motivates the schemes of bill writing that births systemic fraud to hide massive public theft using public systems. Here is latest scheme, the EV or Green Economy, shamelessly promoted by incomplete data, unsupported by public infrastructure and yet imposed on US citizens by the incessant use of sentiment driven propaganda:

Conditioned Belief: the EV Market Steering Tyrants Imagine We the People are Stupid Enough to Drive without our Hands on the Wheel. Like GMC, Ford Motor Company’s Hands Free Commercial is a Mockery of the Authority of Consenting Governed US Citizens. The Hands Off Propaganda Smacks of Irresponsible and Ill Conceived Use of Data and Technology and further Openly Displays to the World the Systemic Fraudulent Use of Public Resources; Subsidies Designated for National Security and Public Safety are Shamelessly Creating a Billionaire Nobility that Clearly Indicates Imperialism

Hands Free or Hands Off? Tax Payer Subsidies are Steering the False Profits of the EV Economy Ford BlueCruise: Hands-free highway driving: Official ford YouTube channel. YouTube. (2023a, February 3). https://youtu.be/IyQTxPLapDo Retrieved September 28, 2023

Taking Our Public Trustworthy Hands Off Our Economy? EV is a Lie and its Destroying the GDP

The above EV propaganda represents monumental example of failure by Digital Numeric Fixation delusion. When arrogant criminal “Masterminds” spin stories to force public sentiment and thereby acquire government subsidies to address the problems we all face. The sentiment gets stirred up to violence, the images of civic outrage on the evening news, with appearance of notable authority figures aghast with emotion, justify rapid meetings to pass trillion dollar spending bills, and it all follows a nearly perfected business model of systemic fraud to hide blood money, steal public funds and give the taxpayers terror in return. Except we all see through the bull shit now. Its an old script.

GMC and Ford’s Pathetic and Criminal(?) Blunders Open the Door for New Blood. Let’s US Build Our Own Engines, Cars, Trucks and Heavy Equipment: here’s How We the People Own and Manage our Own, Ethical Corporations: Introducing Michigan Knowledge Exchange and the Spinning Engine

Thomas Jefferson Worried About Corporations Destroying the USA, Theodore Roosevelt Dismantled Corporations, and Once Again We the People are Dog Fighting Digital Tyrants

Worshiping mammon instead of jesus. TXAB: The Christ Almighty Blog. (n.d.). https://www.christalmighty.net/2015/11/mammon.html Retrieved September 22, 2023

Removing In God We Trust the Same as Destroying the Public Trust. By Allowing a Digital Tyrant to Develop an Alternative Economy, We the People are Subject to Brutality. Without In God We Trust, which is Public Trust, the Brutal Tyrants of 247 years ago Return to Destroy our Freedom of Speech, Free Markets, and National Security

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Gospel of Matthew Chapter 6 vs 24 King James Version Holy Bible

Mammon is the Digital Tyrant Ramming Immorality, Acts of Terror and Financial Ruin Down the Throats of We the People. Silicone Valley Elites, Russian Oligarchs and Corrupt US Government and Commercial Leaders have Teamed up to Attempt Perfecting Systemic Fraud through Subsidies and the Sox Act, ITIL, EV and AI Shareholder Value Economy Fraud to Force the USA Consenting Governed into Loss of Sovereignty, Loss of Property and Loss of Gross Domestic Product and Loss of Personal Freedoms. Imagine your Nickle Soon Looking Like This:

Without Any Backup From the Corrupt Mayor, a Brutal Troglodyte Forces a Dinosaur Bone Down the Sheriff’s Throat The star-studded “Bone tomahawk” | horror amino. (n.d.). https://aminoapps.com/c/horror/page/blog/the-star-studded-bone-tomahawk/RrRF_wu1gLdRl02exgM2MZ8ePLrYbPx

The Power of Tyranny over Society was Broken 247 Years Ago; We Won our Freedom as a Nation, and now It is within the Power of Our Mouths and Hands to Ethically and Peacefully Restore the Identity of We the People to the Authority of a Consenting Governed Society Here is the First Step to Ousting the Tyrants, the Foreign and Domestic Enemy of We the People who seek to Oppress the USA

In story telling, Antichrist Archetypes help to convey the message that evil can be avoided. We examine our behavior and correct it through good story telling and even scary movies. As the evil troglodytes bring the horrors of tyranny, so Common Law is written from the power of evil to be avoided. Let’s write our own story, USA. Time to cross the desert, go up the mountain and take care of the business of FREEDOM:

Coming Up in Part 3:

Oath Takers become Oath Breakers and the Culpability of Systemic Fraud Coming Full Circle in the USA

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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