Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 1

How America beats the Horror of Super Elite Troglodytes with a Tongue Lashing & Get On to Building Gross Domestic Product with a Little Help from the Antichrist and a 28th Constitutional Amendment

Martin Sheen Stalks the Antichrist Archetype Marlin Brando in Apocalypse Now

Watch the trailer for Apocalypse now: Final cut. YouTube. (2019, August 9). https://youtu.be/f7eEPuFffSs?t=101 Retrieved September 13, 2023

Well, Obviously Dave, We the People Prefer THE HORROR to Remain in the Movies, Besides, that’s NOT Going to Happen in the USA. Oh Really? What if the USA’s Strategy to Avoid an Antichrist Apocalypse turned out to be We the People Deterring the Super Elite Criminals and their Grand Collusion by Passing a 28th Amendment that Allows USA to Uphold COMMON LAW? Wouldn’t that Make Antichrist the Driving Force behind Public Trust and Common Law? Wouldn’t that Also Make Story Telling and Free Speech OUR Primary Concern?

The Horror of Tyranny, essentially the use of actionable intelligence to justify crimes that create market dominance under the auspices of national security, is coming to an end for Super Elites. 2023 marks the year our world leaders recognize the impossible sustainability of escaping the detriments of grand collusion, and begin to desire the inevitable path of ethical best practices and Global Common Law.

We the People & Our Consenting Governed Provision of Free Markets by US Constitution Goes Global

US Consenting Governed citizens, along with 8 billion global citizens know full well the damage we all suffer to entertain a tiny percentage of super elite citizens who imagine that public trust is to be taken for granted. The playground bully needs a punch in the nose.

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 2 vs 18 King James Version Holy Bible

Good and Evil, the Everlasting Paradox: Of Story Tellers and Information Technology on Public Trust

Thanks to our movies, mobile phones and our constitutionally protected right to pursue happiness, humans have learned to reject the divine right of kings. We recognize the freedom and justice model of public trust is superior to the closed loop oppression of tyrants, but somehow our leaders (dear God, let’s pray they have not all gone brain dead, but could so many really be on the take?) just can’t seem to honor the ethics that make freedom, liberty and justice possible.

USA Aha Moment Wakes Up the World: J-6 Trials Begin to Flex the Consenting Governed Authority of Common Law to End US Tyranny… BUT Oops, Find the Digital Tyrant has not Only Replaced the Paper and Ink the Laws are Written on with a Digital Memory but are Rapidly Pressing Legislation to Hide Wrong Doing with a Machine called Artificial Intelligence to Keep the Digital Tyrant SAFE

AHA Moment: Veil Ripped In Two. So Breaking Secret Codes Is a Thing? When We the People Wake from Sleeping on our individual duty to uphold Liberty and Justice; It’s Time to Get to Work

And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

John 27 verses 51-53 King James Version Holy Bible

The Paradox of Good and Evil: When Organized Religions Meant to Expose Evil become the Source of Evil, What then? What if We the People, Believing the USA was the Source of Freedom, Suddenly Realize Our Taxes Were Being Misappropriated by Super Elites and used for Drug and Human Trafficking, Money Laundering and Destroying our Free Markets?

The J-6 Committee clearly rent in twain the veil of indifference between We the People toward and our own societal management system in the USA, that is, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government: systems that are sworn by oath to serve the Consenting Governed.

What J-6 Found besides an Insurrection is Leading to Exposing International Grand Collusion (Transnational Kleptocracy) and yet another Impeachment

United States of American is Founded upon Public Trust. A 247 year commitment to uphold the hope of freedom around the world is now being openly and carelessly threatened by a smug, pathetic and minuscule group of temporarily powerful Super Elites. Ticks who secretly latch onto the currency and offer nothing in return but weakness and pain and something like Lyme disease.

Worshiped by Righteous, Influenced by Alligator Shoes, Stolen Art and False Promises of Billions through a Green Economy the Sons of Al Capone are Going to Prison, AGAIN

The parasites grew through the doctrine of brain dead vampires; men who secretly oppose Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt and obviously despise the Consenting Governed, We the People. Criminals who believed themselves entitled through systemic fraud should corrupt entire intelligence agencies, government systems and our three branches of government AND were arrogant enough to believe they would get away with it. WRONG!

Your Tax Dollars?

Lavish Meetups for Subsidy Engorged Ticks at Sea Canales, K. (n.d.-a). Photos show how obsessed the wealthy are with blinged-out superyachts. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/photos-wealthy-superrich-superyachts-obsession-2019-9 Image Retrieved September 15, 2023

Criminal Super Elites, a Band of Secret Society Code Muttering Parasites who Deem themselves Superior to the Public Trust, Finding that Trillion Dollar Spending Bills and Misinformation Campaigns were a Cinch, Decided, “Right, Tally Ho Then” and so On they went with an Attempt to Topple the US Government. They had Embedded Crime Family Members with Transnational Loyalties to Clubs that Mingled in the Wealthiest Circles. But These Imbeciles Overlooked the most POWERFUL FORCE on this Green and Blue Planet: We the People Raised on Faith and Belief in our Country folk and our Leaders. What Else did the Parasitic Criminal Masterminds Forget? The Fact that for over 247 Years, Our Passion for Freedom had Gone GLOBAL. The HUMAN DESIRE for Freedom by PUBLIC TRUST through the USA’s Consenting Government Constitution is WORLD RENOWNED as the SOURCE OF BOTH FREEDOM and JUSTICE and YIELDS Gross Domestic Product that Assures ECONOMIC SUPER POWER through ETHICAL GOVERNMENT. So, try as the Criminal Super Elites May, to Give We the People and Our Oath Abiding Leaders a Bad Reputation, We the People and the World have caught the Rotten Stench Coming From Super Yachts and We the People Do NOT APPROVE of those Yet to be Discovered Murderers. The USA Stands United WITH the Citizens of the World under the Most Powerful Force in the Universe, THE COMMON LAW

Interestingly, the prize the Super Elites thought they had gained from meticulously hiding a market steering strategy that brought step by step control over the US Markets has made them all punch drunk by years of systemic fraud. The lazy children of criminal elites got sloppy, and pressed on in confidence with no thought of the common law, but to continue to bend it to access more of the peoples wealth.

The People of the USA and the World to the Super Elites: SHOW ME A COIN, DUMB ASS

There is no more blaming nations by name for the fake wars imposed on unwitting citizens to gain mining rights by the money hungry Super Elites. These arrogant criminals have completely exhausted the Public Trust and by so doing, completely exposed themselves as the source of our global collective detriment. Collapsing global economy is a sure way to expose the most obvious source of corruption, those idiots that hold the bag, who love to see the numeric readout of Trillion, Billion and Million, and yet they have no idea what to do with the English Alphanumeric System that is designed to bring life and prosperity to all human beings, not our destruction. Again, clearly religious, academic, governance and commercial leaders of our time are demonstrating gross incompetence on an individual level as citizens, and on a societal level as leaders. Now the World is Blowing the Whistle and the criminals handed them the whistle: starvation, poverty and devaluation of human life. Bravo!

Criminals, even those Graduates from Ivy League Schools, Never Learn

Using terms like SUBSIDY and FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS they seem to think they can buy more money with fraudulent instruments, depleting the value of the GDP and so straining their source of ill gotten gain. Turning on their own people they use force and rage to frighten people and terror acts to confuse and weaken our society. Instead of nurturing the source of the wealth by investing in the PUBLIC TRUST.

They Should Have Left the USA Alone, but they Just Couldn’t Stop Imagining More Digits

The wealth gap they have created, between USA and Super Criminals is going to take a great deal of explanation. No honorable military on this earth, will provide service to these open and arrogant enemies who have shown no regard to soldiers and who mow down civilians in genocide for access to minerals. These idiot criminals and those who abandoned the oath of service to steal the taxes from the PUBLIC TRUST, EXPOSED THEMSELVES and have earned GLOBAL DISRESPECT.

Not Our Fault? Not Hardly. We are Culpable, but I have a Plan to Create Wealth through Ethical Ownership, so Read on…

The small percentage of criminal Super Elites and those who broke the oath of service in government, does not make our government and commerce all bad, but by corrupting our systems, made all of us culpable. Why? This is our government, we are a consenting governed and it is our responsibility to fix this mess.

Authority to Govern the USA is in the Hands of the US Citizens, We are a Consenting Governed

I propose the 28th Amendment, a Global Bank, a Four Tier Accounting System and a Massive Worker Owned, Worker Managed ETHICAL design build project movement.

Accounting is a Systematic Function of Justice, not the Result of Digital Numeric Fixation

The Super Elites failed to account for the dwindling values of their inflated digital readouts, and the most ridiculous blunder of all, that illegal development of the shareholder value economy, mainly enforced by corrupted money grubbing commercial contractors, simply can no longer hide theft from the USA or the Global Gross Domestic Product, from which this group of “intelligence masterminds” have been stealing for years. These idiots are now at the mercy of the very populations and governments they have so arrogantly and shamelessly stolen from. Again, I have an answer to save them, and all of us from a global disaster that results from sudden rush on devalued funds and worse a devalued global citizenry by a hand full of knuckle heads who ride around an luxury yachts as if we do not know who they are.

And so the Power of Antichrist is the Knowledge and Restraint of What NOT TO DO

History will undoubtedly see the failed attempt by Transnational Super Elites to topple the US Government as a stupid blunder motivated by systemic driven digital numeric fixation. Hence Digital Tyrants outdid themselves, and history yet again shows human kind the power of their own Antichrist.

Coming Up in Part 2: A look at the Insidious Devaluation Rhetoric of Super Elites, and How the Backfire Ultimately Works to Expose the Arrogant Idiots who Love Money more than the People

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About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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