Part 2 … Spinning Tall Tales, Landform Metaphors Take Orbit and How Aquarian Age Ethical Outcomes Emerge from the Doctrine of Our Hands

What if the Legend of Jonah and the Whale was a Metaphor for Cetus Swallowing Ophiuchus?
Jonah by David Hinds mage retrieved December 24, 2022

Our Father Which Art In Heaven… In Heaven in Anagram? Nineveh; Where a Seer Sounds a Red Alert

Beautiful art can be interpreted many witch ways by the beholder and yet riddles exchanged between kings specify conditions of peace. Do you see a seer pointing to a tale? I see the tall tail, a dove, and Taurus; layers of doctrine, a harbinger to elude oppression atop the spewing wail of a nauseous society.

…. Jonah 1:6 KJV “So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.” From the Old Testament Jonah to New Testament Jesus, stormy seas and sleeping saviors depict the evolution of Christ consciousness; Jesus did not need to get swallowed by a whale, the whale was the cry of humanity for peace. Jonah’s story had taught Jesus; humans are the authors of common law, whereby Jesus asserted all power was given to him in heaven and earth. This same power of stewardship of the earth was granted by God to Adam and Eve.

…Matthew 8:25 And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” Where rulers have succeeded in hiding the power of stewardship that belongs to the people, the Aquarian Age, through knowledge of astrology will awaken this power. What power? The power to craft our own laws, ensuring that global law reflects self governance within consenting governed, free societies.

David Campbell interprets the change from Jonah to Jesus regarding self and consenting governed leadership
Ophiuchus is the 13th Constellation of the Zodiac
Image Retrieved on December 18, 2022 from

The Cosmic Snake Bearer Spins Tails of Cosmic Expansion, Weaving DNA and Self Expression

The winding serpent passing between the thighs; a metaphor for freedom and justice, managing society and foretelling of grace in leadership? Grasping a serpent is clearly preferable to being restrained by ropes. Ophiuchus represents the regenerative nature of reality; balancing individual desire and society.

Cetus among many constellations used to tell the story of humanity in relation to the Cosmic patterns once hidden in the stars

A Great Fish Makes Us Fishers of Men? What Exactly, is a Fissure of Men? A Wise Person

Society only thrives with laws that allow freedom to ask questions and freedom to express new answers that may oppose societal norms. All current expressions are built on the emerging truths of previous generations. Cetus swallowing Ophiuchus is this author’s metaphor for original expression; desire.

Revelation 3:16 KJV: So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Traditionally this verse is interpreted to depict unfit believers. Read more carefully, it is a one line directive from God that Jesus (a god/man) successfully upgraded the judgment of the Old Testament to the eternal judgment of the New Testament. Saved by the grace of God, Jonah was vomited out of the great fish’s mouth.

…Matthew 12:41, KJV: The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. Jesus stated he was greater than Jonah, a fissure (divider, capable of discernment and wisdom so also a uniter) of men. A prophet, because he successfully challenged the traditional interpretation of prophet and made us all prophets; all of us are capable of thinking, dividing the situations we face and in most instances we all come up short. Sometimes we run from responsibility like Jonah did, and metaphorically, we get swallowed by the great fish (current societal norms) of our culture, until we are so tired of the stinky dead fish (bad policy) we got into, we finally like Jonah, ask God for help. We do not take on the teaching of Jesus to condemn others, but to free the lives of people from oppression through teaching time honored truths and emerging truths we obtain by inspiration, exploration and validation.

Matthew 28:18 KJV: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. This is clearly a proclamation of self governance. The US Constitution affords us the same power, declaring that we are consenting governed by virtue of our citizenship, so we decide who has leadership over us. In exchange for this freedom, we obey the laws of the land, and the leaders appointed over us.

…Authoritative Branch 28th Amendment: Dave Campbell promotes the concept of adding a fourth branch of government, the Authoritative Branch, to precede the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, making it clear the three branches consist of consenting governed citizens; equal to the common people elected; our appointed leaders have taken an oath to serve.

Dave Campbell quotes God and Jesus from the King James Version of the Holy Bible – ex: cites his 28th Amendment draft
As Above So Below
Image retrieved December 17, 2022 from

2023 The Most Powerful Message of Astrology No Longer Understated: Expression is Regenerative

The difficulty with Authority is managing loss. Cowardly leaders prefer fearful hoarding or selling assets to elevate monetary status instead of investments in ethical best practices. Public trust is USA’s recipe for economic superpower. Emerging truths that form best practices all originate from curious stargazers.

Lake Nipigon; an Akashic Egg Hatching Ever Emerging Common Law, atop Lake Superior?

Lake Superior Faces Past Memory and Future Thought; Oden’s Ravens
Birth Present Day Reality All Regenerated by Nipigon’s Akashic Egg
Image Retrieved December 24, 2022 from,Crop,Jpeg/resize_w/600/crop_w/600/crop_h/400/crop_x/0/crop_y/0/jpeg_q/70

The Great Lakes Landforms Illustrate Spinning the Tale of the Human State of Being; Akashic Record

An old adage, one step forward, two steps back can now be seen as cosmic family planning. If we spin our above graphic clockwise, child ever moves forward as dove’s still small voice provides gut instinct. Wolf casts a shadow, assimilating resources with whatever works as leviathan feeds off emerging truths.

Coming up in part 3: Now, imagine this linear landform represented in 3D. See the circuits of rainfall, the day by day rising and setting sun, etc. Now envision a 5D plane where you are standing and gazing from four quadrants. Do you see what I see? Can you see arcs and angles of energy interacting with the light and mist and dust and wind, fluctuation of power interacting with heat and cold, with living creatures, plants and manmade structures all informing and forming energetic… And how do you imagine any part of our reality is random, when eventually we prove everything out in the 3D? Part 3 TBD based on your comments… to be honest with you, part 3D in the Aquarian Age will be completely up to us. Find out the how by reading my blogs. lol – Dave

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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