2024 Humanity Becomes the Global Authority

Public Trust our Power, Gross Domestic Product our Responsibility and Human Nurture our Accountability. Why? Because We the People 8 Billion Strong Say So

Whether Jesus Christ is just a story or not, the impacts of recorded history most cleverly provide the impetus for human nurture, which in the next iteration of global common law, becomes the primary directive.

Aquarius Star

The Aquarius Tapestry Nirvana Threads. “The Aquarius Star Tapestry.” Nirvana Threads, nirvanathreads.com/products/aquarius-tarot-tapestry?variant=37431301734563&currency=USD&utm_medium=smart_campaign&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-09-16&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZkNrbxeDRqeIemPveLEFvw54PzKvgAkdfXnJ44y6VTXoMmiWw0ebrxoC-xUQAvD_BwE44y6VTXoMmiWw0ebrxoC-xUQAvD_BwE. Accessed 21 Nov. 2023. 

Jesus Introduces the Disciples to Aquarius, the 11th House of Astrology

10 And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.

11 And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?

12 And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready.

King James Version Holy Bible Gospel of Luke 22 vs 10, 11, 12

Human Beings Derive Agreement from Proven Reference. We Depend on Truth to Create Free Market Value Chains. No? Then how did the disciples find the city, the man with a pitcher, and know to follow? Common Reference Yields Organized Interdependence as Humans Learn to Agree to Obtain Favorable Outcomes as our Individual to Interdependent Societal Dynamic Clearly Models

As I make it perfectly clear in Regeneration Model, human beings are the source of truth and truths are the common references that provide for society. Common sense indicates that emerging truths sourced only from human beings make people the most valuable resource on the planet.

Satisfying Human Desire Against the Challenge of Accessing Resources by Creative Means Yields the Compelling Need for Ever Emerging Truths

Artificial Intelligence has NO NEED, NO DESIRE and IS NOT CREATIVE, so AI represents REDUNDANT LOSS against accessing vital resources, whereas human beings prove to be the key to creative solutions and developing new markets that meet societal needs.

Leaders Creating Markets for AI, Quantum Computing and ITIL Systems Reporting Represent Closed Loop Management and Grand Collusion because these Markets Do Not Serve the Consenting Governed Consumers Needs; Instead this Criminal Business Model serves as a System to Expedite Quarterly Reporting, Primarily Benefitting an Emerging Billionaire Shareholder Value Economy (SVE)

This SVE Closed Loop creates a demand for upgraded systems continually, to the benefit of IT Corporations and Government Reporting, thus a Systemic Grand Collusion is now a “new normal”. Can you see that although these ITIL systems benefit shareholders, the investments do not Increase the gross domestic product economy, but rather steal from the GDP; Steal from the US Taxpayers?

Compare and Contrast the Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy and Legitimate GDP and You Will Asses Taxation without Representation – The Treasonous Collusion of US Digital Tyranny

ITIL Systems Investments and Sox Act Reporting is a Criminal Business Model because it effectively creates a Closed Loop Market primarily serving shareholder value, thus creating new millionaires and billionaires at the expense of tax payers and disregard to our rights to an ethical free market system.

Creating ITIL Management to replace Ethical Best Practices and to Eliminate Academic Progress in favor of an Automated Zero Accountability Methodology is an Attempt to Perfect Systems Fraud and so, Systemic Grand Collusion

As both Government and Corporations continue to invest and upgrade ITIL Systems, a shareholder value increases in what is NOT PROFITABLE for the consenting governed citizens. This is systemic fraud.

Government Subsidies add Injury to Insult. Digital Tyrants not Only Do Not Like to Pay Taxes, they Use Our Money to Launder Dirty Money, Our Systems to Integrate Blood Money and leverage our Public Trust in our Constitution to Defraud us of Ethical Leadership

Bill Writing By the People, For the People is Now on the Docket for the USA

Do you know what is in a Trillion Dollar Spending Bill? Can you guess now where our tax payer dollars are going? Had Enough?

The USA become a Super Power exactly because public trust was leveraged to accelerate gross domestic product. So public trust is not only the key to accelerating society, it is the obvious key to developing common law and applying common references to commerce, governance and academia.

Knowledge Comes from Human Beings and it is Applied in Three Main Ways

Knowledge Applied in Three Main Categories: Commerce, Governance and Academia
Knowledge Concept and Image by David Campbell

Turns Out that Christianity Was Promised to Yield Pragmatic Systems Development, Instead, Due to Misrepresentation and Poor Interpretation, it is Presently and Erroneously Being Used as It has for Years in the USA by Tyrants, to Destroy God’s Will, that is, Human Prosperity through Interdependence and Self Governance

Digital Tyranny Leverages Preachers and Holy References to Elevate the US Focus From Humility and Liberty to Financial Freedom and Billion Dollar Legacy at the Expense of the Proper Context of Common Law and Complete Blindness to the Service of Criminal Bankers

Michael Fassbender interview 12 years a slave. YouTube. (2013, October 7). https://youtu.be/4tC5UeUaGvE Retrieved November 22, 2023

The USA Nailed the Doctrine for Government in 1776 with Consenting Governed Authority; The Rejection of Tyrants through the Power of Public Trust and Mutual Benefit through Consensual Governance. We are Now in Line for the Appropriate Upgrade by Way of a 28th Amendment

Instead of realities (Israelites in anagram) being taught in paradox, western society singled out the mastery of words shaping common law not as a construct of society, but instead a force to create lawbreakers in order to have an authoritative upper hand.

Far From Responsible Leadership, the Arrogance and Entitlement of Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand is the Doctrine of Easy Money, Slavery and Tyranny

This answers the question perfectly as to why government job applications offer questionnaires that entice applicants to provide answers that embellish their credentials. And why the body of government employees is afraid to blow a whistle on blatant wrong doing.

Their managers have their asses on paper for having embellished their questionnaires stating they are subject matter experts on the entire range of the questions. If you are not in the top category for hire based off the questionnaire, you get bypassed for an interview. Under penalty of law, your subjective answer is subject to the Government’s interpretation.

Government Employee Coerced after Embellished Credentials Exposed

The Accountant 2016. Warner Brothers. Cynthia Addai- Robinson is Mary-Beth Meredith and J.K. Simmons is Ray King Image Retrieved November 22, 2023 from https://images.app.goo.gl/F8a6WftGHbf5s4TdA

Let’s Get to the Bottom Line: The Authoritative Power of the USA is Based on Consenting Governed Authority of We the People, not the Executive Legislative and Judicial Branches Alone

The authority of the human being as a law writer by birth right is as clear as interpreting God’s Mark on Cain as SENTIENCE.

A Son of God is a theological expression of a created human being capable of expressing voice, written language and developing law that allows for regenerative reality to form in the comfort of a nurturing, peaceful and prosperous society.

By Virtue of the Aquarian Age, Aquarius is now our Global Common Identity

Restore the Cultures and Governments with a Consenting Governed Model Supported by the CONSTITUTION OF THE USA. The 28th Amendment paired with the Regeneration Model discovery, cannot be unseen by 8 billion people EXTREMELY PASSIONATE TO ENJOY THE FREEDOMS known to be withheld from them by MARAUDING IMBECILES who lost control of PERFECTLY SOUND GOVERNMENTS and DESTROYED THEIR FREE MARKETS. 

Let me help you help yourselves. Get busy and pass the word. Don’t be offended, you do not have a better solution, because there is not one to be found


About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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