New Billionaire Part 2. American Aquarian Gut Check: King Charles Unwittingly Decrees a Farewell to Kings; So, #47 POTUS 2B Obliges w 28th Amendment and $15 Trillion USD Knock Out Punch to Imperialism, 247 Yrs Overdue

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! 🇺🇸US DAVE ’24 POTUS Strategy, YouTube’s Cosmic Emperor an Ordinary Average Guy, DECLARES: 247 Years After the USA Defeated Tyranny, We the People’s Consenting Governed Authority will NOT COWER TO DIGITAL TYRANTS God Save the King! LOL Rather, God Save the Face of the King and to Heck with Digital Tyrants! …

New Billionaire? Wow, So Smart Huh? You Can Say Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing? Yes? Will You Have Anything to say about Anti Christ, Aquarius and Dave Campbell becoming the 47th US President? Part 1

Digital Tyranny’s Influx of Imbecilic Billionaires stand Accountable for the Devaluation of Humanity, the Usurping of United States of America Governmental Authority and the Debasing of Common Reference to the Detriment of National Security. The Success of the Digital Tyrant’s Great Reset Strategy has Sparked the Rise of a Dark Horse; an unlikely US Champion; …

Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 3

Oath Takers becoming Oath Breakers. Culpability for Systemic Fraud Comes Full Circle in the USA Right out of the CIA playbook, enemy leaders take advantage of historical precedent. Arrogance yields criminal negligence and ultimately corruptible leaders find themselves turning a blind eye to acts of terror on their countrymen to distract attention away from systemic …

Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 2

How America beats the Horror of the Troglodytes with a Tongue Lashing & Get On to Building Gross Domestic Product with a Little Help from the Antichrist and a Massive Worker Owned, Worker Managed We the People Movement to Win Back Public Trust Q: Ever Metaphor? A: Know, Sir, I Half Knot. Then You Will …

Apocalypse How? Brain Dead Digital Tyrants Lose & Antichrist Wins; World Without End, Amen Part 1

How America beats the Horror of Super Elite Troglodytes with a Tongue Lashing & Get On to Building Gross Domestic Product with a Little Help from the Antichrist and a 28th Constitutional Amendment Martin Sheen Stalks the Antichrist Archetype Marlin Brando in Apocalypse Now Well, Obviously Dave, We the People Prefer THE HORROR to Remain …

The Lord’s Prayer to Acquire Eons: Our Father (Witch Art in Heaven)… an Aquarian American Decodes Aquarius and finds Our Antichrist is the Regenerative Force behind Common Law: A mere icon, anyone who becomes Aware I can, becomes the Personified Wisdom of Paradox; A-query-un answered, yet Rather Discovered. Our Key to the Aquarian Age design/build; 5d to 3d Turn & Burn, ever Living for the Regeneration of Reality, Hour Kids and tHeir Dreams Yet to be Discovered

From Stargazers Interpretation of Cosmic Patterns, to Writing on Stones, to the Lord’s Prayer, to Decoding the Body’s Natural Language of Etching in DNA, to Creeds and Constitutions Signed into Law; all Such Codex, cosmic, natural or man-made, is Designed to Regenerate Life Giving Outcomes and thereby Develop a Public Trust based Gross Domestic Product …

Holy Lightning Balls, Batman! Two US Presidential Hopefuls Running on Truth? Believe it! KENNEDY 2024 and 🇺🇸DAVE ’24

US Presidential Hopeful Dave Campbell Interprets Daniel 2 and Suggests the 2 Ethics Champs Act as a Tag Team to Defend the US Constitution Against Digital Tyranny Crushing IT with Honesty: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Demonstrates Unshakable Resolve to Defend Freedom Weaponization; Latest Term from USA Grand Collusion Occlusion Guide, a Domestic Terrorist Playbook When …

Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 3

ITIL, SOX Act and GDP Establish 3 Points of Reference Explaining Systemic Collusion. A 4th Point of Reference is the SAFE AI Legislation: Where the CIA’s Plausible Deniability attains God Said Status Zero Accountability for Grand Collusion; Digital Tyrant Explains Outcome for SAFE AI Legislation? Dumb Senators Matter Going toe to toe with Senator Schumer …

Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 2

The Great Reset is Digital Tyranny: a Great Devaluation of Humanity and Systemic Looting of the Gross Domestic Product NASA, a Long Time Source of American Inspiration, has been Hijacked by a Fraudulent Shareholder Value Economy. We can easily identify ITIL, a Closed Loop Management Model as the Systemic Source; Accelerating Disconnect Between the American …

Space Time Reality, Truth Travel and Bloody Shoes in a Hyperbolic Space Race Part 1

Unraveling the Mystery of Space Time Begins with Agreed on References, like Bloody Shoes. I was a Bloodshot Eye Witness to the Challenger Explosion in Bloody Boots: Here is What I Saw then and See Now, and What I have done and Plan to do to Prevent more Catastrophic Failures During my Watch Christa McAuliffe …